
Posts Tagged: 'rose+tyler'

Jun. 13th, 2018




I'm looking for a new project. Inquire below.




I'd say that Bea has taken to summer. She loves the kiddie pool. I just put it in the shade, and slather her with sunblock...

Picture under here! )

Jun. 9th, 2018




I have found photographic evidence that Michael Jackson was a time traveler or an immortal or something. “Cut )




I'm dreaming these dreams a lot now and it feels like I'm some kind of horror movie. I dreamed that a hole opened up in my bathroom in my apartment. I was pretty desperate to get out, so I crawled through it and the next thing I know I was sitting on this wicked long escalator going down into what I think is subway station. It's completely abandoned except for this woman named Cynthia. She thinks we're in a dream. Her dream. She asks me to help her find the exit and I agree, but before we go even four feet she get's sick and goes into the bathroom. She never comes out and then I'm attacked by these...things. I don't know what they are. They're kind of a cross between a dog and a big cat of some kind with these super long barbed tongues. I kill them with a lead pipe and look for Cynthia, but I can't find her. I do find another hole that takes me back to my apartment. Then Cynthia calls me demanding to know why I left and says if I need tokens she has them.

What the actual hell is going on?!




Made it through a week of work. Once I got into the swing of things it seemed it be better.

Now I suppose I should call in my pool and drinks invite to reward myself for not just selling the cafe and running away. Right?

Jun. 6th, 2018




Christ, getting shot is exhausting. Don't put that on your to do list.

Jun. 1st, 2018




My dreams have gone from being pretty normal to strange. I'm trapped in my apartment. Someone chained my door shut with heavy chains and padlocks. My windows are sealed shut and my phone doesn't work. I don't have a cell phone, or I'm in a time in which cell phones aren't common. I've tried to banging on my doors and windows hoping to get the attention of my neighbors, but no one has noticed. No one has even noticed that I'm missing.

I don't like the way these dreams make me feel when I wake up.

May. 26th, 2018




I got sucked into a Netflix hole today, UGGGGGGH.

I started watching this documentary called "Evil Genius" - it's about this bank robbery in 2003 where this pizza delivery guy went to deliver a pizza and some guys jumped him and attached a collar bomb to his neck and sent him on this weird scavenger hunt to free himself, which included robbing a bank. Let's just say it didn't end well for him and it's all about the investigation.

It's super intriguing if you like true crime stuff and only 4 parts, so a quick binge. All I have to say is people are crazy.




Walked into the Cafe today totally intending to get back to it. Had a random panic attack that came out of nowhere because clearly "normal" is too weird after a few weeks on a mountain alone.

I need a new life. Can I start over?

May. 25th, 2018




Baxter Bakery is looking to host a book club! If that sounds like something you'd like to join, please comment below. I'd like to see how many people might have interested before finding a day and time that works for everyone!




Is it time for another picture of Scoopy in his development? Or have I reached my quota of cute, great dane pics?




Even with all the insane and supernatural stuff that happens in my dreams. The thing I can’t get over is my mom and my boyfriend (well I guess exboyfriend now) teaming up to spy on me.

May. 22nd, 2018




It’s taken me five months but I’ve finally decided what I’m going to do with the top floor of my house. It’s got that huge open space from when my friend used it to practice magic, so why not turn it into a space I can use to work out and train in? Now I just need to find the equipment I want for it but that shouldn’t be too hard.




Well well well. It seems that whatever is behind these dreams decided to give a gift. I woke up to the costume I wore to that party I dreamed of on the foot of my bed - loincloth and all. I couldn’t help but try it on just to see if it fit as well as it did in the dreams. And I wasn’t disappointed by what the mirror showed me.




I'm home for anyone who gives a shit.

My version of adventure:
» falling off two mountain sides
» jumping off a waterfall
» falling out of four trees
» breaking too many bones to count
» scaring a bear
» being chased by a lynx
» pretty sure I was being tracked most of the trip

And the best: wrecking my bike on the drive home, getting home and Dreaming. Because why not.




Growlie and I went walking on the beach today, and all these kids were running and playing with him. He was in absolute heaven. He's so sweet and gentle and they even loved that he breathe fire. I shouldn't show him off like that, but having him start a fire for a cookout was fun.

