
Posts Tagged: 'sans'

Sep. 13th, 2017




After returning from Prague very recently (and overcoming the jet lag - well, I am still in the process of that, actually!) I highly recommend the city for a visit. Brilliant architecture, good beer, and hearty duck dishes - they do consume a lot of duck there, sort of matching our love for chicken here. Ah, poultry!

I highly recommend a vacation in general - it had been far too long since I've taken one, personally. Now I've returned to start a new job and can't wait to see what will befall us next in this strange universe of ours.

I am also continuing my admittedly slow-going but worthwhile study of the dreaming phenomenon here - please, if you've noticed anything new, have experienced a particularly intriguing quirk as of late, or simply wish to discuss the phenomenon itself, my internet door is always open.

Sep. 6th, 2017




Well, the original plan had been to send Chris to some fancy boarding school just outside of LA, but it turns out that didn't happen. And I lost my goddamn tuition deposit, son of a bitch. So, he started going to a public school instead.

So far so good, I think. Though it's becoming increasingly more obvious that I'm going to need to move into a bigger apartment if he's going to be staying with me during school. Nothing like nearly breaking your toe on the stupid hide-a-bed that takes up nearly the whole living room.

And I guess I should probably get one of those child shrinks too. This forum seems to be filled with crazies, so I'm sure someone has a recommendation.

Sep. 4th, 2017




So my English Lit class this semester is off to a great start already: two girls derailed the class for almost half an hour arguing with the professor that he needed to give us more time to read a 50 page short story. He's already giving us two weeks! How much more time do they need?

Sep. 3rd, 2017




Can someone tell me what it means when someone has 'classic lines'? 'Cause this lady saw me on campus the other day and spent half an hour begging me to come pose for her drawing class because I had "such beautiful classic lines". I gave her my number just to get her to go away and she hasn't stopped calling me all weekend, so I guess you could say it's been a poseitively weird time for the last few days.

How's everyone else's long weekend goin'? And would anyone else with 'classic lines' like to pose for this lady so she'll maybe leave me alone?

Sep. 2nd, 2017




I should have known nothing good lasts. That nice family we had dinner with, they became targets. They didn't deserve that. If we hadn't been there they would have been okay. He would have been okay..

Sep. 1st, 2017




This is odder yet. Now the Dreams are affecting me here. I dreamed of being rescued by a gnome cleric to a goddess called Serenrae, who was kind enough to heal me. then, since I had no home, the gnome took me in. I spent the rest of my youth in a city called Westrun, and eventually started going out on adventures with the gnome cleric, a woman named Pike. I smash things and she blasts them, or heals them. Or heals me.

The longer these dreams go on the more violent they become. Dream me just kind of likes to fight a lot.

And I woke up about a hundred pounds heavier, all muscle, as well as taller by almost a foot.

This is... freaky.

I'm going to need to go shopping. A lot of shopping.

Aug. 15th, 2017




I died. For real this time.

We coulda brought me back. Gabrielle tried, she fought so hard for it. But if we did, we would have doomed thousands of souls to an eternity of torment.

Me passing on is a small price to pay to set them free.

Gabrielle's got my Chakram, and training from myself and the Amazons. She's proven herself a good leader, a great fighter, and a compassionate woman. And she's a lot purer of a soul, even after everything that's happened to her.

She can keep helping people. Though I think I'll stick around a little whiles and keep an eye on her. Never was ready to say good bye.

Funny thing is, the worse part ain't even the dying. The worse part is I won't get any more dreams with her in them. My dreams have proven time and again that soulmates can transcend time, space, and even the veil between realities. Ain't ready to let go.

Aug. 13th, 2017




Okay, so. I am officially on the dream train.

And I can't really complain, I guess? Overall, my other life is pretty cool. Master of three out of four elements aint bad. Plus I got this cool winter outfit that I will have literally no use for in California.

I do have a... concern, though. I tried to take a shower this morning, and the water was all... wonky? Like, shooting out in different directions and not at all falling down like it usually does and now I have to clean the bathroom because it looks like it's been through a typhoon.. I'm not stupid enough to think that there's no connection between my being able to control water in my dreams, and water here being totally out of control.

