
May 8th, 2012




I packed the wrong lunch today. I didn't really want spaghetti, but if I go to the cafeteria and try to trade I'm pretty sure they'll kick me right out.

Think I should risk it?



[Filtered to Exclude Brandon Sullivan]

God, what have I done?



Burning Bridges.

Well I fucked THAT one up.




I'm in a ridiculously good mood. I wonder why?



Note to Self:

This is why you're never having children, Barton.




I've reached my quota for stupid today.




One of these days, I'll get to come to a new place and not spend the first few days dying because of jetlag. That'll be nice.




So now I have my emotionally volatile student, AND his former guardian, who he has issues with, hanging out at my place tonight. Ollie Queen's making chili, Roy's hopefully asleep after I force fed him an ativan and I have no idea what I'm doing, how this happened, or why this whole thing is my job again.

Any advice good people of the valarnet?


"A creative adult is simply a child who has survived." I feel like there should be a wild rumpus somewhere in honour of Maurice Sendak.