
September 23rd, 2012



My nightmares seem to be about my father injecting me with spider venom because I'm dying.

Why can't I even escape dying in my dreams?

Do I have a giant sign written on my forehead that says 'You're going to die?'

Wow, this is seriously morbid. Oops.



[Not bothering to try locking this thing]


Marty's Coffee.


Meet you there.




I'm surprised that there hasn't been more disruption off the network. Whatever this... strangeness is, it seems pretty localised.

Maybe it's some error with the phone masts. If that's even possible. I'm a doctor, I don't pretend to know how phones work




Well, at least I've only gotten one thing I really didn't want to see so far. Guess I'm luckier than some.

...Even if it kinda sucks that everything screws up when I wanna ask people more, uh, private things.




Frodo asked me to marry him last night! Sorry that we disappeared from the party for a while. I hope everyone still had fun.

I still need to talk to Hawke, though! I really thought that message would get to her.


I was on call last night and didn't get a single work-related call. I did get texts about rodents, panties, and pictures of breasts. Come in this morning to find they had two emergencies that the interns had to handle on their own. We're lucky nobody died.



[Failed private to Team TARDIS, open to all]

Do you ever think it's weird? Us all gathered here in California, our dreams all starting only when we get here? I was thinking about it last night and I'm wondering if it's more than a coincidence.


So what the hell is going on in my goddamned bar?

Do I even wanna know?




Admit it.

You're having a ridiculously good time.



[Failed private lock to Roland]

Hon? I got shot.




So I know nothing is working, so all publicly to everyone, if anyone knows Arthur Smith could you tell him Ariadne needs to talk to him?

Super ASAP?


You know, I'm not even going to pretend this is a network glitch. I have no shame. Bartender from Stark's gala - are you around?




Private locks are failing and communications are going haywire, so I'm going to announce my private business in public on purpose. A lot of you on here would have been contacted anyway.

My husband is dead. I won't get into the details of this, because they frankly don't matter.

I don't need anyone's condolences, sympathy, or pity. Anyone working in any form of military or law enforcement knows that this is always a risk you take.

I'd simply appreciate it if everyone who knew I was married went on about their lives as if I wasn't. Thank you.


Electronics malfunctions becoming problematic.




being sick sucks but at least i'm better now

DJANGO i want to talk to you but my phone's being all weird so hi



(Failed! Locked post to Wisdom. Can be seen by all)


Seems like we've got a damn sight LOT to talk about, regarding the secretive secret things we've talked about that sadly don't have anything to do with tea sandwiches this go round. Lunch date for tomorrow afternoon? I can find a decent curry in the OC if you're willing.




I am not even going to bother trying to set this to private or whatever because it won't work, so I will just announce it for all to see. It's only meant for my friends and I am sorry to everyone else that has to read it.

I have this thing in a few days for the network, a promo dinner for my new show, and it would be so uncool to go solo. I'm over that whole rebel who does her own thing because it's cool phase. Please tell me one of you know someone I can take or will go with me, as friends of course or whatever. I really don't want to have to be one of those losers that sign up for a dating site or something.