May. 17th, 2018




Time for some fucking alcohol

May. 16th, 2018




When my dreams first began, we had a dragon expert take a look at Temeraire to determine his breed, and it was decided that he must be a Chinese Imperial, a rare dragon rarely seen outside of China. Whoever, with the revelation of Temeraire's destructive roar in my last dream, the same expert concluded that he must be a Chinese Celestial, rarer still than the Imperial and never seen beyond China's boarders.

It seems as he was correct, as word of our victory must have reached China, and they have sent an embassy to retrieve Temeraire so as to return him to China. As loathe as I would be to see him go, had Temeraire chose to return with them, I would have willingly said my farewells. But as it stands, they insist on using all sorts of underhanded methods to convince him to go, including lying to him and trying to force me to lie when Temeraire did not believe them, and calling me a thief to my face when Temeraire's egg had been won as a fair prize in a naval battle.

I may have lost my temper with First Lord Admiral Barham, which I am sure guarantees that, in the event Temeraire chooses to return to China, I will have lost my position in the Navy. Though that is hardly my most dire concern, as I disobeyed orders and saw Temeraire once they caused him to lose his temper, which is a almost certainly a court martial, but that Temeraire also scooped me up, quite of his own accord, and flew off to Dover to engage in battle.

I'm nearly certain that this means I will be arrested in my next set of dreams. At least I can still cherish my freedom in my waking life.

May. 14th, 2018




My last job is complete, and it's going to be a beautiful tower, but I'm not needed anymore except for consultations.

So if anyone needs any designing done for their homes or businesses, I'm free! Well, the consultation is free.

May. 13th, 2018




Ya know, with all the traveling and adventures I have with the Doctor, I don't really seem to care how it's hurting the people I left behind.

I'm a lousy girlfriend.

May. 3rd, 2018




So. Don't go outside. You probably saw everyone else's posts about what's goin' on and think 'oh it can't be so bad, I've seen worse!' No way, these buggers are smart. And that makes them scary. I plan to hunker down and sit the rest of this out!

And if you're one of those hero types that wants to look out for everyone else, bless you. After all this blows over, come over to Baxter's and there's a coffee and danish in it for you.

Audrey )

Henry )




So I’m going to have a party Saturday. Anybody on here who wants to come hang out at my beach house - message me and I’ll give you the address. I’m going to have food and drink and who the hell knows what else delivered. All you have to do is show up and hang out for a few hours - listen to me play some of the music I’ve been working on during my dream induced lockdown if you’re into that. And the only orcs here are the ones in the game on my PS4 - Orcs Must Die.

Apr. 29th, 2018




I hear there's a big movie out this weekend?




I think I may have had a couple of those Dreams you all have been talking about, but I'm not really sure.

The first one I had I saw what I think is a prehistoric forest. I don't know if that really counts, but when I woke up I realized that I'd been asleep for twenty-four hours. Is that...does that happen here? Like, is that normal?

The other dream was different, it was actually kind of normal, just me moving into a new apartment, but when I woke up, it didn't feel as though it was a dream. I actually expected to be in that apartment. Is that normal?


These Dreams are fascinating. I don't think I'll ever be ready when the next rolls in. Another gift, another dream.

Apr. 27th, 2018




After a few scheduling set backs I'm finally heading out this week. Taste of Home will be open, though, so don't worry. I've got a good staff for a reason.

Apr. 25th, 2018




So I didn’t play my Tsum Tsum game for awhile because I just didn’t have time, but I found myself with a few minutes today and started the game up and it hit me for the first time - a lot of the female Disney characters that you can get seem to have been reduced to nothing more than a way to summon in their canon love interests when you use their ability. And I’m really not sure I like that in a game that I know kids play on their parents phones.




He’s suing me! My former landlord is suing me for breaking the lease when I moved out early! Can he do that when he’s the reason I broke the lease though? And there’s something in there about my jeopardizing his livelihood, because I told the school what had happened so that they would know what he did before allowing him to advertise his room to students. This is too much stress when I’m trying to get on Chopped so that I can hopefully win prize money and start towards opening my own place

Apr. 24th, 2018




[Filtered away from non-puncturable MCU chars]

I cannot even begin to believe that this is a question my employees are asking, but NO. I will not close the restaurant or the clubs down just because you want to go see Infinity War this weekend. No, I don't care that you've waited ten years for this movie, you still have to work your shift or you wont have a job in the morning. No, I don't care that I'm being unfair.




