
Posts Tagged: 'usagi+tsukino+%28sailor+moon%29'

Aug. 29th, 2012




You know, for all I complain about my dreams, they have a pretty catchy soundtrack.

Now, if I could go a week without dying in them, that'd be nice. The Silver Millennium thing never stops being weird

Aug. 25th, 2012




I took a super nice long nap after I got home today and then I slept too long, so now I'm going to be up all night.

Oh well, I guess. It was a seriously nice nap. I can't complain. Everyone has more fun live than me. I just sit around and nap and watch Honey Boo Boo. That whole show is a trainwreck of crazy and awesome. I didn't even watch toddlers and tiaras.

Aug. 24th, 2012





I get to do a magazine thingy! You know, where they talk to you and stuff? This is so exciting!

I wonder if there's going to be lunch.

Aug. 23rd, 2012




God, it's good to be home. Keio was just getting depressing.

Usa, dinner? I want to spoil you to make up for being gone for so long.

Aug. 18th, 2012




There's a woman in my dreams who keeps... recurring. Radiant like the moonlight. A soft, gentle, loving sort of light. Whenever she's around, you can't help but smile... she's the kind who'd make friends with the devil himself.

...In one of them, I think she might even be the Messiah. That probably sounds crazy

Aug. 12th, 2012




Okay the worst part of this job is trying to memorize ALL THESE LINES!

There's so many and I swear my brain turns into sour cream and you could seriously eat ALL THE CHIPS WITH IT.


Aug. 2nd, 2012




Usagi Tsukino darling. )




You know what's the BEST THING EVER?!

EVERYTHING! Because I get to go to the Soap Awards and it's awesome and I'M TOTALLY GOING TO WEAR A THE BEST DRESS! I just can't wait, it's going to be amazing! I've never gotten to go!

Oh, by the way, hi I'm Usagi!