
Posts Tagged: 'rapunzel'

Feb. 17th, 2017




I think I want to take a dance class of some sort. It just seems like fun and I want to get moving a bit more than I do right now. It would also be fun if I could find some kind of couples dance class that I could convince Laura to do with me.

Also yay three day weekend! :D

Jan. 29th, 2017




I'm so glad the weather is finally nice again. It was so much fun to go out and ride Maximus today! Even Pascal came along for a ride even though I think he tries to act like he dislikes Maximus. It was a really good distraction from actual school work.

I think I'm going to head over to the Orange County Museum of Art on Friday for their Pop Art Design exhibit. It's free on Fridays and it looks like a really neat exhibit.

Dec. 20th, 2016




So....I woke up today and my hair is a normal length now!!! It doesn't glow or anything. It is just hair. I can't decide if I am sad or happy but I have to admit it feels good not carrying around all that hair.

Oct. 17th, 2016




Uggggh, Mondays.

I now know that my healing power is useful when you twist your ankle trying to make it to class on time. Wasn't what I wanted to spend my time doing and had to hide in an empty classroom to do it, but at least I feel better now.

The only upside is that Halloween is almost here and I am so into the fall zone right now. I think I might do some creepy art just to keep the mood going. Suggestions? I will happily give you a free painting when I'm done (or whatever art form you want. Part of me wants to try paper mache jack-o-lanterns).

Sep. 8th, 2016




Sorry for all the clutter of my posts, lately.

Just wanted to announce that I will be selling a "limited time" shirt.

All of the proceeds will go to a local LGBTQ organization in the local area. Shirt goes on sale starting tomorrow and will be $15. So, come on down and get your shirt before we run out.

Aug. 22nd, 2016




I have a pet wolverine. A real one. He's not even mine, he's my dream clone's.

His name is Jonathan. I took him for a walk.

I got odd looks.

Jul. 6th, 2016




Damn, this place kind of makes for interesting stories to tell the kids later, doesn't it? Like how my girlfriend went into labor during Monster Madness, and my nearly-thirteen-year-old son proved he's a crack shot with a BB gun, when he took out flying monkeys on the way to the hospital.

But all's well that ended well. Emma gave birth to our second son, Nikolas Liam Nolan Cassidy, a patriotic nine pound baby, on the 4th of July. Every bit of his name has a story behind it, and hopefully he won't hate us later for giving him two middle names. He was a little past due so I guess he decided to make his entrance really memorable. Both are doing well though, up for visitors at the hospital, and Nikolas should be able to come home with us in a day or two.

Jun. 15th, 2016




Somehow I got dragged into an animal shelter yesterday and ended up with a dog.

Meet Techno )

Now the question is, what do I do with him?

May. 12th, 2016





The only good thing about waking up this early to finish studying is that I woke up from a good dream. It think it might be my last one for a while. Eugene and I have now gone back to the Kingdom of Corona after I saved him from death and I get to see my parents again with my lovely short brown hairdo. There was a weird bit of blurred time speeding up type stuff and I really hope I dream more about what happens now that I'm back, but it slowed down to let me watch Eugene proposing to me, the prep for the wedding, and then the actual ceremony.

I'm not surprised I got the typical Happily Ever After ending because it's cute and sweet and those two deserve it. I just want to know more - WHAT HAPPENS AFTER?!

Okay, I need to stop typing away on here and get back to finishing my studies. I can't wait for finals to be over and enjoy the summer!

May. 4th, 2016




Woooooow! There is a lot of crazy stuff going on right now. I am trying to avoid the scary dudes in the white armor, but my poor apartment might have gotten a few laser blasts to it.

However! There is one plus side. I saw this cute little droid wandering around outside my apartment and while I understand absolutely nothing that is coming out of her she won't leave me alone. I think I've made a new friend! I took a picture - it's behind the cut.
Cut to save Flist - viewable to everyone )

Apr. 4th, 2016






Okay, not mine since Maximus is his own horse, but he's my buddy in the dreams.


Um....can I bring Maximus to the ranch?

Apr. 2nd, 2016




So I'm sleeping, dreaming away of kicking some First Order ass and reuiniting with my best buddies. When I get woken up by this beeping. At first I thought it was my alarm clock, like I was stupid and didn't turn if off. But it wasn't my alarm.

cut for image, viewable to all )

Mar. 30th, 2016




Saturday night, April 2nd, you are all invited to a black light paint party. Actually, think of it more like a rave. I am hosting this event with another member of this network and it will be at [address of warehouse] from 8:pm until whenever. Black light paint will be available upon arrival so you can paint yourself, have someone else do it you paint someone else.