Not cool, dreams.

Aug. 12th, 2017




I swear to god, if I hear The Wheels on the Bus one more time, I'm going to scream. I came to get a pedicure to relax, not to listen to a compilation of every version of The Wheels on the Bus. Who lets their fucking toddler run around a salon with their phone? Honestly?!

Aug. 8th, 2017




You know, aside from having a Facebook that I use mostly to look at car pictures, I can't say I've ever used one of these social media things. One of my coworkers pointed me here after my babysitter bailed last minute and I had to bring my kid brother into work with me.

So, guess I should introduce myself. Name's Leon, 24, and I'm single, ladies. I like surfing, football, basketball, baseball, cars, and locking up criminals.

Oh, and I'm looking for a cheap (like, really cheap. Not that I'm broke or anything. I could still take a girl out for a nice dinner), reliable babysitter who can watch a kid during strange hours until the end of the month.

Aug. 5th, 2017




I'm thinking the most impressive part about these damn stories, dreams, whatever - is that even with the whole slaughtering of weird-ass humanoid creatures (man, they just appear everywhere), I still manage to keep my white suit pristine. These motherfuckers are ugly and straight out of nightmares. They're all teeth and laughs.

Pristine white suit and bringing comrades back from the dead. It's some zombie shit right there, not sure how I ended up with that skill when they were being passed around.

Y'all drink a lot, don't you? I can see why.

Aug. 4th, 2017




Alright, well, here I go, I seem to be a member of the dreaming club after all.

I dreamed I was a completely different person, with the same name, but like... a half-giant, of a race called Goliaths. It was crazy. I was part of a group called the Herd of Storms, and a lot of the group were real assholes, including me, sometimes.

Then I saved some really small guy, a gnome, from death, and the herd decided, or rather the leader decided, to beat the hell out of me and leave me for dead.

And that was where I woke up.

And the really creepy part? I had aches, little cuts, and bruises all over like it had really happened, but awhile back.

Aug. 3rd, 2017




Obviously to be be in control, Hydra has to have a complete disregard for science and history and facts. Between that and people suddenly alive who should be dead and before we lose anyone el all based off of memories and being coded as 1s and 0s, I will be quite happy to get out of this bloody Framework world. It's just convincing the rest of the team that they belong in the real world.

I refuse to believe Fitz is this horrible just because I'm not in his life, there has to be something else




Well, good morning, everyone. Every day that we wake up not yet entangled in nuclear war is a good day, isn't it? Resident n00b here, and resident LGBT lawyer - Dorian Pavus, at your service, and I always keep up with my bar dues (yes, you have to pay to practice law, who'd have thunk?) and CLE requirements.

This forum is utterly fantastic and I'm so glad the idea to join came to me in a dream. Well, it didn't really, but I thought I'd mention that just to integrate myself seamlessly.

But what else about me? I live on a vineyard, I brew my own spirits, and then drink them. That may be all I can share at this time, and I eagerly await the scintillating conversations you will provide as I sip my oolong tea.




We helped a family, they had horses, and were very friendly. They invited us to dinner. It was the most normal dinner of either of my dream lives.

More normal than most dinners I've had awake, too.

Jul. 19th, 2017




Someone got some good news for me? Kinda having a bad day. Dreams 'n' stuff, y'know?

Side note, anyone need some winter gear? Got a sudden surplus of it.

[Nico & Will]

I had a fight with my parents a few days ago. Those boxes in the living room are the stuff I left at home when I moved out here.

Jul. 17th, 2017




Hello, everyone! My name is Grog Strongjaw, artist and writer of Guardians of Law, and student at The University of California, Irvine. I found this website randomly, but it looks fun. Seems like this is the place to be.

What sort of thing does everyone think is the best feature of Orange County?

Jul. 16th, 2017




I just found out that it's National Ice Cream day!! Definitely have to go get some now. Gonna tell Alex and see if she wants to go with me.

Jul. 15th, 2017




I don't know what's more embarrassing, losing to some possessed mage, or that I'm still stuck on the couch.

