
Posts Tagged: 'roy+harper+%28red+arrow%29'

Feb. 23rd, 2015




Is it just me or is this new movie Chappie just a future version of Short Circuit?

Feb. 22nd, 2015




So, Buffy update, round 2! I'd come up wither another game like twenty questions, but all the ones I can think of are kind of difficult to fully accomplish in text mode. Kinda sucky, 'cause that was fun-like! Making internet friendsies, I'm totally living in the now... which is good 'cause... In my dreams I'm pretty sure it's still the nineties and I actually went to school sans a cell phone. Horror of all horrors.

I kid. Mostly.

Oh hey, I know! Challenge! Tell me one good thing that happened to you today. Think a roundhouse of positivity could go a long way with all the bad going on.

Feb. 6th, 2015




A trident. Was in my home. Where I live with my son.

Feb. 3rd, 2015




Nope, still not understanding the whole Super Bowl event, but at least it's over so I can stop hearing about it regardless of where I go. It was getting tiring being asked who I was picking to win and giving various responses of I didn't care and how American football is incorrectly named anyway. It should be more like tossball or pansy rugby.

Feb. 2nd, 2015




Katy Perry was an excellent choice for the half-time show.

And Missy Elliot's alive? Thought she fell off the face of the planet.

Jan. 30th, 2015




I visited your famous Pinks Hot Dogs and meh. Unimpressed. I'd go for a Dirty Water dog any day of the week over this wannabe. I miss the food the most about New York I think.

Jan. 24th, 2015




Okay, so this asshole is pretty much akin to a magician giving away all his fellow magicians' secrets, except for archers.

I hope the Avengers never find out. I'll probably lose my superhero status.




So I woke up to this beauty.

Probably one of the few good things to come out of my dreams.

Jan. 18th, 2015




Yay, look at me, I'm Interneting! This is where all the kids of varying degrees of cool go, right? I think my roomie's on here (hi roomie!), and maybe some people I know? Hopefully? 'Cause this is brand new information and all that, computers have never really been my thing until they were everybody's thing. I feel like I'm in the Dark Ages missing my flip phone that did all of two things. I think.

So! I'm Buffy, totally not old, and hi internet community thingy! Talk to me! I've got time to kill 'n all that. We can play twenty questions? Or. Not. I dunno what exactly you do, but hey. Hi. Howdy. I'm game for learning.

Jan. 13th, 2015




Well crap! Apparently yesterday was International Kiss a Ginger Day and I totally missed it!

Jan. 12th, 2015




Right then, with all the chaos I finally got a moment to myself here and uh. Is anyone missing a purple cloaked goth girl? I've found her. In my apartment. Not that I don't appreciate the welcome wagon but kiiiiinda awkward timing considering I was only in a towel and she's like 16.

Jan. 3rd, 2015




And now I remember why I hate Legos.

Dec. 22nd, 2014




I might have said it before, but I'll say it again; the song, Do You Hear What I Hear, always reminds me of Gremlins. Every single time I hear it, I think of that movie cause of the very brief scene when it's playing. I can't be alone in this. Anyone else?

Dec. 21st, 2014




If anyone wants to like, give fencing or archery lessons as a fantastic Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/Festivus present this year, don't hesitate to contact me. Kate Bishop, reporting for duty. Definitely not as busy this time of year as I'd like to be.

Dec. 10th, 2014




Turning thirty is trying enough, I feel, without having to dream of being a child. I suppose it's the price one pays when you cheat Hel and fate.

Dec. 1st, 2014




So blizzards in California is a thing now? Thought maybe it was a freak thing last year. Suffice to say, I have a very happy nine year old over here who is home from school because of said blizzard. She's practically bouncing off the walls. I wonder how long this is gonna last. Gonna have to do some shoveling and snowman making later once it lets up a little.

Nov. 23rd, 2014




I don't recommend getting shot.

Nov. 3rd, 2014




I am so lucky that after the sleepover she went to on Friday night, Lian was staying with my parents for the rest of the weekend and that they brought her to school this morning; otherwise, I would have had to explain why I was MIA until this morning. That was extremely bizarre. And I'm glad that surveillance cameras didn't get our faces. That would have been really bad. I'm debating on whether or not I'll ever dress up again for anything if that's what could happen.

Oct. 29th, 2014




May or may not have just bought a farm.




Note to self: next time you commit to dressing up as Rapunzel for Halloween, remember that extensions cost more than the actual costume.

What's that sound?

The sound of my bank account. Weeping.