Mar. 14th, 2016





Is anyone super skilled at hair braiding? Because I just woke up with the most hair in the entire world. Seriously - I looked up Guiness Book of World Records and measured my hair. This is insanity. It's thick and I don't know what to do with it anymore, but I'm scared to cut it.

Why am I scared? Well, I had more dreams and in them Eugene came to save me from my evil fake mother and in the process she stabbed in. So while he's bleeding out she tried to get me out of the tower and I refused until I could heal him. Thing is, when I went to heal him he used a shard from my broken mirror to chop my hair off, which turned it completely brown and the magic left me. Which in turn drains all the youthful magic in my fake mother and she ended up stumbling out of the tower window and dying. I continued to try to heal Eugene by singing and it wasn't working, but apparently there must be enough magic inside of me that when I cried the tears fell onto him and began to heal him again!

So, while I could still have my magic inside of me I'm not ready to take that risk yet and chop my hair off. So, now I just need something to assist me with all this extra weight and the massive tripping hazard it has become.

Mar. 5th, 2016




Backdated to late last night

Blocked from Rapunzel and Logan

Should I see if my girlfriend wants to move in together, or should I live with my father that I didn't know until last year but is actually the person I was cloned from in the dreams and we are very close?


I am going on a trip. It should be a short one but I will miss you.

Mar. 3rd, 2016




Oh hey, Valarnet, what's going on? The world hasn't ended today, can I get a 'hell yeah'?

Kind of funny that we base our days on that, but what can you do.

I don't have much else to share besides IT'S A BOY!!!11! which we found out a little after Valentine's Day, and we're currently doing up the nursery (safari theme, very not cheesy or related to Neverland or fairy tales, thank fuck). Which brings me to my question: Anyone out there make furniture, or know someone who does? Em and I were interested in getting a rocking chair for the nursery, and I thought something hand-crafted would be nice. There are still a few months 'til we'd need it, so hopefully that's enough notice.

Mar. 1st, 2016




My dreams decided to give me something finally. Not my spellbook, which I have been very patient for, but a dead lizard.

I'm flattered.

Feb. 20th, 2016





Something is wrong with it and it will hurt you. If you end up getting hurt and need someone to heal you, please feel free to contact me.

Feb. 13th, 2016




I realized that I haven't posted about my dreams lately, but I definitely had some more. So, after arriving in the kingdom Flynn and I had this super romantic evening on a boat in the water watching the lanterns float into the sky. I may be obsessed with painting this right now because it was such an amazing sight and I don't have warm fuzzy feelings towards a dude in my dreams. nope. Unfortunately that was as good as it got for the moment because I gave him his crown and satchel back, but then we spotted the two goons he had stolen it with. He went to go give it back to him and then disappeared. He took the crown and ran!

My mother saved me and I went back to the tower. While there I finally manage to put together that I am the lost princess! Yeah, that's right, I am a PRINCESS. That revelation leads up to a giant fight between my mother and I. The last thing I dreamt about was my mother hitting me and chaining me up to hold me hostage and hearing Flynn call for me from outside the tower.

What. The. Hell.

Jan. 25th, 2016




There's a lot of weird shit going on and I'm completely over it.

But, I wanted to make a public service announcement that if you get hurt you are more than welcome to come to my place and I'll heal you. Or I can come to you. Just don't make me get lost in the fog.

Jan. 19th, 2016




Okay, so this is gonna sound completely crazy, but stay with me. I was going to post this earlier, but I had to go to class and now I've just been putting this off. I swear I'm not crazy!

ALRIGHT. I had more dreams. Big deal, you're thinking, but you're totally wrong. So Flynn Rider and I ran off and got into a bit of a situation and he ended up getting injured. So, I decided to just show off my magical healing powers and once we were out of the situation we explained things. I told him about the hair and how it works and he told me about his past and that his real name is Eugene (side note: this is hilarious because I'm from Eugene, OR). So, then my mother shows up and warns me that he only wants his crown and blah blah. But of course I don't truly listen to her and I continue along with Flynn as we make our way to the kingdom (!!!).

Okay, now that we're caught up on here. I was singing the little healing song like usual just to test it out and didn't expect anything. WELL SURPRISE, my hair started glowing and I basically tripped over myself and busted my ass on the kitchen floor. So, of course I needed to see if this was just a fluke and I cut my hand a little bit and did it again. MY HAIR IS ACTUALLY HEALING.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I have glowing magical healing hair!

Jan. 8th, 2016




Since the weather is back to it's regular self, I was wondering if anyone wanted to get together for like a group outing, tomorrow.

Maybe Universal Studios or Pacific Park out on Santa Monica Pier...I'm also open to ideas. My car can comfortably seat three more people.

Who's in?

On a completely unrelated note, why isn't this version of "Run Away With Me" unavailable? I guess I will just download the regular one cause it's so damn catchy.

