
Posts Tagged: 'rebekah+mikaelson'

Mar. 29th, 2016




Dreaming that I lived over a thousand years ago is..odd.

Mar. 28th, 2016




I spent the afternoon packing, and came to the realisation that I don't have much to pack. It's going to be an easy move down the hall in a few days. Almost feels like cheating somehow.

Mar. 5th, 2016




warty hogs.

Mar. 3rd, 2016




Please tell me I'm not the only one who's ridiculously excited to go see Zootopia? Mom's watching Viv, so I can go this weekend. Just need to find someone to go with look up show times. How adorable does it look? And, apparently, it's a good movie on top of being family friendly... It's setting records and still at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Are they going to take away my adult card because I'm so excited to go see a kids movie?




I found myself continuing to watch Disney Jr. after I laid the twins down for their nap.

I don't even know why

Feb. 29th, 2016




It feels strange being back home in the OC. But I have to admit I kind of missed it

Sep. 29th, 2015




"You can't wear white. You're not a virgin."

Just one of the many great lines from Bob's Burgers, while the kids are helping bob pick out an apron. If I ever have kids, I hope that they are as amusing as the Belcher children.

In other news, it's almost time for the honeymoon. Kinda getting anxious but it's not like I haven't had time alone with my husband.

Sep. 21st, 2015




Is it silly to pay for college tuition when you're still not even sure what career you want?

Sep. 4th, 2015




Oh joy. I started dreaming again. Can we just not?

Aug. 25th, 2015




I wish I could take a break from these dreams.

I know there's probably no stopping them but maybe a month or two of normalcy would be nice.

Aug. 14th, 2015




I had the most peculiar dreams last night. I dreamt that children basically come from birds. We can still fly as long as we believe we can and I left my house and flew to a particular garden in England. It takes a while for tiny baby me to realize that I'm not a bird, but I can understand the birds and the fairies that I meet. It's all so very strange and makes absolutely no sense.

And the strangest part was when I woke up there was a large amount of birds on my balcony.

Let's not talk about how I was floating above my bed. Flying is not possible.

Aug. 12th, 2015




No dreams yet.

...But I probably totally just jinxed myself.

Aug. 11th, 2015



Filtered Away From Stefan Salvatore

So my friend Stefan needs to get laid a date.

He's cute. He's nice. He's kind of a dream stalker, but not much here. He has a car that he's very excited about for some reason. He likes the boardwalk and long walks on the beach. Actually I have no clue about the long walks on the beach but he probably would for the right girl.

So yeah. Date Stefan.

Aug. 5th, 2015




I tried to kill my father while he slept in my dreams. I would have succeeded if it hadn't been for my brother stopping me.

I can't really say I'm surprised though.

Jul. 29th, 2015




I'm contemplating getting a job.

I need more to do

Jul. 24th, 2015




I finally did it. I couldn't take the empty apartment anymore and adopted a dog. He's the absolute sweetest animal I've ever met and I adore him already. His name is Gear and like a true mommy I leave you with a picture of our first outing at the park!

Gear )

Jul. 20th, 2015




The weather is nice, sunny and perfect. I think this constitutes a beach day in the near future. What do you say, family? Mikaelson family BBQ with a few friends?

Jun. 30th, 2015




I'm just about all settled into my new apartment. There are still a few boxes that I've yet to get around to unpacking but those should be taken care of soon enough.

I've also been thinking about getting a pet. Something small to keep me company when I'm home alone

Jun. 11th, 2015




So this is the thing, is it? Tink's been on and on about it forever. This is the place to go to keep up with all the weirdness. Yes? Good, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Oh. I'm Nux. That's not my name, it's just what people call me, but it's practically my name. I work with Tink. Obviously.

Jun. 8th, 2015




I don't normally use social media, but I suppose, in a way, it's kind of like people watching, which is something I do enjoy doing. You can learn so much a kit a person when they don't know you're watching them after all. So I stumbled upon this group while looking for something else and I must admit, I'm not entirely sure if you're all crazy or intriguing. I suppose only time will tell for sure.

May. 28th, 2015




I've returned.

Things became quite strange in my absence.

May. 24th, 2015




Some days I want to force choke a customer through the phone.

May. 23rd, 2015




I would not recommend a twelve hour flight if you can absolutely avoid it. I wish I'd taken a layover just for the chance to stretch my legs. But I'm finally home sweet home again.

My older brother told me about this little network so I decided to give it a try.

Hello everyone. I'm Rebekah.

