
Posts Tagged: 'ty+lee'

Jul. 29th, 2012





*collapses in heap*




We're in Subdivision 3.

I wish I hadn't had so much for breakfast. I wish I hadn't had any breakfast.


Jul. 27th, 2012




I don't know any of you myself, I don't think, but I know there's some from around this area. I'll be watching you guys and cheering you on!




That's today's individual qualifiers (the Women's Individual 'ranking round') done. For the people not watching TV or radio or honestly, I don't even know if it's aired yet but I haven't been press-gagged or anything from my own blog: still in the game. It was just a ranking round so there's no medals or anything, but I placed, so I'm still going.

And, therefore, off until the 30th where I get to compete with 31 other people to go to the next qualifiers etc etc. You can count on me obnoxiously posting about each one, probably, though I'm not giving recaps, and I'm really not happy that I missed Im Dong-hyun setting the 72 arrow record because I was busy competing.

[Filtered to US Olympians, Finnick, Annie, Haymitch, Portia, Cinna, Ginny, Roy, Ollie and Corin]





Olympics go into full swing tomorrow! One of my best friends will be competing in gymnastics. Her qualification round is Sunday.

If you're a betting person, put money on Jubilee to medal on the bars. And I don't say that because I'm biased.

What other locals are in London?

Jul. 13th, 2012




All right, Valarnet. Here's what we're to do.

Our good friend Lorenzo is letting us watch the Games and most likely drink ourselves stupid in the process at the Black Cat Lounge. We've got a lot of friends competing, and they need our support, even if it's drunken support half a world away at eleven in the morning.

Hope to see you there.

Jul. 12th, 2012




I feel like the most superficial person in the world sometimes because of the internet; everyone's talking about these horrible dreams and all this deep life stuff, and I'm like.

These press-on nail lacquers are amazing, now I have little cherries on my fingers, and it's very summery. Definitely worth sharing, but so not deep or all that interesting.

Jul. 7th, 2012




So it seems whatever everyone else has got that makes them have weird dreams I've now caught though mine are more odd than nightmares. I'm kind of worried now though in case they become nightmares.

But so far they've been kind of related to my job, designing dresses (although they are incredibly...interesting dresses) and being assigned a whole district to design for (not sure what a tribute is but I think it has something to do with some sort of game). Maybe my subconscious wants me to have dreams so is making them up?

Jul. 4th, 2012





This isn't. I can't.



Go away.

Jul. 3rd, 2012




I havn't spoken to my parents in 4 years.

Today they called me up to ask me if the press was true.

Not to congratulate me on qualifying for the Olympics Gymnastics Team.

But to ask me if I really was going to shame our family by being a lesbian.

This is starting to be less amazing and more like a roller coaster. D:

OH and I hear I have someone named Rarity to thank for this absolutely gorgeously breathtaking dress in my closet? IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL.

Jun. 29th, 2012




Hello, England.

A month minus two days until the actual Olympics. I am not dead. My sister keeps calling me and crying, though. She'll be here soon enough, I hope she can handle the three weeks away from me.

Thanks everyone who gave me plane tips, too.

And I don't know what's going on at home, but according to the Internet there are apparently aliens? Have fun with that in CA, we don't have any here except for the way that everyone in the Village is essentially an alien to British soil.

Jun. 19th, 2012




It has just occurred to me that having never been on a plane before is probably going to make the 11 hour flight coming up soon weird. I couldn't have eased into it a little? Way to go, Katniss, should've thought of that one sooner.

Jun. 16th, 2012




I only just got back into town and now I have to pack for London.

I feel like I havn't really prepared enough for all of this. I'm actually kind of nervous!


AAAAAAH!!!! THE OLYMPICS IS NEXT MONTH!!!! That kind of nervous.

I was hoping typing in all caps like that would make me feel better, but it really didn't.

Jun. 13th, 2012




I was perusing the internet last evening, while waiting for my nephew to return from his vacation, and I came upon this delightful game.

It is not at all like Go or Shogi, but for some reason I cannot seem to put it down.

The birds are so angry, and who can blame them? Such a horrible fate, having ones eggs stolen like that.

These adorable little pigs will pay for what they've done.

Jun. 7th, 2012




Anyone know how to fix holes in shower walls?

But hey, Corin. At least I didn't break my thumb this time. Yay.

Jun. 6th, 2012




It's always interesting to go back home to San Francisco, even for just an afternoon. Made some business contacts for the company. Naturally, I was perfectimpressed. Especially father.

[Locked to Ty Lee]

I need to talk to you.

Jun. 5th, 2012




What the fuck hell.

Can I go back to the badass fighting dreams, please? Dammit.

Jun. 4th, 2012



So then, boys and girls. It's just about time for things to get exciting.

Leaving aside the charity ball, we still have several auctions starting up, with the goal of fundraising to get our local athletes to London for the Olympics next month. They're leaving soon, so they'll have time to train at their various venues in advance, and that means that we need to step up our game in order to get them there.