Jan. 6th, 2016




Oh my gosh! My dreams can be so exciting and strange at the same time!

So... My mother left the tower and what happens not long after? A man climbs into my tower. But I am super handy with a frying pan and I take him out. I tied him up (with my hair, wat.) and figured out he wasn't after me and my special powers, so at least there's that. But of course I had a major crisis about it and discovered he had a crown in a satchel. Unfortunately, my mother decides to come back to the tower and I have to stuff him into the wardrobe, but at least I managed to not tell her about him because we once again have a fight about leaving the tower. So, I end up convincing her to go on a trip to get paints for my birthday and she reluctantly agrees, which allows me to bring the man back out of his wardrobe and interrogate him (Seriously, I am so handy with a frying pan).

I manage to convince him to make a deal with him that I'll set him free if he takes me to see the lights, which leads up to the best part. I FINALLY LEFT THE DAMN TOWER. Cue existential crisis about disobeying my mother, but so excited to be out of the tower. Flynn (the guy) decides to take me to this place called the Snuggly Duckling for lunch and imagine my surprise when we step inside and it's like a Vikings biker bar. There's a bit of a scuffle, but I manage to make the men stop and implore them to let Flynn live so he can take me to see the lanterns because it's my dream, and haven't they ever had a dream?

Cue a song. Yeah, seriously. It was hilarious. Unfortunately, a couple guards show up and we have to leave and that's where I was when I woke up. But now I have this song stuck in my head and it makes absolutely no sense outside of the dream.




I'm holding an event towards the end of the month for upcoming artists from local universities and colleges. I'll update everybody here but if you know anybody who would like to display their work please have them contact me.

And of course I look forward to welcoming anybody who wishes to come and offer their support.

Dec. 15th, 2015





I woke up this morning to get ready for my final and there was a small green creature staring at me. I was just about to scream and scramble, but then I realized it's my chameleon, Pascal, from my dreams! I can't believe he's here and he's just as cute as I remember.

He's currently in my backpack because I didn't have time to do anything else with him and I don't want to leave him alone in my apartment. So, now I have to ask, does anyone know how to take care of a chameleon??

Also, hair update: Definitely growing. It's a lot longer then it was at the beginning of the month and I'm a little scared to cut it.

Nov. 24th, 2015





I had another Dream. And this one wasn't as boring as the other ones. I learned that apparently my hair is magic. I'm not quite sure how it's magic, but it is. My mother taught me a song to sing and it starts to glow and then it makes her younger. I'm really not quite sure how this happened, but it's so strange.

And then it was just kind of a mesh of growing up in the tower. Apparently I also love to paint there and basically learn as much as I possible can. You have a lot of free time living in a tower, so I'm trying to learn and do as much as I can.

And my god. My hair - it keeps growing and growing. It's a little freaky how much hair someone can have. I'm a little nervous about that happening here because I swear my hair is a little bit longer after I woke up.

Nov. 3rd, 2015




I got fired today.

Turning into a demon horse apparently isn't a viable reason for missing work.

Nov. 1st, 2015




I went to my first ever college party last night and it was a lot of fun. However, I had these dreams of memories of being a baby, but I would never remember that of my real life. But there was also dreams of a woman who looks a bit like my mother here and growing up with her.

Weird thing is that I live in a tower with her. But I did see some amazing lanterns in the sky.

Blah. Confusing. Also, does anyone want to model for me for my drawing class? It doesn't require being nude, unless you are into that.

Oct. 16th, 2015




OH MY GOSH!!!!!! ~*~*~*~

I just found out (Via Tumblr) that the Edinburgh Zoo has a penguin parade daily! They allow penguins that want to leave their enclosure to go out and walk around the zoo. That is the most adorable thing I have ever seen!

Oh and in other news, I finally figured out my Halloween costume. I'm going to do a Pop Art costume and I'm drawing up ideas right now. So excited!

Oct. 13th, 2015




I have been told this is a good place to get the word out about things happening around the county.

I've recently moved here to run a small but lovely art gallery and we're having our grand re-opening at the end of the month. I'll be posting more details up here soon.

I'm also going to be teaching a few art appreciation and art history classes at some of the local colleges so I hope to get to know some of you better through those if you attend.

Oct. 1st, 2015




It's not too soon to start planning for Halloween is it?




Good evening, Orange County. I was told that this is the place to be, and while I'm not one for a lot of online stuff I thought I'd give this a shot. I'm Steve Rogers, and I just spent a lot of time at the Children's Hospital of Orange County helping them put up Halloween decorations. Yeah, it's the first of October, but it's all they've been talking about for the last week so I couldn't say no.

Has anyone else gotten any decorations up yet, or are you waiting a little while longer?

