
September 21st, 2012




I was wondering when I'd finally see more disaster in my dreams.

I knew it was right not to trust Anders. Only an idiot could've thought that plan would come off without any consequences.



Private fail

My brother made bail today. I sent a car for him, but I thought it would be better if he doesn't see me for a while. I don't know what he's going to do, but he can't be happy.




Testing. Testing. Is this thing working?

Okay. My Starkphone just failed about a million times when I was trying to send a message to my son.

Oh great. And now it decided to just turn itself off.




Has anyone ever dreamt of a place so disgusting that they've been overcome with a need for an incredibly hot shower the moment they woke up?

Omega might just be the worst place I've dreamt of yet.



[Failed Private locked to Garrus]

Liara will probably kill me but I found a spot for that fertility idol she found, right on the mantle. How long before she notices, you think?



[ Failed Lock to Jim Kirk ]

Mr. Kirk ... ... Jim?

Uhm... I... well I'm trying this here because things aren't really working out so well with my phone and I got a text message from a vampire, so I'm kind of afraid that if I text you it might end up on a dragon's phone or something, but...

... I was wondering if you could... Angel is really, really sick, and I don't think I should drag him to the vet on the bus again... But I don't have a car, and... and I was wondering if you could drive me, but if you can't, that's okay too.

[Failed Private Lock to Juliet]

I know you don't want any condolences, and I get it. Let me buy you a drink.



[ Private Lock Fail to Merrill ]

I don't know who the heck a Merrill is or why this person is sending me cookies.

Further, I'm not sure how a Merrill even knew my location.

But thank you to ... whoever you are.

The cookies look delicious.

Even though I'm still not eating solid food.



[Failed private to self, visible to all]

Right, note to self:


I mean, not texting whilst topless, texting photos of topless self.



[Failed private to Dani, visible to all]

When did you get shot? And how badly.

I don't want to lose you.



[private lock FAIL to Peeta]


Are you a crazed stalker?