I have six jackets, each of them very individualistic and one-of-a-kind, in sizes XS, S, M, L, XL, and 2X, all of which are dedicated to the dream of health and athleticism at every size, with a subtly Olympian motif. If you have questions, feel free to ask them, but the actual auction for them will end on Saturday night at the charity ball. If you absolutely must have one, please send me a private message with your maximum bid. I'll let you know if the ball's maximum bid at the silent auction is higher, so you'll have a chance to outmatch it, unless an assortment of people are all desperate for the same size, in which case... well, we'll see.

And, because I know well the power of the Internet to awe and amaze, I'm going to turn to you, boys and girls: Olympian athletes are not a corporation, and therefore sponsoring them to get to the Olympics can, and perhaps should, be crowdsourced. Nothing at all says that you can't donate $5 to help your favorite local athlete get a chance to shine. If a thousand people all donate whatever they have lying around in their PayPal accounts, I'm completely certain at least four teams would have their total expenses covered instantaneously.

[ooc: artificial PayPal DONATE! button]




Why is there is always an awkward moment when I go into a store to buy several bottles of aspirin, ace bandages, and icy hot. The clerk no doubtedly always asks me if I play sports (as if it is not evident already) and if so which one. That is when it gets awkward because I instinctively say I am a dancer... The old ladies always give me a look of disproval, the girls get jealous, and the men just check me out more and ask what I am doing later. When I tell them I am not one of those kind of dancers but a ballet dancer, no one believes me.

From now on I think I will tell people I am a football player, or a soccer player as Americans say. It might save me the hassle when it comes to buying aspirin.




I got exactly two hours of sleep last night and I have a final exam in an hour. I blame you entirely, bad dreams.

Jun. 3rd, 2012




I dreamed I bent fire to my will and created lighting. It was better than sex (sorry, Dick). There was this energy flowing through me.

Whatever I ate before that dream, I need to eat it again.
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I hate you, internet.

Right. Valar net, is it? I'd like to take this moment to announce that I think the vast majority of the internet is a fat load of cack and a festering vile pit of cyber-crime and hacking, and balding wrinkly old men trying to get into little girls' knickers while typing out convenient meeting places, one-handedly. The whole thing can go up in flames so that I can light a cigarette off it, and feel the burn of sheer pleasure racing through my lungs.

Except for the legitimate pornography. We can keep that. It can be preserved for posterity. Like fine art.

Now that I'm apparently stuck here close by Disneyland, which we all know was founded by a probable Jew hater and is quite literally my idea of hell on earth? Please, drooling worshipers of your monitor screens, be so kind as to give me pointers to where I can go to get absolutely tanked out of my bloody mind. Pubs. I need pubs. Because I've gone fourty minutes without something alcoholic being filtered through my liver. That is thirty minutes too long.

I might not survive.

Jun. 1st, 2012




Dating sucks. If things keep going this way, I'm going to have to find a miniature breed of cats small enough to fit in my apartment.

May. 31st, 2012




I got my flight booked for London. I've got my tickets to give out to my peeps!

Omfg this is really happening.

[Locked to Ty Lee]


Look what I found! You can give it to Azula!

so very NSFW )




Mum, Dad, its totally cool if I spend a month in Wales and England, yeah? I mean, it's for work, so it's completely legit, and I'd even go visit batty Aunt Muriel while I'm there! And Peeta and Katniss will be in London for the Games! Completely safe.

Just like going to at NYU. Completely safe. And you'd get to come visit and go see some theatre!

May. 29th, 2012




Have to say, no matter how homesick I get the weather here really can bring me right back up again. Few clouds, little rain, and low humidity? Really liking that. And the beaches. And all the handsome available men walking around on the beaches.

My name's Donna. I'm originally from Chiswick. Nice to meet you all.




It is too gorgeous a day to not be outside. Summer jobs are dumb! Someone save me!




I do not recommend falling through the coffee table.
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May. 28th, 2012




These dreams won't stop

I've been giving thought to taking lessons in something I've never done before. Preferably something physical, perhaps some form of martial arts. Any suggestions?




Family emergencies are the worst, especially when your family is thousands of miles away. I hope I didn't miss anything too important.

May. 27th, 2012



Open Invite

I don't know if anybody here is interested in this or not, but the Wayne Enterprises Grey Flannel Suits have their first game, a doubleheader tomorrow, starting at noon. If you want to come and laugh at a bunch of corporate employees while we try to play a game of ball, twice, we'll be playing on the field at Wayne Park, with a full concession stand, proceeds going to charity.

Against all sound advice, and sanity, I will be catching. Yes, I am scared too. So come on out to see me break my jaw again!

May. 25th, 2012




I havn't been in town that long and what time I've spent here has mostly been spent in training, but hi everyone! I'm Ty Lee.

My friend Jubilee is around here somewhere.


Hi Jubes!

I just thought I'd introduce myself!