
October 2nd, 2012




I'm way too excited about Halloween for it to be this far off.

And I know this is a long shot, but does anyone know a Mal or Dom Cobb?




After long and careful consideration, I have made the decision to close my practice so that I can focus on my health concerns and other personal matters. I've informed patients privately, but I felt it was fitting to also post a memo to this Network. If anyone has questions, you can post them here.

Thank you,
Benjamin Linus




Oi, dreams. Again. Really tired of dreaming of this Panem place. It is rather taxing. But hey, Peeta was there, the girl that thinks he's a stalker, and even Portia. It's an odd team if I do say so myself.




I don't know why I dreamt of underwater soccer and huge ocean monsters. I'm sure it's simply something I ate. Underwater sports where nobody has gills but everyone can breathe regardless just make no sense.




Sarah suggested I register for this network because it 'might do me some good.' I suppose it's the digital equivalent of getting out more.

I'm Cameron. This place is tight.



Maybe you people were right.

Not that I'm going back to the anger management group, but I got Crip the guy I attacked's email, sent him an apology and a Starbucks card. I mean, when you think about, probably the least I could do considering he was bleeding when I got kicked out, right? He's the only one in this who gets an apology though. Well, I mean, unless somebody here was seriously offended by me, but that's starting to look really insincere, and I'm not buying you coffee. The shrink heading it up gets nothing though. Lots of cramping my style from her end, so I can't even feel bad about that.


I don't feel bad about it from her perspective anyway, let's put it that way. Hated her from the start, and I'm happy to move on, but I'm relatively pissed off about having to start the process all over again. The whole twenty questions routine with me having to come up with answers to all of the questions they inevitably ask, not even to be invasive or suggestive, but to try to READ into my brain and all. I'm already someone's damn science experiment, so I reaaally don't appreciate feeling like one of those again, you know? Read more... )

You try explaining all of that to someone new, when my last one really only knew that I was pissed about my arm and not being useful to Ollie ...people anymore. It's not exactly happy dancing unicorn thought inducing, and veers toward the ulcer category.

Anyway. I'm sorry I'm a ragey asshole, valarnet. That's the whole point of this, I guess.

...You try explaining all of that to a shrink...


I thought when I moved to Orange County the weather would be a little more reasonable than what it is in Nevada. It's October and it was 103 degrees today. That's not cool, weather. Get it together.




I was going to introduce myself or make some kind of 'The Connors are here' post, but the kids beat me to it. They're better at this than I am, anyway. And since no one's ever met 'The Connors', announcing our arrival is kind of a goofy thing to do.

It's not like we're the 'come over to our place and have a family barbecue' kind of family.

So instead I'm just going to say that I've had to apply 5 coats of paint to my bedroom wall to get the gigantic pink vagina and blue penis off of it. Both John and Cameron are too old for the visuals to count as sexual education, and I really don't want to know what the images were doing on a bedroom wall to begin with.