
December 5th, 2012




You know what I don't get? Why do people always throw pies in other people's faces for pranks? YOU'RE WASTING PIE! THAT'S JUST STUPID AND FOOLHARDY AT BEST. Throw awful things like ... I don't know, badly cooked liver!

... that being said, I kind of think that instead of Secret Santa, we should do Secret Prank Wars or something. What do you guys think?




I solemnly swear I will not buy my brothers any gag gifts this year or anything that will embarrass them. I will be a good sister and by them appropriately boring things they would expect like scarves, sweaters, and books they can use as doorstops.

As for the rest of you, I make no such promises.


Why is school so boring?! Well classes. Like the halls and lunches and stuff. Totally fine with that, but classes. I mean come on, no one CARES about most of this stuff.

I think I'm gonna go home sick today.




What is this thing, and why does it exist?



Help Wanted

So, I need an edgy and slim boy to model a few designs for me.

It's a punkesque theme, I call it 'my iron scales' because it's got a few chain-mail elements with weaving with the leather.

Any takers? I could take a few guys!



[Locked to Wisdom]

I'm really sorry about before. You're not an arse. Well not as much of an arse.

Still an arse. Really, unleashing all that, are you daft? Pacts with Oberon? Don't you read? That never ends well!


Busy day full of classes and what do I find when I get home? A dead kitchen. There had better be a great explanation as to why it's looking in such a state. And I don't mean bowls and plates everywhere, actually I'd take that over this right now. I didn't even know things could melt like that.

This is going to take days to fix, I guess on the plus side I can shop for new appliances.

Open to everybody except Fred (& George)

Okay listen up girls!

I need single, cute and fun girls who would like to go on a date with a sweet, caring guy who has the best sense of humor ever.

You need to be free this Friday to go on a blind date - fun and laughs guaranteed.

Let me know and we'll sort out the details.