Oct. 5th, 2014




[Mass message to TVD-verse and people who may be tethered to them]
So, since it seems like quite a few of us are magically linked to other people I believe we should have a very large family dinner. Great way to meet everyone who is following us around. What does everyone think about that?

Sep. 26th, 2014




I am so excited now that every single one of my siblings are finally back in the same area! I don't think the OC fully understands what they are in for with all us Mikaelsons back together. There may be some shenanigans and debauchery - okay, I lied - there will be.

However, it'll have to wait for weekends since school just started back up and I am in my last semester. I am so ready to be done with all this and just start working as a teacher. Let's get this done!

Sep. 25th, 2014




When I woke this morning I found myself wearing a ring I'd never seen before. Then as I woke more I recalled bits of the dreams I'd had the night before and in those, I was wearing that ring. I'm not entirely certain what purpose is served by breaking into my home and placing a ring on my left middle finger, but I'm thoroughly perplexed. The dreams... those are another thing entirely.

Aug. 31st, 2014



Shake It Off is definitely my jam right now.




There is some weird show on Bravo called "Extreme Guide to Parenting" and I've decided that all these families are messed up. I've only watched a few clips and such (thanks to the Soup for pointing it out), but seriously. These parents are so odd and while I see they love their children their parenting styles are crazy. I guess I'm not one to judge because maybe they would see my style as crazy, but spirit animals like unicorns that you're child apparently just sees in the back yard? And having your grandmother nanny your child, but you won't let her eat breakfast with you? Alrighty....

[Filtered to Family]
Are we having a Labor Day BBQ or anything? I'd love to go out to the beach or something as one last hurrah before things start getting busy again.

Aug. 27th, 2014



Bought a brand new Honda Accord. I have no regrets. Actually pretty glad the transmission went out on my old car now.

Aug. 14th, 2014




I'm planning my daughter's fourth birthday party. This is a very strange moment for me.

[Private to Sev's friends, and those with kids on the Network] )

Jul. 29th, 2014




I totally forgot to post this! But we have two new furry members to the Salvatore household. We went to the shelter the other week and these two were too adorable to pass up on. Natalia is completely enamored with them and keeps dragging them around the house with her. They are such good kitties and put up with it.

Without further ado
Click for a picture of cute kitties! McDoogle and Rufus )
McDoogle on the left and Rufus on the right. I love them so much.

Jul. 13th, 2014




It looks like I have a job.

Jul. 8th, 2014




I think my daughter is seriously wanting a cat. She is completely enamored right now and I think it's quite fun to watch the two of them get up to shenanigans.

But before I get a cat I wanted to ask all of you lovely people for some advice:

- Any good shelters out there? I'd like to rescue.
- Kitten or cat? My daughter is 2.
- Male or female?

Hopefully someone will have some good advice for my husband and I on our first foray into pet ownership.

May. 27th, 2014




Well this certainly makes for an interesting morning. I am so past the point of trying to figure this out. My poor daughter is going to be so confused.

At least I make an attractive man.

Apr. 24th, 2014




I am completely surrounded by pink streamers, balloons in many colors, and tiny bags of confetti. I refuse to open up the confetti and get it all over myself until tomorrow. I've also need to make sure that it's on high tables and not the kid tables because I don't want any little ones eating it. I just made a bunch of cupcakes, which are currently cooling, and I still need to frost them.

Kid birthdays are crazy. I think I may hire a party planner next year so I don't have to do this myself. But at least Natalia thinks the balloons are absolutely fantastic and that's distracting her for now.


I may be going slightly crazy.

Apr. 8th, 2014




What in the heck is a good theme for a two year old's birthday party????

I'm debating between Princess and Zoo right now. I'm only leaning towards zoo because I would love to get face painting done because she would be adoooorable.

Mar. 17th, 2014



I swear my parents like to call me and converse in Italian just because they get tired of always using English. Which makes me either look crazy in public or...romantic. Maybe.

Bilingual family problems.

[filtered; Becks, Damon, Elena]

Mom is saying we need to have dinner next weekend. No one can refuse. She's cooking and baking. She goes "Stefan, I never see you or your brother. You're all so busy. Does Damon have a wedding date yet? What are you doing for Natalia's birthday? I want new curtains for the living room, tell your wife I want her to look over some with me. I haven't seen Elena's ring either. Call more, Stefan. I can't stand that texting. And tell your brother."


[/end filter]

Feb. 24th, 2014




I am so completely over these dreams. It's been FOREVER since I had any and suddenly I woke up today with a freaking sword at the foot of the bed.

