
November 22nd, 2012




It's not exactly the happiest place here around major holidays is it? Granted this network has its reasons and has had them in the past in a lot of places before the weirdness with the dreams started up and all, but...I don't know...

I've spent the last couple years in a kind of fog around them so it's pretty amazing that I'm finally having a really GOOD thanksgiving with a lot of things to be thankful for, mostly the amazing woman who's stood beside me through the biggest insanities ever, when a LOT of people would have, and probably should have pulled away, my two best friends, one of whom just spent a lot of time, and I suspect money, to keep me out of jail, and the other who was the only person to get me up until this year, that someone else I care about a lot is finally processing the shit that's happened to him, even if that doesn't mean he's completely stable yet, and for the pair of amazing ears and sensitivity when I need help that I've been given in Laika.

So, cliched though it is, I'm glad to be around for it, and open to the rest of the possibilities that are coming up. I hope that you're all able to have the same because it's the most amazing feeling, seriously. So Happy Thanksgiving, as flawed and as fucked up as things sometimes are, I really have so much.




Aveline, I have something for you. And something to show you.

As for the rest of you yanks, enjoy your hormone grown birds and genocidal celebration. Cheers!




I found someplace in this county that does Cajun deep fried turkey.

Girlfriend in the kitchen, bad horror film on the TV. Things goin' good for ol' Remy right now.


Anyone else happen to be non-American? I've got my green card, but I've never been much for this holiday. For one, I'd prefer pheasant to turkey. For two, I always think it's vaguely blasphemous for Englishwomen to celebrate.

I suppose it's a crock-pot stew and telly type of day.


I'm super thankful for all of my johns tipping double tonight! Hearing 'I'm so sorry you don't have a family to go home to on Thanksgiving' eight hundred times is getting old, but it's hard to argue with loads of twenties as compensation.

Here's hoping there's some places open when I get off that aren't afflicted with the Black Friday Crazies.




After spending the day with my husband, who refuses to speak to me, and my daughter, who believes the sole purpose of my existence is to make her miserable, I'm thankful this holiday is nearly over.




Family holidays. Apparently I shouldn't feel bad I'm missing out?