The college struggle is super real, guys.

Oct. 20th, 2014




Thank you so much to everyone who made it to the baby shower this past Saturday! I still can't believe the little ones decided they need to make an appearance at the shower. I really appreciate you all coming, helping us out, and the amazing gifts. It was also great to have my family come down as well and I am so happy to be able to get a little more sleep in the mornings since my mother is in love with her grandbabies.

I took a lot of photos and will have to send out copies in the thank you cards - so if you came to the movie look for a picture of you and the twins in your mailbox soon.

I also can't decide if the twins are too small to dress up for Halloween or not. Still debating with Anakin on that one.




The deal is that I get to veto any Halloween costume ideas that I find to be inappropriate for a twelve year old. Not sure about this Monster High business. I'll have to do a bit more research before I can give an answer to that one.

Why is it that young girls' costumes just keep getting smaller and smaller?

Oct. 16th, 2014




Woke up to find a bow and a quiver of arrows in bed with me.

Not sure if this was someone's idea of a joke or a present.

Either way, I guess this is a sign from the universe that I should take some archery lessons.

Oct. 12th, 2014




Chasing a 6 year-old around Disneyland all day is a lot of fun, but it's incredibly exhausting. On the bright side, it eliminated the usual "let me stay up another hour" debate. Annie's just as wiped as I am.




Well I for one am glad that we don't live close to Wasco. I'm not one to be scared of clowns, but this reminds me of a horror movie.

Oct. 4th, 2014




I can see the babies moving around in my stomach. It is equal parts amazing and creepy. Like they're both tiny ninjas or something because they are constantly pushing and kicking. I think they're ready to come out into the world.

Speaking of their birth, I would like to have a baby shower with people from the network. I know it's slightly late notice, but would the 18th work for people? It's not terribly formal, but it's open for anyone that would like to attend even if we don't know each other. This is a good way for Anakin and I to meet more of you.

Sep. 22nd, 2014




Dream fairy came again, this time with more jewelry.

He killed Jenny. He took Giles. He had Willow and Xander hurt. Kendra's dead. But Willow pulled off the curse and he got his soul back and I killed--

It's a Monday. There's reasons why people hate Mondays.

Sep. 19th, 2014




Argh!! Today be talk like a pirate day!! All ye mangy scoundrels best be talking proper.

Sep. 11th, 2014




I honestly forgot this network existed. I could treat this like Facebook or Twitter and report the most stupidly mundane things.

For example: I burned my grilled cheese sandwich.

Sep. 9th, 2014




Oh, I forgot. I got some presents from the dream fairy. This is one of them, and while it isn't all modern like the crossbows nowadays, it still feels like home.

Also got an antique-y looking chest full of anti-vampire stuffs and the necklace Angel gave me when we first met.

Christmas in September for the Slayer!

What in the world happened to the days where I just wanted shoes?

Sep. 7th, 2014




This is ridiculous. I fell asleep at my desk yesterday multiple times. Drank about six cups of coffee, but couldn't stay awake. Thank god, I didn't fall asleep driving. Today, when I could sleep, I was practically wide awake all day except later on, when I should have been making dinner. Luckily we've got stuff in the house that Lian could make easily cause I just woke up now. Now I can't decide if I should try and go back to sleep or stay awake.

Sep. 1st, 2014




I can officially cross off "dying" and "coming back to life" off my bucket list. I've read it's a thing here, so I feel like I've been initiated into some kind of club.

Also, ever wonder where a mouth of hell would conveniently be and open up at? Check your local school library! You'd be surprised.

Aug. 30th, 2014




Oh man, I wish I'd taken Lian back to school shopping last weekend. The malls might be worse than Christmas today. Oh my god, and I got the dirtiest look from this one woman while I was waiting for Lian outside the fitting room at one store. I know I can't be the only dad or single dad who takes his daughter shopping. It's like she thought I was there just to be a creeper.

Also, if you don't need to go out, I suggest staying inside or at least away from any college campuses. This is not a drill. I made the mistake of driving by USC and the traffic was horrible.

Aug. 28th, 2014




So. I'm sure this has been discussed already but I still need to say it.

That new turtle movie. I saw it tonight. It was uh...good. I just had a hard time getting past how creepy the turtles looked. They all looked like they could be the Hunchback. How do they not give little kids nightmares?

Aug. 15th, 2014




Yeah, it's been a busy day for us down here at the squad. They called us in over at Stark Tower and then at the docks, and I ain't allowed to mention details.

