
October 4th, 2012








Anyone ever dream of someone they really want to kick the ass of?




It is absolutely, positively, way far far FAR too early to be awake. Works calls, though, an I say "how high?"

Sunrise is pretty, though.




...Man. Even by pony standards, these dreams get weirder and weirder.

Also, Rarity? So sorry about the whole dress thing. I mean, I don't like them in this 'verse, but still You are seriously allowed to kick me, if you're still kinda angry about it.




I think I'm starting to see why my comrades have nightmares.

I woke up at a point that seemed rather... ominous. I have no idea how we'd get out of that except breaking the last taboo




So, I am the owner of a gorgeous and adorable necklace that glows when I wear it. And I had dreams.

And I am a fashion designer for a superhero, well MANY super heroes. It looked fabulous as always.

I was described the events of Fluttershy kicking ass at flying of all things. Not that I ever doubted she had it in her. I also now understand why I just love giving things to others!

Also, to my darling.

I went to this fancy party, and there was a prince but... but... He was an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssss And he ruined my caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape. My glorious cape. It was fabulous and amazing. And he made ME open the door. ME! I was supposed to be the belle of the ball! I was supposed to show I belonged and he made be feel like a loo-loo-loser waaaaaaaaaah



The bad dream fairy appears.

I'm an asshole in my dreams and attack kids, including my goddamn sidekick.

Obviously, this isn't you know, the real Dream Ollie and something has to have caused it but...seriously? Pretty disturbing implications THERE if it's supposed to be some kind of warning for my real life.

Cause, seriously? Pointing my bow at a sixteen year old girl? Actually SHOOTING at said sixteen year old girl? Trying to blow up the other, ex, sidekick?

What's the metaphorical meaning of all this, exactly?

At least she wasn't Mia. Then I'd have to be more worried. As it is, looks like I'm skipping the meeting I had planned afternoon to get a head start on the weekend. What did Jimmy Buffett say, it's five o clock somewhere?

Could've done without that really disturbing trip into dreamland, all the same, thanks. So, to keep my mind off of this, I propose a new Halloween tradition:

Grown Up Trick Or Treating.

Same idea as the old version really, only instead of the candy, every house passes out a shot or bong hit. We all show up at that party following this. Anybody actually want in?

Not that I know what the Hell I'm going as since my costume idea got STOLEN and all. But you know. In theory.




I don't see why Americans seem to make such a big fuss over Halloween. Maybe it was just my upbringing, but... I've never really seen the point.

I guess it's down to any excuse to wear silly costumes.




We got a parrot yesterday. It's cliche, but we're calling him Polly.

John is going to teach him to operate the coffee-maker. I wonder if I can teach him to play music.


I need friends that are not related to, or raised my girlfriend. ogodisaidgirlfriend

Sirius? Want to go out for a drink? I'll buy.




All right, so Ron's got me playing this highly addictive video game. I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck at my computer all day tomorrow, playing.




Note to self: Taking an impromptu post breakup trip to the East Coast is frowned upon when you've only been working at your job for a couple of weeks.


Anyone know of any place that's hiring?




...I woke up with pointed ears. That's just... bizarre.




There was a rose on my bedside table this morning. Doesn't seem... usual.

Mostly because it seems to be glowing a little.


Not much has changed in the last five years. I did think that phones would get smaller, though.




I don't know where my bloody phone is, so I'm posting this here.

Weasleys & Granger: I'm at the pet hospital with Dexter. Don't know when I'll be home.



It's...a social network...

Annd we have a blinking signal...solid green light...Yees. The Little House That Paranoia Built has finally, with the help of all those nice overseas call center workers, joined the new century and I have an internet that I don’t have to go upstairs and outside to use.

I would like to just take a minute to thank everybody involved in this scenario. My brother for the amusing text messages, and gifs via phone in lo, my two weeks of great need, my sister for her threats to come and visit when the nuclear war hits California, my boss for providing hilarious commentary and freak outs to keep me amused, and provide perspective on my own life, Mom, for her reminders that it’s not enough that I’m protected from the ‘oncoming arms race of hate’ because it is somehow my duty to lead the world in preventing the necessity of hate induced constructions like my new home, that guy from the message board who sold me his rusty industrial tin of canned peaches so that I might be fortified against the effects of hunger and deprivation in those dark dark days of life in the resulting state of nuclear winter, my stack of Intergalactic Corps United season dvd’s for keeping me relatively sane, and my landlord for those weird looks he gives me whenever I enter or emerge from my home via the backyard toting my brief case, or in my Corps uniform as if he’s trying to figure out what the hell kind of freak rents somebody’s bomb shelter.

To which I only say, BAH, he chose to rent it out., and the basement does not belong to my parents so I’m doing relatively well, all things considered. Next week, when my new coffee and alien autopsy table makes it to the U.S will be even better, but small victories, for now, are better than none at all.

My name is Turgon and I live in a converted bomb shelter where you are welcome to come sample my tinned peaches from the year 1964 if you are so inclined. , but please bring your own gas masks in case of emergency. Hello, Valarnet, I’m sure it’s a pleasure to meet you.




I do not understand why fans of mine send me their underthings. As someone who does not wear them, there is little point! Perhaps they are trying to send some sort of signal? A distress sign? I jest. I know they mean for them to be seen as a sign that they want to have sensual interludes with me, but alas, I am only one man. I cannot get to everyone.

Though I do try, and I like to think that means I am a man of character. Hello! I am Zevran, but you may call me Zev.



PM to John Watson

We need to talk. [Number] Meet me at [cafe in Irvine] at 3pm tomorrow.
Dr Weir.