
June 30th, 2012



Just in case anyone was doubting the size of my dogs, here's a picture of Cyrano with a show judge from last weekend. )

Of course, I can't post show pictures without showing off everyone in the van on the way over. )

No, of course they don't really ride in the car like that, but when it's time for a break, dog pile. Or dog tower, you could say.




[Open to everyone]
So was anyone else's linked situation actually kind of pleasant?

[Locked to Michiru]
If you see this, I need to talk to you. I had an idea and I think you're going to love it. But don't tell Haruka about anything.

[Locked to Roland]

I don't know if this is forward or not, but I'd like to see you in a..non-linked fashion. Like real people.




Important question:

Do I get a dog or not? How many of you are dog people?




So I'm a proud homeowner now. I might have gotten something a little too big, but I don't mind if certain guests staying over and I have room for a panic room.

And all those little blue babies

Once I'm settled I'd like to do a little house warming party. I'll send some invites out then. For now I have to make this place look like a home.

I have a dark suspicion a lot of our decor will be 'ancient sumarian' or something.




[PM to Kitty]

I'm sorry. I came down too hard on you. But only because you scared me.

And sorry it took me some damn long to say that.




Getting back into SWTOR a bit. Sith side for now though I won't be neglecting my smuggler for long. This is to help me get into character. And to troll Obi-wan

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

And because I want to see how many of you are out by popular demand, just pretend the Jedi Council is on this picture too.

Read more... )




I can't decide if I'm ashamed of letting myself go and not being at the top of my game, or proud of the fact that the kid I taught to use a bow just beat me in competition. Looks like it's time to pass the torch.

Ever have your kid surpass you at something you love? How in the fuck do you cope?

(Locked from Steve but open to the rest of Valarnet)

What does one give as a birthday present to the man they've started going out with, when it feels that it might turn serious soon, but none of you have said it yet?

...I'm falling for someone. I thought that it would never happen. I've no idea what to expect.


I never thought I'd miss London so much, or be so excited to be back here. I was only gone for what, six months? Crazy stuff, kids.

I'm happy to say that your magnificent assistance at the beginning of the month has helped all our fine local athletes make it here in fine style, so thank you again to everyone who helped out the SoCal Olympians fund! Just because we're in London doesn't mean our costs are all paid, so feel free to continue donating, either directly to the fund or at TeamUSA.org.

And please, please remember: Jordyn Wieber and Justin Bieber aren't remotely the same person.



[Locked to Emma]

Paging Ms. Frost, paging Ms. Frost!


Uhm. Hi.


National Geographic channel is running some kind of all-day marathon of alien shows. Right now? Aliens in Fresno. I swear it's like the media is in hilarious, hilarious collusion to bring the lulz.