But you guys weren't kiddin about crazy crap happening here in the OC were you? This here is a hell of a Friday. Keep it up, I was gettin really freaking bored.

Aug. 2nd, 2014




Took an elbow to the nose in the middle of night, last night. I've had many bad wake-up calls in my life, but I've got to say, this ranks pretty high on the Unpleasant Scale.

Image cut for blood. )

But guess who had to clean the sheets? Hint: it wasn't me.

[ooc: trigger warning - blood]

Jul. 21st, 2014




Is it just me or did the costumes from the 90s Ninja Turtles movies look better than the CGI in the new one?

Jul. 19th, 2014




Nessie fell asleep on her way home from Disneyland, but she's a happy little girl. She saw Mickey and Minnie and Bella and I even waited in line for 2 hours so she could see Anna and Elsa. She was more excited about the Olaf animatronic outside.

Jul. 17th, 2014




I think I was cut off at least five times on the freeway today. I know it's LA, but usually it's a little better than that. You'd think this was a three day weekend or something. Everyone is always in such a damn hurry.

[Private to Piers]
I'm going to be just a little late. I have to get some material.

Jul. 13th, 2014




So I don't know if it's the dreams or cause I've been practicing alot, but I've been getting really good with the bow and arrow. I set up targets in the backyard and I've been practicing every night. I've barely missed a bullseye in the last week. It's pretty awesome.

Speaking of the dreams though, turns out Jade and I have Lian in them too, but I didn't know about it for a year. Of course, when I found out, Jade poisoned me, but Dick ended up saving me and he brought Lian to me and I became a single father from that point on. I became a private investigator in LA for awhile after that then rejoined the CBI then the Titans were hunted and I rejoined and became the leader. After that I traded in my title as Speedy and became Arsenal. Traded in the bow and arrow for guns at that point too. Apparently I can use pretty much any weapon at that point. It's pretty cool actually.

Jul. 6th, 2014




I don't know why I need to be on this network. I don't even have Facebook. Apparently it's a good way to keep on top of what's happening in the county. I don't know what happened to watching the news.




I find it alarming how easily my plans fall into place in my dreams. Thor banished, Asgard relocating to Latveria, the Avengers still convinced I'm actually Scarlet Witch. Honestly, I thought the good-guys were meant to be relatively perceptive.

In much better news, I appear to be back to my old self.

Jul. 4th, 2014




Nothing like being woken up at the crack of dawn by your friends blasting Bruce Springsteen. I guess I should be flattered, right? At the risk of sounding old, I need a nap.

Not too bad, though. The dreams I was having weren't all that great and the distraction was good. I still think they should have bought me breakfast, though.

Jun. 25th, 2014




My clothes are doing surprisingly well. In fact they're doing well enough that the company has asked me to think about creating a young girls line.

I said yes of course, but then I realized that I have no idea what young girls wear and what they like. Surely it has to be different from what I used to wear.

Jun. 21st, 2014




I'm tired but I can't seem to relax. I've wandered away from this post at least three times before finishing.

Counting sheep is a lie.

Do you have any free time soon?

Jun. 13th, 2014



Protip: If you walked out on your wife and son, and blew a hell of a lot of money on spoiling your mistress? Don't expect your son to send you a Father's Day card.

Jun. 12th, 2014



I got home today and found a big, glass-fronted case set up in one of the unused corners of the warehouse floor, and my uniform from the dreams on a mannequin inside it. It's just like the one from the Cave - if it weren't for the surroundings being very firmly my house, I could almost swear I'm fifteen again and about to go suit up for a night of patrol with B when I stand in front of it.

Also, the uniform itself is definitely too small for me :( , but the equipment stored with it is totally usable.

Jun. 8th, 2014



Everyone come tell my little brother how cute and handsome he is. I do it all the time, but I think he's starting to not believe me as much. People of the O.C., I need back up on this!!

If he gets it from a lot of people, he can't doubt me anymore. )

I really know some of the greatest people, both in-dream and out. Hey, Roy, should I figure something out for you next? I bet if Lian helps me, we could come up with a really great post!


Um. Hi! I'm Oliver Queen. I'm a lawyer down in Stanton. I work with the homeless and people who need help with Social Security, disability. That kind of stuff. I got an invite here, and figured I'd check it out. I can't actively troll for clients, but I'm here if anyone needs someone like me.


In other news, Barbara Gordon is amazing. And quite possibly the closest to perfection that humanity has has ever come.

Too bad she's only in my dreams. :( Cry forever.