
December 19th, 2012




Today is the first day in a really long time that I feel like a normal human being. I could take this time to overshare about how horrible and disgusting pregnancy is, but I'm going to spare everyone because it's snowed yesterday and that's far more interesting. I've lived in this area my entire life and I've never seen it snow this far away from the mountains. I'm staying indoors until the snow melts because Californians do not understand weather and even a little bit of rain makes them crazy drivers.

This is me ignoring the horrible dream I had last night about being killed by Voldemort. Namely because this is the first time I've felt sexy since you put this thing inside my belly. You should definitely take advantage of this opportunity.




Half of Stark Industries called in sick yesterday. Unless a nasty case of ebola somehow got lose in Southern California that I don't know about, I'd say it's safe to assume that everyone took a snow day for themselves. The world doesn't stop just because of some snow, people. Come on, we only have to get through until Friday and then everyone gets two weeks off of work. Let's try to be professionals.

Do you remember that red lingerie set you bought for me a while back?




I can't believe it! Does everyone remember all of those shooting stars in the sky from last week? I was convinced that they were meteors full of little fuzzy aliens again headed to Earth, but I had the type of star all wrong. They were wishing stars! Luckily I made a wish on the off chance that I was wrong about the aliens, but it paid off. You're reading the words of Tony Stark's new personal intern! I even get to watch the Hulk's dog for him! Best day ever!




I'm so glad I'm home for this craziness! My little brother just got right up out of his wheelchair yesterday and started walking around. I swear to god I thought I was seeing things like someone had drugged me or something, or too many mush but after an hour or two of him walking I kind of had to accept it. Today is the best day ever I'm so glad I don't have work.

Besides, I'd hate to be working while it's snowing!! We used to get snow back home in England all the time when I was a kid, but this is definitely different. There's even snow down on the beach in the backyard which is completely insane.

Calling all Starks! Mum wants us all over for dinner tonight and I thought maybe after dinner we could go down to the beach and have a snowball fight or something.




I think I had too much to drink last night. Really strange dreams. That's easier to talk about than

I was at a weird School in Scotlaand (thanks, Oliver for infiltrating my subconscious) where they put a talking hat on my head. There was magic everywhere, and I went to sit at the Hufflepuff table. Hufflepuff. What a weird word.




I have so much Christmas Shopping to do.

who all wants a Christmas present? I'm feeling generous.

((Pansy wished for a million dollars, so anyone who comments gets an iPad. XD or pretty much whatever they ask for.))




SNOW! Okay, so I'm a litte late on that one. It's pretty exciting for Me, though, it means I get to try out my new inventions! I've got a heat snow blower that gets too hot for my hands to hold and I've got a couple other things I'm working out the bugs on.

lots of people are coming into the shop to have Chains put on their tires. It's not a bad idea but it's not entirely necessary. If you got 4 wheel drive on your car you probably don't need chains. But I'll be at work 10 hours today, 10 hours tomorrow, 10 hours Friday, and through the weekend to get everyone ready for Christmas. Come and visit me at the shop!





This is what I did with my snow day. )




As fascinating as the snow anomaly was - less so to drive in - I must ask if anyone experiencing any dream-related phenomena has had any recollection of any organizations styled in a somewhat military manner, that involved space exploration.




You guys, you guys, YOU GUYS!

GUESS what just happened? GUESS what I just shot?

I had a perfect fucking regular round and THEN a perfect speed round. Life has some kind of meaning after all. Sorry, Barton. Guess I'm BACK and you can feel inferior again.




I have never seen this much snow before in my life, having grown up in Southern California.

I am not sure what to do with it.
I don't think I like it.



PM to Tonks
Hey! How did your date go, anyway??




Apocalypse Checklist:

Bottled water, canned or dried food, flashlights, gas mask, lighters, fuel, liquor (for wounds not drinking), soap, battery operated radio, change of clothing, a book for entertainment and a reinforced bunker for safety.

This is the checklist the lady at the grocery store gave me so I could be prepared for 12/21/12, the official end of the world... Or a zombie invasion. Do we have an official time for the apocalypse? So I know when to start drinking.





I was not ready for this freak ass weather. )





My preciousss!






Let's review the score, ladies and gentlmen.

Thea? 1.

Dream Oliver? 0

Snow, huh? That's just so pretty that I'll pass on playing with it, thanks. Too much puking, shitting, and shaking going on here that I just can't live without. Isn't rehab the greatest?




Who wants to go out tonight? It's snowing and I'm full of energy. I'm thinking of hitting up some of the clubs in LA. If we're all going to die in a couple days anyway, why not right? Let's make some memories!




Who wants to go have a snowball fight?

I will take on all challengers!




So I've been so busy I've only just properly realized how close to Christmas we are. The impromptu snow is helping with that.

But the project I've been so busy with is now complete so if you're interested be sure to check out 'Fashion!' (ooc - a fashion magazine like Vogue) I have four pages of my own designs in there! I am beyond excited, it's due out in January so keep an eye out!





I guess my idol career wasn't a complete failure!


So snow's freezing.

Who knew?