Moved into a bigger place so my pup can run around in the yard. He's loving it. )




I can't believe it's been a month since we got the green light to make the season of my new show! Time has really flied while having fun!!

They've set a premiere date for the show, which is going to run over the summer. It's set to run Sunday evenings from May 27 until August! We're going to have a 13 episode season.

I hope you'll all love it! I want to have a big party when the first episode premieres! :)




I had a few minutes of sleep today without any dreams. At all. Not the dreams dreams, not regular dreams. Just sleep. It was in the library. I was studying, thought I'd rest my eyes for a second and fell asleep. When I woke up, there was a moment where I couldn't remember where I was. I guess it's because I've never slept in a library before. I wanted to run, hide from the windows and find Hannibal so he'd take me back to his basement. It was only for a moment, but the dreams still got to me without an actual dream.

Apr. 23rd, 2018




I'm well aware of what can cross over from dreams, both in the form of items and powers.

But babies, has anyone heard of those crossing over?

Apr. 22nd, 2018




You know that classic urban legend we all know never happened, about the guy with a hook for a hand? That everyone knows someone that it really happened to their cousin’s best friend’s roomate’s older sister? And we all know that it never happened at all?

I learned that it is actually based on a real thing that happened back in the 1940s, and now I don’t know how to feel. About it or any other urban legend.




Well my apartment here definitely has a better view than my old one in New York. If any of my cousins are looking for me I'll be by the pool enjoying it.

Apr. 20th, 2018




Okay, so finally got some new dreams. My friends in my dreams are idiots - totally dicks - and decided to write a nice slur against Nancy on the movie theater marquee - classy. Nancy got upset and I let Jonathan keep punching me in the face because I really did deserve it. I finally laid into them and decided to go get Nancy back.

BAD IDEA. I walked to Jonathan's house and basically walked into the weirdest shit ever. Christmas lights everywhere, everyone going crazy over something, and Jonathan threatened to shoot me. THEN A MONSTER FELL FROM THE CEILING. SERIOUSLY- A REAL MONSTER. What the hell are these dreams?!

And my face is nicely bruised - thank god for the weekend.

Apr. 15th, 2018




The children in gas masks were back. If they weren't so creepy I'd feel sorry for it. I did feel sorry for it. At least the Doctor and Jack were there...made it a little less creepy.

Don't worry, it wasn't really a little kid with a gas mask. It was some type of alien robot. Nano genes I think? They were just trying to help but got the wrong information.

For something that started as a scary movie, it turned out to be a happy ending. Everyone lived and the Doctor danced! It was fantastic!

Apr. 14th, 2018




I made a fun batch of "Tax Day" cookies! I have a limited supply, and they're only available until April 17th! Just as a reminder to get your taxes done!

Available at Baxter Bakery )




Well, damn. Got a new dream and boy is it a doozy.

Taserface tossed me and Rocket into the brig after this blue chick convinced him we were more valuable alive considerin' we had large bounties on our heads. Spent about five seconds feeling sorry for myself 'fore Rocket tells me Quill is with Ego. Well I can't have that, considerin' I know what Ego really wants from him. So we hatch a plan to bust out.

Only...we gotta rely on the twig (literally a tiny talkin', walkin' little tree thing) to get my other fin as the one on my noggin' is currently busted. Stupid little guy kept bringin' the wrong stuff like he don't understand a damn thing we're sayin'. I can't even say some of the things he found that weren't my fin. Finally Kraglin, my former crewmate, rolls up with my fin and blubbers some apology about how he didn't mean to start a mutiny. Yeah, well, stupid is as stupid does. Still, I ain't about to kill the only member of my crew left that actually gives a damn about me.

So out we go, struttin' out of the jail cell and down the corridors of my ship and I whistle the hell outta my Yaka arrow. I take out every single one of those bastards. I don't even need to see 'em to get 'em. It was a damned fine light show! I saved the best trick for last: I blew up half my ship - with Taserface in it.