Jul. 10th, 2017




My dreams reset. I'm a kid again. Only my dad is dead and I'm a brat.

So just like my waking life was. Total wash-out, getting into bar fights. Didn't even try for Starfleet, until Captain Pike talked me into joining up.

Really convincing, that man. Interesting to see him in his prime. In my first dreams, he'd been badly injured and disabled when I met him.

Jul. 6th, 2017




It's July fucking sixth! Enough with the fireworks already! Not everyone wants to hear you blowing shit up.

I'm glad that I never really unpacked cause Eliot and I are moving into a bigger apartment this weekend so all we really need to pack up is his shit. I do need to go out and buy some furniture for my room though. I think maybe I'll go looking tomorrow. I probably should have done it sooner, but I've been focused on getting clients and this apartment.

Also, is it just me or is everyone but Eliot and I an idiot in my dreams? Honestly, if someone is dead, leave them that way.




The name's George and I just moved to dear ol'America.

Seems I moved into my new place just a wee bit too late actually. I missed all the fireworks, now whit am I going to unpack to, yeah? Side note: why is it so bloody hot here? I feel like I am wearing a wool jumper when I'm not. Gaunnae take a look around soon. Get a lay of the land and all that.

Och, right, starting Uni in the fall. Irvine to be exact.

Jul. 4th, 2017




Not sure what to think about you all. Ran into an old friend who gave me about as much info as I can handle (and that was some trippy shit) but I'm not really a message board kind of individual. Might be more a ghost around here but I thought I'd introduce myself anyway.

I'm Garcian. I clean crime scenes. You might of seen some mofo in a hazmat suit on a lame-ass reality TV show, what, like 'Dirty Jobs' or some shit? Yeah, it's dirty. Scraping blood and bodily fluids off the walls tends to be. Maybe I'll see some of you after you blow yourselves to bits with your damn fireworks, but here's a tip: don't do that.




This week is being a weird one.

First, early this morning, the main female star of the movie I'm in quit, and did it by sending her lawyers to the production studio instead of showing up herself. The director was a little peeved. I'm pretty sure you all could probably hear him, by how loudly peeved he was. Rumors running around now say the whole movie may be cancelled.

Then I got a call from my agent/editor saying her company had seen the latest draft, liked it, wanted more revisions, and wanted to extend the contract into a trilogy, or more. So Wednesday I get to meet with one of the corporate officers to find out exactly what deal they are offering on that.

And when I got home, I learned I had been vandalized, my home stripped. Everything is gone, literally. They didn't even leave the clothing in the closets.

So, I'm, in a hotel, and trying to e-file insurance paperwork, fighting with wireless, and done.

This week is fired.

Jul. 3rd, 2017




So, there's a new game coming out soon called Dream Daddy that promises to just be dads and dad puns. I've never thought I'd ever find a video game I'd want to play after my dreams but this one's convincing me. Only problem is I'm having trouble figuring out who I want to be my daddy.

Valarnet, help your skelebro out. Help me find my Dream Daddy.

Jul. 1st, 2017




I donated my heart to someone yesterday. I don't think anyone expected me to walk out of the operating room after. I'm very sorry to the nurse I startled.




I managed to go all month without making Pryde month jokes.

You're welcome.




You know...

A pyrotechnician should know how fireworks!

Jun. 24th, 2017




Adding to the list of places I've been to in my Dreams but can't remember going to in real life - the Venetian Grand Canal with my mother. I'm almost used to seeing myself dressed in clothes from the 1930's in my dreams now.

Jun. 19th, 2017




I feel as if I should post this for my sister's sake, but I assume many of you would be intrigued by such a stellar invention. Los Angeles isn't terribly far either. Thank fuck it doesn't taste like licorice - I was introduced to the wonders of horchata by my fiancee and I'm quite the believer now.

It was certainly a black ice cream kind of weekend, however. Got drunk, sunburned, and attacked by a kraken while out at sea - the first two are expected, but the latter was sort of an annoyance. I at least managed to steal some of its blood as a benefit from the ordeal. Still, the sailing adventure overall was jolly good fun and I'm reminded how much I truly love the majesty of my briny mistress.

