
Posts Tagged: 'samantha+larusso'

Apr. 4th, 2021




I can't believe the peeps came back.

Apr. 3rd, 2021




Dreamed about the All Valley tournament last night.

Yeah. That was an adventure.

Apr. 1st, 2021




Ah April Fools day...A time honored classic day to believe nothing. Believe no one, if you fall for it that's your fault; not mine. ;)

It's days like these I wish I were still at an office. May your saran wrap be plentiful if you are.

Mar. 22nd, 2021




Alright, so I've been so busy at the clinic lately that I haven't really done anything fun or spent much time watching tv or anything like that. I had taken the weekend off from the clinic since it was my birthday on Saturday, intending to have a little me time and catch up on some Netflix or other streaming stuff and of course I ended up sleeping most of the weekend. I mean, I'm not complaining, because the sleep was really nice, but I still want to do some catching up on Netflix.

So, I haven't watched anything new recently and my question is, what's good out of the newer shows? I know that a lot of stuff has come out recently, but what does everyone recommend?

Mar. 14th, 2021




So I'm officially my uncle's problem now. Good news for me. Bad news for him.

Mom must have gotten notice about it or something cause she tried calling. Is it wrong to not want to talk to your mom?

Mar. 8th, 2021




Been a while since I had a dream. Tried to enter my dojo in a karate tournament, but because of the shady things that went down in the 1980s,m Cobra Kai was under a lifetime ban. I went to the committee meeting to try and get that over turned. Of course my teenage nemesis was on the committee. He tried his damnedest to make the others vote against me, but I told them how my Cobra Kai is different, it's a place where kids can go to feel like they belong. In the end, they voted to allow Cobra Kai to enter the tournament, so I signed us up on the spot. I just hope these kids can get their act together before the big day.

Mar. 5th, 2021




I'm gonna start a fight club. Who's in?

Feb. 28th, 2021




I can't believe that tomorrow is already Monday again.

Feb. 22nd, 2021




I'm starting to see ghosts. I see them in my dreams. And now, I swear, I just saw one here in the house.

Feb. 3rd, 2021




I finally made it to the shore in my Dreams after almost drowning in the sea my tears made. I’m sitting with the animals on shore trying to dry off but nobody has any ideas except for one of the mice and the Dodo. The mouse is going to recite for us while we dry but when that’s clearly not going to work the Dodo declares it’s time for a caucus race. The track is almost a circle and the rules are for us to run for as long as they want, stopping and starting as they want and everybody ends up dry.

The Dodo declares everyone has won and that I need to give them their prizes! I search my pockets and luckily find a pack of candies in my pocket that aren’t wet. And there are just enough of them for me to give one to everyone else. And since I don’t have anything other than my thimble in my pocket that’s my prize.

Jan. 31st, 2021




Has anyone actually had to solve for X since leaving high school?

I hate math.

Jan. 28th, 2021



[text] sam larusso

So I finally had some of those dreams I always see people talking about. They were...intense to say the least. And some of it was very close to my own life. Is that usually the case for people?

Jan. 17th, 2021




In my dreams I started taking karate lessons from my dad's arch nemesis. I was pretty good at it too. Almost won the tournament but my opponent, taught by my dad, fought dirty. I guess that's the way Cobra Kai works.

Jan. 4th, 2021




Just when things were hitting what felt like rock bottom in the dreams, there was a change in the tide and things seem to be looking up now. Yeah. I'm not getting too excited. it won't last.

Jan. 1st, 2021




Happy New Year everyone!

Can we all hope that we get some freak snowstorm so we don't have to go back to school next week? The Christmas holidays went by way too fast.

Dec. 22nd, 2020




My mom wanted to talk today while I was shopping, so yes, I was one of those people who vid chat while shopping. I thought it was about work.

However as I'm looking at dresses and all she did was complain about the dark colors. Sorry mom, black is my color, even if you think it's not. I knew fight was brewing, so I started to randomly pretend to not hear her and that the video frozen.

I'm a horrible daughter, I know. However, my mom can be a bit much and I was in public.

Dec. 21st, 2020




Best part of this time of year? No school. There's all sorts of time for sleeping in and gaming.

Dec. 9th, 2020




Not sure what I'm going to do with this. I was okay never seeing it again.

Guess it gives me a place to hang out and have wild parties.

Just kidding, Uncle Frank! Mostly.

Dec. 4th, 2020




I spent so long living in Las Vegas that getting snow in December is still such a wonderful treat!

Nov. 22nd, 2020




I'm so glad to have a break from school this week.




Well, that was...anticlimactic. Went to see my mom. In the dreams. She blew me off. Introduced me to her latest pet project as "one of her boys". Yeah. I'm her son, her only son. The rest of them are charity cases or something. I don't even know. Just explains a little of why I turned out so rotten in the dream world.

Nov. 9th, 2020




I finally had some of those weird dreams everyone is talking about. They're not that different from my life here though so I don't know what that means.

Nov. 4th, 2020




I really hate the beginning of the month for many reasons.

Anyone know of a place that is hiring?

Nov. 2nd, 2020




I don't think the school office bought my forged note excusing me from school today. Apparently being kidnapped to a weird town with witches trying to suck the life out of kids isn't a believable reason to skip class.




So pretty sure my YouTube algorithm is permanently messed up now. I was watching some 60 minutes clips for an assignment and somehow that led to a bunch of Aerosmith interviews and I'm not really a huge fan but I just went with it because - why not I guess? That's literally the only thing I can think might have been fueling my thought process of continuing to watch them - why not.

Oct. 31st, 2020




I walked into a store expecting to hear Halloween music. Instead, they're playing Christmas carols. Can we not finish one holiday before starting another?




It's concerning that so many people are missing. Has anyone heard anything from them?

I can't hear them to find their location.

Oct. 16th, 2020




Got catcalled. So I took out my phone, started playin' the Nutcracker Suite an' now the bastard is gonna need viagra the rest of his life.

I'm classy like that!

Oct. 10th, 2020




These Dreams are a special sort of madness once they start aren't they? Just flooded by them...and letters from no one I recognize flooding my house being delivered by Owls. Didn't know anyone used birds to deliver things in modern times anymore. Dream uncle went insane, wouldn't even let me have one. There were hundreds at least. Made us move to some lighthouse island to escape them.

Oct. 9th, 2020




I don't know what all the hype is, but I decided to join this network. Names Johnny Lawrence. Fair warning, I'll probably forget about it for weeks and months at a time, but so far it seems interesting.