The same old vampire drama was going on and my dream self is still an absolutely horrible person along with my brothers. I also apparently have an urge to try and lead a normal life because I've decided to enroll in high school. What the hell.

But the dream that brought about the sword started was a mixture of flashbacks to 1100 AD about some man I was in love with that wanted to hunt and kill my entire family. But apparently there's a cure for vampirism that they may know about. The sword that appeared is a key in finding this cure.

Why do things have to get strange again?




I'm really getting over the Ash falling from the sky. I hope everyone is staying safe.


Miss you little sis. How are you and Natty doing?

Feb. 20th, 2014




Since there's all the craziness going on outside I've decided just to hunker down at home with the kid. I don't need her going out there and breathing in the ash and such. Besides, ice skating is on right now and I'm totally fascinated.

Is it bad that I want to be one of those parents that makes their children try a million sports and hope that they're good at at least one of them? I would love for my daughter to be a figure skater in the Olympics. These people are so amazing. God, this is just too much fun to watch!

Jan. 28th, 2014



I need to have some fun tonight. Major distraction. I'd try to do schoolwork but I can't focus on it anyways, so what's the point?

Jan. 27th, 2014




I clearly didn't get enough of my sister and Natalia at the BBQ we last last week, so I drove by to visit two of my favorite girls and spend time with them for the day. I brought Natty some candy and a giant stuffed Unicorn. ...Hey, at least it didn't make noise or glow or light up, Bekah.

My last semester of college is here and my internship with ESPN is over. In a few weeks I'll find out if they want to take me on as an employee after this semester ends. Fingers crossed.

Anyone up for a Disney trip this weekend? Lenakins? Damon? Stefan? Bekah? Finn? Sagey?

Jan. 8th, 2014



I know some of you feel me on this.

[public cut here with image] )

Dec. 16th, 2013




Christmas is in a week and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've done a little Christmas shopping; for Myrcella, Stiles and Katherine, but I haven't really been looking forward to Christmas this year like the other years. Like, right now my mom would have been making Christmas cookies and my dad would have strung lights outside the house, but this year the house has just been quiet and we don't even have a tree.

Dec. 11th, 2013



Had a girls' day with my favorite blonde and we decided we're eloping. Sorry, Salvatores.


Dec. 3rd, 2013




I'm so excited that it's December, which is silly because I was excited about last month too. But now I am a newlywed and Stefan and I had our first holiday as "The Salvatores", which was fantastic and lovely. The wedding was beautiful and I'm so thankful to everyone who came and especially those who watched over Nat so we could spend some alone time.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun as well. I'm so blessed to have a great family. It was a lot of fun to have a big dinner with all my family members and now my extended family. I think there were only a couple of fights and we went through more than enough bottles of wine. I will admit that my sweet potatoes were absolutely phenom.

And now it's time for Christmas. I almost wish we were going to be back in Tahoe during the holiday just for the snow, but I will enjoy the warmth here. I've got to start pulling out the Christmas decorations this weekend. Finals are almost over and then I just have to get through next semester and I will be officially graduated! Woohoo.

Anyone have any good Christmas recipes they are willing to share? Always looking for something new to try.




I can't believe it's almost 4 weeks. Thursday my little Christina will be 4 weeks old. My mother is leaving tomorrow to head home. My dad left on Saturday, after the world's most crazy Thanksgiving. I have a feeling they'll be back for Christmas? I'm definitely not driving up there for Christmas.

The pain pills make me a bit loopy. But I'm weaning off of them. Thank God.

Sorry for the TMI. I'm not sure how to shut my mouth off lately.

cut for image )

Nov. 22nd, 2013





I am getting married tomorrow. We are in Tahoe right now and it's beautiful around here. Everything is coming together and I think we'll be able to pull this off without a hitch. I cannot wait to be Mrs Rebekah Salvatore. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep at all - too many butterflies in my stomach.

Nov. 15th, 2013




Dream me is a bitch

Nov. 12th, 2013




Well, luckily I haven't been struck by whatever is going around, which is nice but I don't usually lie very much. Or at least I don't have a lot of people to lie to, I guess.

I've been so wrapped up in birthdays (Stefan and Henrik) and wedding planning that I haven't had much time to think about anything else. Next weekend will be our wedding and I couldn't be happier or more excited! I'm also really giddy about the idea that the next weekend is Thanksgiving so we will be having our first holiday as a married couple.

Oh no, I realized we haven't even discussed a honeymoon idea. Anyone have any good ideas?