
Posts Tagged: 'porthos'

Feb. 20th, 2015




I've noticed one trend in these 'dreams', though lately they seem to have left me be but it's been on my mind. Why don't I get a hat? Athos, Aramis and Porthos all have these fancy hats.

Feb. 18th, 2015




So now is probably the time to admit to all who know us that D'Artagnan has agreed to tie himself to me for the rest of our lives and we're officially engaged.

He has made me ridiculously happy by saying yes and we're looking forward to whatever awaits us together.

Feb. 17th, 2015




It's been a very very full few days of partying (so pleased to see Aramis bragging about my party planning skills, by the by), so I'm not up to doing much tonight. The perils of getting older.

But I'd be a terrible NOLA native if I didn't wish all a'yous a Happy Mardi Gras.

Feb. 14th, 2015




So much going on this week! I can't remember the last time I've been this busy. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and then we have Aramis's birthday party on Monday. I think I've got all the arrangements for that down, it should be a blast.

And beyond that, there's a new addition to our little family, which we've mentioned to a few people. But I wanted to introduce him to the group at large.

This is Mousqueton, who I'm calling Moose because that's a little easier to pronounce. He's an absolute sweetheart, and he gets along perfectly with the kitten. He likes to curl around Bazin when he sleeps, to keep him safe I think. Melts my heart.

Jan. 17th, 2015




My kingdom for an In-N-Out burger.

Jan. 13th, 2015




So D'Artagnan recently surprised me with a New Year gift, which happened to be a chocolate Labrador rescue puppy. We're still working on a name for him. But I wanted to thank D'Artagnan and let everybody see him.

Puppy picture )

Dec. 5th, 2014




So Aramis, Porthos. How do you like your new winter themed livingroom? I should go into interior design right?

No honor in snow wars.

Nov. 12th, 2014




A couple things to address. First off, and not very originally I suppose, but I want to thank all the men and women out there who have served and continue to serve their country. One day isn't enough to thank everyone for what they've done, but it's all we officially get, so there you are.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for being an angry seventeenth century Frenchman for a few days there, and making embarrassing posts. Apologies to anyone I shouted in French at.

And last, congrats to Clint on his new place, looks gorgeous.

Nov. 2nd, 2014






Oct. 8th, 2014




Well, never a dull moment around here, is there? Sincerest thanks (and apologies) to the Flynn family for letting me stay on while my poor best friend was locked to Mister Flynn. I plan on sending a gift basket, just let me know what you'd like in it.

Is everyone else back to normal then? Everyone made some new friends? I know Aramis certainly has, since we're apparently having more people over than expected for his Feast Day. Bless, he'd invite the entire state over if he could.

Oct. 4th, 2014




Stopped by the office today to find there was a service dog training camp happening. Couldn't resist taking a picture of these two.

Not for the faint of heart. )

Sep. 13th, 2014





I need to meet you.

Sep. 1st, 2014




I've just spent all night at the hospital with Aramis.

He's all right now, he pulled through surgery okay. Still groggy as all hell of course, but at least it'll keep him from moving too much.

Some time in the night, he woke up screaming, saying he'd been shot. I thought it was just another Dream until I saw all the blood -- goddamn musket ball in his shoulder. Had to rush him to the ER to get it removed and stitched up.

The doctors say he'll be fine, he's a fighter (don't have to tell me twice). No visitors for right now, since he's just got out of surgery and all. But I'll pass along regards.

I'm sick of these fucking dreams, I really am.

Aug. 27th, 2014




Well, Aramis has gone and gotten a tattoo, which makes me want more ink of my own. I currently have two half sleeves, that look like this:

I think I want something on my lower back, since my arms feel pretty complete with just the half sleeves, but I'm not sure what, just yet. Or maybe on my chest?

I'm open to ideas. Just getting the itch again.

Aug. 18th, 2014




[Agency message]
We won't be in today. Athos' home was damaged in that spike quake. He's injured.

[Filtered to Musketeers]
We lost the house. Athos is injured, for now we're at a hotel I guess.

