
May 19th, 2012




It's Friday night, I'm tipsy, and I'm curious, people of the internet. What are your top ten favorite albums of all time?

I was raised to respect the classics. )

It was tough to narrow down, though. Maybe next time I'll focus on one decade.


I'm supposed to socialize more. But not with the 'voices' in my head. I keep trying to tell them that most of the time I don't understand what they're saying, but nobody really listens. It's such a tragic part of society these days, nobody listening. Such a shame.

But I don't want them to get angry, so I'm writing this post while the nurse watches; I think she's taking notes on my emotional state. Isn't it funny how when a person is perfectly at peace, something must be wrong with them? I know it seemed bad before, but everything is fine now.

Hello, net.



not exactly clues, but...

I've been doing a lot of digging. It seems that my uncle may have, at one point, been very close to a woman whose name no one seems to remember. But no sign of any wedding, or anything close to it.

It's possible the ring didn't belong to him. Maybe it came from somewhere else.

And I've figured out even less about the little sword.

There's something ironic about a man without a ring finger finding a wedding ring, isn't there? Wait, is that irony?


Semester officially over. Believe this calls for celebration.


Now that I have time to myself for personal studies, I hardly know where to begin. My list is as long as the Great Wall of China and it's hard to narrow it down to just one. Any suggestions?

Although I may have an inkling of where to begin if there's a chance I can get Viktor off the hook before my parents make a move. I will not let them blackmail me into staying here or staying away from him.




Hiding behind doors... apparently it only works once.

My butt hurts and the words are getting fuzzy. Anybody else curious why my therapist keeps letting me steal his phone? Makes very little sense to me.