Jun. 18th, 2017




I'm not going to die in my dreams. The guy I thought would kill me, won't. He is going to cut off a piece of me. It won't be a finger. He promised me that much. He says my fingers are lovely. I guess that means he won't cut off my hands or arms either. Maybe a foot or just a toe? I could live without that.

I'm scared of waking up without a part of me. Hell, I'm terrified of going back to sleep. And it's father's day. I hate father's day. I'm scared my dad will call me when I'm awake.

Too scared to sleep, too scared to be awake. Is there a third option?

May. 19th, 2017



I had...the weirdest dream--nightmare last night. But looking through a few of these posts, this is common? Is it something in the food or air around here?

I don't usually have dreams in my sleep but this felt so real. Maybe I need some melatonin.And some of you warned things would be odd. But this is probably just coincidence.

Probably time I found a therapist out here anyways.

May. 17th, 2017




So finally I learned something bloody useful in the dreams - apparition. It’s complicated and, okay yes I might accidentally cut myself in half if I don’t focus on where I’m trying to go to but - still useful. If I can master it, I can use it here to avoid traffic when I’m having to get to one of my clients. And absolutely refuse to ever take the girls with me. I’m willing to risk myself but not them.

May. 16th, 2017




I had a new dream last night. For once, it wasn't horrible. Will, the FBI agent who saved my life, was in it again. I used to be afraid of him. I thought he was only able to track down my dad because he thought like him.

This dream was different. I think maybe it's because I know my guardian, Hannibal, explained my situation to Will. I trusted Will in this dream, enough to go on a trip with him. He says it has to be to my father's cabin. But hey, at least I got out of the hospital!

The dream ended with us on a plane together. He looks pale and shaky, but he must be okay. They wouldn't let him sign me out of the hospital or get on a plane if he was sick, right? Plus, he offered to take me mountain climbing, so he must feel good enough for that. I turned down the mountain climbing.

I might let myself have a little hope that things will get better.

May. 15th, 2017




Today's morning announcements in homeroom included a reminder that seniors are not permitted to be completely naked underneath their graduation gown.

While this made the morning ten times more amusing, I have to wonder how often it happens that there needs to be a reminder announcement.




SO I HAVE A CAT NOW.... I'm also blonde with really long hair and blue eyes um. But my face is the same!!!

My mom didn't seem to mind, and we had a really great mother's day for her!

But I woke up today holding a brooch and a cat at my side! Her name is Luna and in the dreams she can talk! I tried to make her talk today but she just stared at meeee. So I put a ribbon around her neck. isn't she cuuuute?!

I guess Im kind of a super hero in my dreams now. And we're looking for the rest of the sailor guardians. I'm Sailor Moon now.

May. 11th, 2017




So in honor of Mother's Day, Smithsonian posted this article on patents for babies and mothers.

The baby cage is exceptionally terrifying.

May. 8th, 2017




I didn't go to school today..I don't really feel like going at all this week but I know I need to. My chest and my head hurt real bad. The faint outline of the moon mark on my forehead showed up, but i can hide it pretty good with my bangs. but thats not really the worst part.

Has..anyone else dreamed they died?

May. 4th, 2017




Happy Star Wars Day everyone! May the Fourth be with you!

Apr. 19th, 2017




I cheated on my workplace and went to Starbucks today. I had to! I had to try this magical creation they're calling the unicorn frappucino. It was beautiful and tart and a little weird, but I liked it. Once I'd slurped that up, it was back to Alice's Tea Cup where, by the way, our tea and coffee is the best even if we don't have clever, color-changing frozen drinks.

So far nothing new with my (former?) admirer. I haven't seen him around. It's been kind of a relief.

Apr. 17th, 2017




I think that there should be some kind of meet up for those of us with mechanical skills. It might be fun! We could build things. Have contests!

Apr. 10th, 2017




Hey there, folks. The name's Gourry Gabriev. I was pointed to this net from my new employer Garret Hawke. I'm now gonna be working at The Hanged Man! Hope to see you all there.

