
July 3rd, 2012




We're going dragon-watching this Wednesday. You can bring your girlfriends/boyfriends/other assorted slovenly appendices if you must.




some behind cut for triggers concerning loss of life )

I think I slept about ten minutes last night.
There is a baby next door. Its crying kept waking me.


Did you leave in the middle of the night last night?


What the heck am I supposed to do with an ocelot?




My dreams keep getting darker and darker. That's not a bad sign, is it?




I havn't spoken to my parents in 4 years.

Today they called me up to ask me if the press was true.

Not to congratulate me on qualifying for the Olympics Gymnastics Team.

But to ask me if I really was going to shame our family by being a lesbian.

This is starting to be less amazing and more like a roller coaster. D:

OH and I hear I have someone named Rarity to thank for this absolutely gorgeously breathtaking dress in my closet? IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL.




How does that saying go? After a match is before a match. I know it's only been two days but I already miss it.

Two more weeks of work and then it's finally time to hop on a plane and fly home. Can't wait to see the little ones again. They grow up so fast. One second they want to ride on your shoulders, the next they're having boyfriends and girlfriends and are planning weddings.

Jon sent me the prints of your photo shoot because he didn't know your address. Let me know where to drop them off and you'll have them in the next couple of days.


So. Machu Picchu. Lovely, but mobile phone signal is a bit dodgy. Or perhaps my mobile was a bit dodgy, as I think I'd forgotten it in my hotel room. Either way, I've been out of pocket since May, but I've returned. What did I miss?




It's Cheshire again. He won't go away.




Now, darling, I am quite fine, but I need you to come to Hungtington. I've been in a car accident. Don't panic. And don't tell anyone quite yet. Also, I'm fine.

[OOC: This post was meant to be a PM to Jean, but Emma is a bit freaked out and on pain meds, so it's a regular post. It will be deleted shortly, but people are welcome to comment until things have been crossed out. ]


In preparation for tonight's programme, I have discovered that if you Google 'patriotic techno music' there are at least fifty pages of results. It's amazing and terrifying all at once.




All this attention paid to dreams can't be good for any of us.