
June 1st, 2012



Allowed to go back to work again and not a moment too soon. The shop's a mess. I mean, a real mess. Not an awesome mess.

Hopefully things go back to normal now.


Situation, Normal. As Han would say.
Not pregnant.

Today will hopefully be a better day.




Dating sucks. If things keep going this way, I'm going to have to find a miniature breed of cats small enough to fit in my apartment.




Four businesses in this county have been added to California's list of biggest tax delinquents. The biggest owes 1.3 million. Maybe if I vent about it, I can resist the temptation to introduce a virus into their databases

[Locked to Tony Stark]
I'm in. If you still want me to be, I mean. If you don't– well, I wouldn't exactly understand but it's your company so I can't really say anything but I hope you haven't changed your mind because I think it'd be an honor to work in such an exciting new company.

...eloquent, vas Normandy.




Are you happy, Six? I finally got on this bloody thing. It only took me all day to set up. Who comes up with these things? They should be shot.

[Locked to Family]

Hello dearies. We're going to have fun.


Aw hell. They hiked the cig tax again. All that's going to do is inspire me to be a more successful citizen to afford 'em. Somehow doubt that's what they were going for.

Name's Jim. I run a little tavern off Aurora named Joeyray's. Pleased to meet you all.


To last night's scavenger hunting team: thanks for bringing me along. I don't think I've done anything like that before, but it was fun.




I will be spending the weekend in recovery from the semester's end rush. After that, I will find myself with an abundance of time on my hands. I think I'd like to take up a new hobby.

You asked me about helping with your spaceship quite some time ago. I will now be able to help in whatever fashion you'd like me to.

I would very much like to take you to dinner soon. And perhaps you'd like to come over sometime this weekend? I would not force my cooking upon you, but we could order food and watch movies, if you like that sort of thing. (Is inviting you over in such a fashion a suitable move for our current relationship status?)