Speaking of where I'm working, I'm gonna suggest a few other places where I can be found!

Medieval Times where you can cheer me, the Blue Knight on! It can be a family affair or even just for a business outing.

The Ren Faire! Come see me doing a bunch of things and enjoy what we have to offer! If you tell me you know me from here, I'll even make you a personalized bracelet. I'm a damn good blacksmith if I do say so myself. This weekend, be there and I'll hang out with you.

Now that I'm done shamelessly plugging my works... how's it going? I live in Buena Park to stay close to my main work, and I own two dogs and a cat. Miss Ell, the cat, is pretty much a queen in regards how she's gotta be treated. Butter and Toast are my labs, only a year old each. So I love animals. Uh..I'm pretty nice, I think, and I have a good head on my shoulders. Let's chat it up.

I think I made this too date like...

Apr. 9th, 2017




I think I am getting good at this whole parenting thing. Am's girls were coloring when I was cooking tonight, and they wanted to keep on while we ate. I got them to agree that they had to eat five bites of food each time they changed out a crayon or moved to a new section. That way they could finish their pictures up, but their food wouldn't get cold.

I think I should have remembered to tell them they didn't have to go by that after they finished, since Barbie's hair is now blue because that's the crayon that Madison was using last when she finished the last bite. Five year olds are very literal.

Apr. 7th, 2017




There's someone out there who decided to teach a computer how to write recipes. It's come up with delicious titles like Completely Meat Chocolate Pie.

I gotta say though, it probably still manages to beat my sister's cooking skills. I'll take Beef Soup With Swamp Peef And Cheese over needing to drink my eggs through a straw again. I for one welcome our new culinary computer conquerors.

Apr. 6th, 2017




I'm certainly not complaining, because who could complain about their problems disappearing without a trace.

But it certainly is odd that my dream pregnancy has just... disappeared, presumably to never be spoken of or acknowledged again. These dreams sometimes make me feel as though I'm going mad. Did it even happen, or was it all in my head?

Apr. 1st, 2017




So watching Ghost Adventures with Will and Sans and all I can think during this episode is "I want to make my own mummy".




Forgot it was April Fool's today and only got reminded when my regular cashier at the gas station told me that they'd run out of hot dogs and had to switch to tofu dogs. Totally got me. Great prank. Dogone fantastic I'd say. I've seen a lot of them that are the wurst and people should really reconsider what they're doing with their lives.

Set up a prank of my own though, because, y'know. Spirit of the holiday. It's pretty harmless I think, but just in case, anyone in the dorm should probably not use the hand sanitizer pumps.




Someone 'pranked' me today by pulling off my scarf and then making it worse by making snarky comments about my scar, implying I cut myself for attention. I recognized him; he's my my psych class. He should know that's not funny. I should have said something like I'd kick his ass if his head wasn't in the way. But I didn't. I just took my scarf back and ran away. At least I can do that here. I don't know if my dream self will ever get away from the staring and the questions. There's a reporter than even comes into the hospital. Dream me might let her write a book, she thinks the book will help people understand her point of view. At least that's what dream me wanted when I was having newer dreams. They've been repeating lately, of the day I got that scar. Maybe that's why the 'prank' bothered me so much.

I want this day to be over already but I sure as hell don't want to go to sleep.

Mar. 29th, 2017




Classmate sent me this:

cut for f-list )

We both agree, engineering tastes like spreadsheets. Haven't figured out what physics tastes like yet but will report back with findings. Can anyone else confirm what your science tastes like?

Mar. 27th, 2017




How does anyone in Camelot have any type of routine to their life? Rumors reaching the city of crops dying and then the city well pumps are dispensing sand instead of water and no one has any clue how it’s all going to be solved, but Arthur has to. Although Merlin assured me in the dream he’d come up with something if Arthur couldn’t, which shouldn’t reassure me as much as it did. And I was having to sneak food from the kitchens for Morgana and it’s just one thing after another in my dreams and I can’t make sense of them half the time.