[Friends filter]

That was Athos's place on the news. We're both okay as can be, staying at a hotel for now.

[Filtered to Remy]
Need a raincheck.

Aug. 10th, 2014




Apparently these dreams aren't done. That being said, mine seem to have reset, but they're not quite the same as they were before. That is to say, we're all still musketeers, but we're a bit more ... Put together, I suppose. And I'm much younger. Well, I'm about twenty-three or so (and Athos and Porthos are very much the same age, if not older, HAH). This incarnation of me is a bit more delicate, I'd say, mannerism-wise. More sensitive, perhaps, too, and certainly of high opinion of himself. He's got some sass on him, at any rate, and continues to insist that being a musketeer is only a temporary job until he rejoins the church and becomes an abbé.

And never fear, D'Artagnan is still there. In the form of a rowdy eighteen year old who offends each of us, and then sets a duel time with each of us only an hour apart. Imagine our surprise when we show up to be Athos' seconds and he's fighting the same boy we're meant to. Then we fight some Red Guards (it should be noted that I fought two while the rest only took on one), the King congratulated us with plenty of money (we're always poor). This dream-me spends a lot of time reading or writing, and his lackey is named Bazin, which I find hilarious if only because I had no idea that would be the case when I named my cat Bazin.

And, as always, my chosen mistress of the time was quite affluent, and, being caught up in some courtly scandal was exiled out of Paris. The scandal seems to have elevated, though, and I suspect some great adventure is about to happen.

Aug. 8th, 2014




Other people's calendars have things like birthdays, or vacations. Or deadlines, or other such very important information.

The calendar at our house has two things:
  1. Catholic holidays
  2. Food related days

Cheesecake Day was a great success.

We don't speak of Tequila Day.

(This Sunday is S'mores Day, everyone ought to celebrate.)

Aug. 4th, 2014




I'm not sure if I should be amused or annoyed at Dream Athos flirting horribly with a comtesses. It's a little hard not to be amused. I don't think he has any actual idea how to talk to women.

I seem to be getting 'dreams' rapidly now compare to before. Just nearly every time I close my eyes. Some days they actually feel as though I'll wake up in Paris.

[filter to Aramis]
You may have something to this yoga thing.

[Filter to Porthos]
How are you?

[Another filter to Elizabeth Comstock]
Are you all right?

Aug. 2nd, 2014




Took an elbow to the nose in the middle of night, last night. I've had many bad wake-up calls in my life, but I've got to say, this ranks pretty high on the Unpleasant Scale.

Image cut for blood. )

But guess who had to clean the sheets? Hint: it wasn't me.

[ooc: trigger warning - blood]

Jul. 16th, 2014




I'm at least reasonably certain I gave my roommate his own room when he moved in. But that seems to have gone by the wayside.

Jul. 7th, 2014




Well, it appears we musketeers got one over on ol' Cardinal Richelieu. It was quite a fantastic plan, I think, involving a beautiful fake death for Athos. Then all celebrations were ruined by the announcement that the Queen is going to have an heir and you'll never guess who the father is. Of course the Cardinal somehow knows - he heard her and I talking. So that's lovely.

I woke up to my musketeer cloak, though. I think my outfit's complete now. And "All for one, one for all" is sort of a catchy motto.

[Blocked from other Musketeers, cause y'all not puncturable yet]

I also stumbled across this. And it's hilariously and alarmingly accurate.

Jun. 26th, 2014




I seem to have caught that particular dream that was going around. The one where I get accused of murder on my birthday.

I can't say I enjoyed it, much. It was interesting and all, seeing where my other self grew up, but the Court of Miracles isn't a place I'd go by choice, I'll say that much.

Still, thanks to my friends for getting me out of that particular scrape. It seems I need you there just as much as I do here.