Sep. 21st, 2015




I went out and got a puppy this morning. I was driving home from the grocery store, and saw a sign saying that the animal shelter got some puppies. I swung by, thinking I just take a look, and, well...

Image, unfiltered. )

Sep. 14th, 2015




Hello there lovely people of the internets.

My name is Rapunzel, which is a really weird long name, but I have a handful of nicknames you can choose from if you want. I moved down here from Oregon a few months ago and some guy in a coffee shop told me about this network. I am going to Laguna College of Art and Design and still debating between fine arts or illustration as my path.

I will probably be looking for a job later and perhaps a roommate in the future, so maybe this place can help me out with that. Otherwise, I like to just be creative and am always interested in new ways to do so. Can only re-create crafts from Pinterest for so long before you need something new to do!

Mar. 19th, 2014



Breaking news!! Damian scored a 790 on his GED ! That's better than most traditionally-graduating valedictorians do on the same tests! Isn't he amazing? ^____^

Mar. 18th, 2014




That might have been a bit too wild an adventure. The whole world is made of pain. Why is the coffee so far away. How is it I'm able to type on my phone so accurately when the screen's light is trying to kill me?

Curse word, curse word. At least I had fun last night.

[Will, Raquel]
You guys alright?

Mar. 17th, 2014




I keep trying to think of things to say but that never really goes anywhere beyond that. I keep reading on it and people are so honest and open and I don't think I can write like that. I don't see how you guys can just be so out there. Even figuring this out I stared at the screen for a good long hour before any actual typing happened.

[Private filter to Rose]
Do you get the dreams everyone posts about?

[Private filter to Athos]
Thank you.

Mar. 16th, 2014




St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow! Don't forget to wear green tomorrow! There are those that like to move around and pinch people if you're not! And I'm one of those people. So if you don't know me and aren't wearing green...watch out!

But really. Be safe out there everyone! Sometimes people like to celebrate a little too much, just be responsible! And speaking of responsibility, anyone wanna go out and grab a pint tomorrow evening? I'm sure everywhere will be busy, but that will make it fun! And people are so jovial and social when they're drunk.

Mar. 7th, 2014




My dreams keep getting curiouser and curiouser. If I didn't know better I'd say I was stark raving mad, but my father quite enjoyed the stories I was telling him and encouraged me to keep up with my imaginationing. At least until he passed, which was depressing.

And then mother tried to surprise me with an engagement party to this sniveling little boy of a man.




Things in life have calmed down for me somewhat, and as a result, I got an idea the other day to do something I haven't done in ages: archery. I love shooting, and I always have. I have a beautiful hunting bow that was a gift from my Da, but I also got a bow from my dreams - an absolutely stunning longbow that feels like it's been in the Starkhaven family for generations. I'd like to try it out.

Anyone have access to a range? Stark Industries doesn't have one, does it?




Mall food courts at lunch. Bad idea.




I'd say just once I wish the bad guys would stop when I told them to, but I think I'd be lying. Only problem now is I'm wide awake and my shift is in five hours. Again.


Aah. It was my birthday tiday/yestdreday.

I wnet to bar. was good. lottsa fun!

Mar. 6th, 2014




Wow, I'm not a very trusting person in my dreams.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Whoever ate the last of my Girl Scout cookies is fired.




Hello. I'm told I need to be a bit more social. So..yes. Hello. I said that already didn't I? Well I did say this was going to be an attempt in any case. My name is D'Artagnan. I know if you give me a chance we'll probably get along.




Hellooooo Valarnet! I haven't been online for a couple of months, but when you don't own a computer, you just jump on when you can. So what has been new? What is everyone doing? Let me tell ya, trying to find a place to stay while there is ash raining down and strange orc-like characters walking around is VERY EASY. Yeah, that needs to happen more often.




I've delayed overly much in joining this network, but with my retirement from the NFL being official, I've much time on my hands. What does everyone like to do to enjoy themselves? Miss Siri has many recommendations but I like to hear from real people, as well.




Добрый день. I'm Eva Belova and I'm new to the area. I would have come in sooner, but my flight was canceled thanks to that volcano. Where are the best places to dine, and is there a local ballet troupe?




I almost can't believe that my birthday is next month. Well, mine and Bran's birthday. Yeah, my best friend and I just happen to have the same birthday. What're the odds of that? It's hard to believe I'll be eighteen. It just doesn't feel plausible somehow. Maybe it's cause I dream about being ten or maybe it's cause I feel like I've also bad to grow up quicker than most kids my age. Whatever it is, it feels strange.

In other news, I finally set a date to take my GED. I've been meaning to do this for so long and something just seems to come up every time. So, nothing ah better get in the way this time.