
April 25th, 2012



Okay internet folks!

Its time to arguedebate on the internet:

Q. Best Humphrey Bogart movie that's not Casablanca?




I told a lie today and it stuck. I think I can officially say this is the best day ever.





Liquor laws in this state are so fucking archaic that I need a drink just to try and sort them all out. Talk about a self-perpetuating cycle. I'm onto you, liquor board. I'm onto you.



Dear Mr. Kirk

On behalf of President Uhura and Vice-President Me - both (and only) members of the Gaila/Kirk Is Fired Club - we are writing to let you know that you have, indeed, been fired during our club name upgrade. Please refer to the beginning framework of our club's charter, which you can find: Here

We're sorry to have to let you go. If you have any complaints, please feel free to air them but realize that we may or may not reserve the right to point and have a laugh at you.

Have a fantastic day!


M. Scott
Vice-President of G/KIFC




I WASN'T CHEATING I couldn't jot down the usual half assed answers on last week's assignments


Smells like rain. Looks like rain.

The windows rattle and the television flashes a warning and still the storm is a no show.

I am disappoint.




Vacations are delicious. I do need to try to do that a bit more often. Still, it's good to be home.