
August 29th, 2012




You know, for all I complain about my dreams, they have a pretty catchy soundtrack.

Now, if I could go a week without dying in them, that'd be nice. The Silver Millennium thing never stops being weird


Shopping online is a joke. I have no confidence in anything.

Guess I'll have to do this in person. I'm not sure which will be worse.




Minor annoyances that make me want to quit smoking...

On a pleasant, breezy day, the wind will blow out my cigarette at least three times.

Also, trying to actually light the cigarette in the first place. Very frustrating.

...I suppose there's also the risk of dying


I swear somedays I feel like board meetings are neverending and then I realise they actually are.

I'm sure I was supposed to be cutting back the work hours to actually have a life...