Karma's a bitch, you dumb, ugly bastard.

Apr. 9th, 2018




Remember how I said I love when a plan comes together?

There was this old crashed Federation ship, the Franklin. One of the survivors of another ship that had been taken by these people had made it into her home and repaired it. We were able to jump start the ship's systems by... pushing it off a cliff. But hey, it worked.

We figured out that VHF signal ranges disrupt the network the enemy ships used to coordinate. So we blasted classical music on that frequency.

Classical music in 2263 being the Beastie Boys. Always one of my favorites.

I feel like in my other dreams we would have blasted Elvish or the Beatles

Mar. 28th, 2018




Are you kidding me. I've gone dreamless for months and now dreams? Fuck you, OC.

Mar. 27th, 2018




I knew he wasn’t thrilled about moving into the house but I didn’t think he’d go this far I really thought it was going to take me longer to get settled into the house than it did. Benefits of it being fully furnished already I guess.

[Private to Rose Tyler]
Want to come over and help me explore the wine cellar I got with the house? Or just keep me company since Penny isn’t around anymore?

Mar. 21st, 2018




Had another dream last night. They usually don't come so close together. My department was forced to play babysitter to some political powder keg. Unsurprisingly, said powder keg blew up. Literally. I was pretty sure it was D so I tracked him down, but by the time I found him that morning they'd found the actual suspect. I'm still not convinced D wasn't up to something. Dude's shady as fuck.

On the bright side, all my complaining finally paid off and D actually had some eggs and vegetables to give me for breakfast instead of the sweets he's normally got lying around. The eggs were kinda weird, but not too bad.

Mar. 20th, 2018




This one happened to me a while ago but I didn’t want to say anything about it until I’d gotten all of the fallout dealt with as much as I could. Worst fucking Valentines Day wakeup ever So I died in the dreams. No big shock there when you’re dreaming about a town full of and run by vampires right? It doesn’t end there though.

Somehow my house in the Dreams saved my soul? Not sure how that works but all I know is I came back that night as a ghost. Not a see through one - real physical body, which would be awesome if it weren’t for the fact that if I try to step out my front door, I feel myself getting pulled to someplace else. So I’m trapped in the house and have to relive my death at sunrise. The pain of it at least.

And it crossed over to here. The ghost part and not being able to leave my house. Which means until something happens - I can’t perform. The guys are loving the extra downtime and all but I’m not used to just staying all the time. I’d probably go nuts if it weren’t for Kat

Mar. 19th, 2018




What the hell? It's snowing out! It's actually snowing!!

...why is it snowing?




You know, as a bartender I hear some pretty crazy things from people once they’ve had a few libations. Yesterday evening a guy insisted that Daylight Savings Time was a government conspiracy designed to bolster Big Electric and as such he was going to refuse to observe it. He doesn’t believe in time zones either, apparently. Not entirely sure how that’s working out for him, but it was pretty funny to listen to.




If the Dreams could not make my life awkward right before a major presentation in my psych class, that would be great. I could have lived without the experience of waking up next to Penny after a Dream of meeting some cute musician who had me completely tongue-tied. I’m just hoping that he was trying not to listen in on my thoughts this morning.

I didn’t have time to review my notes before class, so I went into the presentation barely prepared and having to constantly look down at my note cards because I just couldn’t quit feeling guilty get my head on straight.




Lesson learned: experimenting with powers you have in your head leads to giving yourself a migraine from hell that you try to drink into the ground then fuck up your mental organization and end up worse off than you started.

A few weeks later and I'm finally functional again. So glad the Cafe runs without my brain functional. I am so freaking worn out it's beyond ridiculous. That said, it made nothing better. I'm so over this untouchable bullshit.

Also, I think I'll be laying off experimenting for a while. That was terribly unpleasant.

Mar. 18th, 2018




Cut for safe for work image viewable to all )




I wish I could go into my dreams and smack myself upside the head. I'm being a complete dick in my dreams - rude to the girl I like, not really bothering to care that her friend has disappeared, and then I caught her with another guy in her room. I know I'm about to do something incredibly stupid, but I don't know how to stop myself.

It's going to be incredibly cringe-worthy and cause me second-hand embarrassment. I really don't want to dream what comes next. Can I skip a dream?