
June 3rd, 2012



I hate you, internet.

Right. Valar net, is it? I'd like to take this moment to announce that I think the vast majority of the internet is a fat load of cack and a festering vile pit of cyber-crime and hacking, and balding wrinkly old men trying to get into little girls' knickers while typing out convenient meeting places, one-handedly. The whole thing can go up in flames so that I can light a cigarette off it, and feel the burn of sheer pleasure racing through my lungs.

Except for the legitimate pornography. We can keep that. It can be preserved for posterity. Like fine art.

Now that I'm apparently stuck here close by Disneyland, which we all know was founded by a probable Jew hater and is quite literally my idea of hell on earth? Please, drooling worshipers of your monitor screens, be so kind as to give me pointers to where I can go to get absolutely tanked out of my bloody mind. Pubs. I need pubs. Because I've gone fourty minutes without something alcoholic being filtered through my liver. That is thirty minutes too long.

I might not survive.




Did somebody mention some kind of martial arts class? Having these awesome dreams and I keep waking up feeling like a badass.

Hey Rory, I got that job! No more crunching numbers.




Someone had the brilliant idea of burning down Disneyland but there was a disagreement as to how to go about it.

So I'm free for today.




It is not a good idea to leave kids alone at home on their own regardless of how old they are.




[In her excitement she doesn't even lock this]

Dani, Dani dear! I have a new experiment we have to try out.





Here's my new track! I just keep dreaming them up, it's the craziest thing!

Let me know if you like it! Or if you don't! Or if you kind of like it recorded but think that a live remix might be better but admittedly that's because the club atmosphere is just that much more fun!

Also if you want pie because I'm kind of feeling snacky.




This is going to sound absolutely bonkers, but with all the dreams and everything...

Reply to this if you've dreamed about X-genes, mutations, or special powers.

I'm taking notes.




I dreamed I bent fire to my will and created lighting. It was better than sex (sorry, Dick). There was this energy flowing through me.

Whatever I ate before that dream, I need to eat it again.
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It's been... well it's been a interesting week I guess, hasn't it?

I keep reading about dreams. I had a dream... I had wings! And lots and lots of pink hair, but... well I had four legs and they were hoofs. And I had butterflies on my ... flank?

I was mean to people everywhere and had turned into a monster, then I locked myself in my cottage because I was so scared of myself.

I almost didn't want to leave my house today. That dream was... well it wasn't normal. I was a flying horse. Everything was ... extra colorful. And it seemed so real.

On a side note, people who come to your pet store, scare all the animals, insist on putting 10 fighting fish in the same tank, then leave... those people are mean. Who DOES that?




[Locked to Varric]

I thought, perhaps, I could make you dinner. A thank you, of sorts.