Jun. 25th, 2014




That was..not fun. That would be the second 'dream' that's actually injured me. Put me in the hospital this time. No real surprise after what happened in it I guess. We were sent after an anarchist named Vadim. The only way to get to him was from the inside. I was sent under cover as a condemned Musketeer left to hang at the Châtelet for illegal dueling. I befriended him, or so I thought. Vadim was too smart, a master of manipulating people to look in the wrong direction. In this case he wanted to rob the royal treasury and reshape France by killing the King and Queen as he said. But really he wanted us all looking in the wrong direction as he made off with the Queen's jewels.

He caught on that I was a spy for the Musketeers and ended up knocking me out and I'm guessing that's where this remaining headache is from. Anyway, I woke up under ground tied to enough black powder to blow Paris to pieces. I had no weapon to cut myself out so I had to fight the ropes, burns like hell. Nobody knew I was down there, Vadim had made sure I only passed on information he wanted me to. The others were still protecting the royals. My wrists are red from the ropes even now. I managed to put out the explosives and catch up to Vadim, using his own trick against him, and ended up killing him. He still tried to escape, but he didn't get far.

And now doctors orders I'm not allowed much activity and I'm bloody bored.

Thanks..you know, for everything.

[Filtered to Elizabeth]
Sorry if I scared you. I couldn't find anyone to drive me to hospital. Athos wasn't picking up, he was driving in to work at the time. The internet was the only thing I could think of at the time.

Jun. 14th, 2014




I don't even know what to do with Aramis right now. He's underneath his blankets, sulking because of Spain's loss.

I tried making his favourite cookies and wafting them towards the door, but he only resurfaced long enough to take some and then burrowed back again.

This is a bit ridiculous. I don't know how to console him. He just mumbles grumpily at me in Spanish when I try.

Jun. 12th, 2014




And so after having finally managed to clean cupcake mix off of Athos's ceiling, I had more dreams. The capital D kind. We were celebrating Porthos's birthday and he was drunkenly trying to shoot a melon off of Aramis's head. I was concerned but apparently he'd never made the shot sober so Aramis let him do it. Anyway, Porthos ended up getting framed for murder, and set for execution. He was broken out of jail while we were trying to figure out how to save him when the Court of Miracles did. It bought us some time to find the real killer, which of course we did because that's what Musketeers do.

I also woke up to a large pistol. One I recognized from the dreams on my desk. It almost looks like the one Aramis received but less ornate in design. All the same I'm rather fond of it.




So my kitchen is a complete mess and will probably take a lot of cleaning but I do have boyfriend made cupcakes to show for it so I can't be mad at him.

Jun. 3rd, 2014




No idea how long this snow will last, but there is currently a small army of snowmen in varying sizes in my back yard.

As well as the semi-demolished remains of two snow forts (or semi-circular walls, really) that withstood a very intense snowball fight.

May. 17th, 2014




It's probably just me and this is extremely silly, but I'm extremely happy that Starbucks has the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappe back! I fell in love with that last summer and then it was gone. I don't know what it is about it that I love, but it's ten times better than any other frappe.

Did a bit of secret planning today for something secret and it's shaping up to be extremely fun.

May. 16th, 2014




It appears I'm getting a roommate. Or, well, Porthos is getting a roommate, and it's me. I'll admit that at first I wasn't so sure, but it's really a nice option. It's closer to work, I'll have just as much space (if not a bit more) as I do in my current apartment, and cost of living will certainly go down. Not to mention the fantastic kitchen.

The downside being I'll have to leave behind the little garden I've grown very fond of and work on planting an entirely new one. Needs must, I suppose. I've handed in my one month's notice so the move will be entirely official mid-June. Perhaps we'll have a big housewarming party of sorts.

May. 14th, 2014



Musketeers filter

Aramis and I were talking, and it's hot. Damn hot and we should do more together, the four of us. We were thinking a beach day is in order. Next week, one that'll match all our schedules. Let me know if theirs a day that works best and we'll go from there. We'll make a day of it, bring food and do the whole typical summer time sandy watermelon thing. Nevermind I don't know how to swim, I'll figure out those details later.

May. 6th, 2014




Mistakes were made last night.

So much tequila, so many regrets. Everything hurts.

May. 5th, 2014




It's nto even six yet and I have had somuch trquila, so mny margaritaa corondas ad sangria.

How did this happen

oh my god someoen is calling for body shotsss im getting in on that

Apr. 27th, 2014




[Musketeers filter/other friends filter]
My turn for an impromptu trip. Something's come up. Shouldn't be more than a few days.

I trust you can man the fort a while?




This is just your friendly PSA to remind you all that it's only forty-six days until FIFA World Cup time.

Apr. 21st, 2014




I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend. I certainly know I did. San Francisco is fantastic (though I am glad to be home, I suppose). I could go into details but it would be a lot and I'd hate to bore you all.

But look, pictures! Or, a picture. I honestly didn't realize I'd taken this and have no memory at all of finding a playground much less swinging, but, there you are. (Okay, there's another picture, because honestly Porthos is just photogenic and I'm not sure he knows I took that second picture oops).

Cut for images, perfectly safe for all to view. )

Look at how handsome he is. Don't you just want to tickle all that scruff? Why yes, Ladies, he's free. But seriously, don't even try to snatch him away from me.

Also! I had more dreams on the weekend. Better ones than the last time around. Apparently I do something called "The Stare" and I was giving it to the Queen. But in my dreams she gave me a rather stunning necklace with a cross pendant on it, and when I woke up Sunday morning it was lying next to the hotel bed. The exact necklace that the Queen of France, Anne of Austria herself, gave me in my dreams. I've never seen anything quite so beautiful.

Apr. 10th, 2014




Think I need a drink. Possibly many. Anyone else? It's Friday somewhere.

Apr. 6th, 2014




I finally get my ass over to The Agency's building and the brother at the front desk wants to tell me how late I am.

Excuse me? Have you ever been a big one-eyed black man trying to get a cab in any metropolitan area, ever? No, you have not.

Tryin' to tell me I'm late. I've been on a plane since before the SUN came up and the man can't even get me a coffee. Orange County, you and I are gonna have a problem you keep this up.

Apr. 4th, 2014



Locked to active and former military personnel

Discussion of recent violent plot, PTSD related things )

Apr. 1st, 2014




[Filtered to Elsa?]
Your sister is Anna right? I thought you may want to be informed she's trying to use a car to get chocolate. As a 3 year old..What is my life

[Aramis, Athos, and Porthos]
Tell me you lot aren't children?




So it appears I'm not immune to these dreams after all.

Being accused, arrested and pardoned all in one dream was quite an experience.

Mar. 27th, 2014




That was..somewhat embarrassing. Got sent home for falling asleep at my desk. Didn't even realize I was tired at all. Guess I should just be grateful I don't snore.

Mar. 18th, 2014




how long til vomiy stops beinf green though

everything hurts abd what doesn't hurt I can't feel

Why did i do this :(

Mar. 6th, 2014




Well, I've been bothered by a few people to come on here. Apparently it's the best way to communicate with other citizens of Orange County. As though I can't just go down to a bar and meet people there. Doesn't anyone talk face to face anymore? Too much technology, I say.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Dear fellow military and ex-military personnel,

Pretty sure we can manage to get laid without needing these.. I promise, regular ones are fine.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




So this is Orange County. I've heard stories about this place. Should be an interesting stay. The job better be worth it, that's all I can say.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Athos and I'm new around here. Like that wasn't really obvious.

Mar. 2nd, 2014




I've decided my apartment is terribly lonely. Which is generally nice, but I'm a social creature at heart, and even when I'm reading or something, I'd still rather do it in company than on my own. So I've done something brash and exciting and got myself a kitten.

Cut for image, warning: kitten. )

I've named him Bazin. It just came to me, though I'm not sure why, but there you have it. He's blind, so I've got all sorts of jingly toys. He's lively when he wants to play, but mostly he's content to curl up in a lap or on a warm spot on the carpet. And it gives me reason to constantly chatter, he likes to follow me around.

In any case, I'm smitten. I'm sorry to all the lovely ladies and handsome men, but my heart has been taken by Bazin and I don't think I'll ever get it back.