
Posts Tagged: 'nina+pickering'

May. 10th, 2014




I know that the UK won't win, but I end up watching Eurovision every year anyways.

May. 6th, 2014




If there's one thing I like about being a vampire, it's that I don't get drunk as easily anymore. I don't miss hangovers at all. Wouldn't be this coherent after downing half a bottle of tequila if I were still human. Can't say the same for Annie though. She's a bit tipsy right now. Probably shouldn't let her have any more.

Apr. 30th, 2014




My dreams are over. I moved on finally. And I saved the human race. At least I hope so. I got to see my friends again. That was nice.

I'm so very glad they're over though. You have no idea.

Apr. 29th, 2014




Sirius and I returned on Sunday, which probably wasn't the best idea since I had to teach yesterday, but somehow I made it through yesterday without falling asleep at my desk. It's one thing to fall asleep when you're a student, but when you're the teacher, it's even worse.

Suffice to say, we had a very enjoyable vacation and England is even better in person than in the dreams. We will definitely have to go back again at some point.

Apr. 16th, 2014




This whole blood moon thing had me pretty wary anyway. But then I had a dream about tearing my uncle's throat out, and that was just sort of the icing on the really creepy cake.

I mean, my uncle's a dick sometimes, but that doesn't mean I want to kill him. Though apparently killing him makes me the Alpha, at least in my dreams.

This morning I swear, for just a second, I saw my eyes go red when I looked in the mirror.

But I haven't seen anything like that since, so I'm hoping I just wasn't quite awake yet.

Apr. 14th, 2014




Sirius and I will be leaving Saturday for England. We finally decided a few weeks back where we were going to go on our vacation, which is my school vacation and we found tickets that weren't horrendously expensive. The full moon is tomorrow, so we won't have to worry about that. I'm looking forward to this trip quite a lot. It'll be nice to spend time with Sirius with no interruptions.

Seeing as neither of us have been to England before, except in our dreams, what should we see for sure while we're there? I know there's quite a lot of people here who are from England.

Apr. 10th, 2014




It almost seems strange that my dreams are over. They've been over for awhile now, but it's still strange. Been cycling through a couple of different ones recently. I don't mind the good ones, but I could do without the bad ones. I could do without the Boxcar Tunnel 20 dreams. Those ones make me hungry and I don't want to go back to that.

It's been a month now since I started weening myself off blood and I've had a few cravings, but I like to think I've been doing a pretty good job at suppressing them. Like I said before, I've just been eating more food. Helps suppress it. Don't know why; it just does. Also been smoking more, which Annie has complained about a few times. Not that I blame her.

[Filtered Away from Annie Sawyer]
Does anyone know anything about sewing machines? Annie has one, but I want to get her a really nice one and I want it to be a surprise. I'm gonna turn one of our extra bedrooms into a work space for her so she doesn't have to use the dining room table.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Joan Watson. I work as a surgeon at St. Joseph's. I like baseball and good beer.

I hear there's some odd things going on about dreams? I've noticed a lot of weird things about Orange County, but I think that's just always been that way. I'm kind of sad I'm not a kid. It would be nice to be taken care of and not pay bills for a while.






Apr. 1st, 2014




The school is going to start wondering why I've called out so much lately. Suffice to say, I can't go looking like I did when I was nineteen. And to make matters worse, Sirius is roughly eleven years old again, but unlike me, he thinks he's a child. Honestly, I could think of many things I could do at the moment, being nineteen again and none of them involve babysitting Sirius.

Mar. 28th, 2014




So aside from the world being crazy (I've been staying inside as much as possible) and my uncle being a dick (nothing new), I'm having more dreams.

In this one, I got show with a bullet filled with wolfsbane. Which let me tell you, even in a dream? Really, really hurts. Werewolves do not mix well with wolfsbane. Especially when we're shot with it.

So I spent my whole dream slowly dying of blood poisoning and almost had to cut my arm off.

That was fun.

Mar. 16th, 2014




Tonight is the full moon, which means I'll be taking a personal day tomorrow. I'm sure some of my students are going to assume I spent the weekend celebrating St. Patrick's Day and that I'm too hung over to come in. Not to mention, I took a personal day last Monday at Sirius' request for my birthday.

Mar. 2nd, 2014




If anyone is experiencing any chest pain or difficulty breathing after the Volcanic Ash incident in February, please don't hesitate to come to Irvine General and get checked out. We're doing free clinics all this week to diagnose any lingering complications from the trouble with the air quality.

Feb. 25th, 2014




Thank god that's over. Got to go home this afternoon and honestly, there is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed after five days of sleeping on gurneys or hospital beds. At least this didn't last as long as the blue flu did last year. I never want to be stuck at the hospital for that long again. So, now that I'm finally home and in my own bed, the only thing missing is my boyfriend.

Speaking of, had a dream the other night. I broke off my engagement. I guess I realized that trying to have the safe, normal life just wasn't what I really wanted.

[Team TARDIS/Torchwood]
Was talking to Rose the other day and she suggested that we all go get a drink when everything cleared up and now that it has, what is everyone doing Saturday?

Feb. 13th, 2014




I am so done with these dreams.


Please tell me that you're okay. I need you to be okay. You're okay right? I.. I dreamed. I'm so sorry.. about you and George and Eve. I don't know what to do. You're all gone and I don't know what to do without you all. I should have saved you somehow. I should have done something and I didn't do anything and I'm so sorry. You'll never know how sorry I am.


Nina and George are dead. I think I might have accidentally put out the whole building's electricity. It just sort of happened. I'm sorry if I woke you up and then just left. I couldn't really handle things.




Tomorrow is the full moon again. I'm thinking of battening down the hatches, just in case.

In other news, Thor has mostly learned how to sit. Or he does it when he knows I have a treat in my hand, anyway. It's progress. Training classes start the first of the month.

Feb. 5th, 2014



[Filtered Away from Billy Kaplan]

Has anyone else wound up with wounds or things like that from their dreams? Cut for mention of Gay Bashing - Still viewable to all, but Billy )

Jan. 30th, 2014




So I got through my first full moon after the dreams okay. The next one is on Valentine's day, fingers crossed it'll be fine.

Uncle Peter keeps wanting to talk about our dreams, but I don't know what there is to talk about. I dreamed he tore my sister in half, not something I really want to discuss.

I swear to god, if he suggests family therapy I'm moving to Alaska.

Jan. 21st, 2014





Little Red Riding Hood.

I have no idea what's going on in Storybrooke in my dreams because time keeps jumping around, but I've apparently figured out my other half. I'm not very pleased.

[Filtered to Werewolves]
Hello? Are there any others out there that dream of being a werewolf?

Jan. 20th, 2014




George Sands, where the fuck are you? If there's ever a time for you to show your ugly mug, it's now.

Annie is a ghost and only I can see her right now. I need to find a way to fix this. She doesn't deserve this. There's got to be someone who can help us!

Jan. 16th, 2014



This is going to sound strange considering the source, but men really are babies about being ill. I did my shift in the ER helping out, and in a ten hour shift, I had fifteen men come in with headcolds. Headcolds aren't really an emergency. They're not usually something to see the doctor about. Tea and bedrest, and soldier on, my friends. But hey, it's your insurance deductible, who am I to judge?

Dec. 17th, 2013




I guess it's only appropriate that I start having my own dreams right around the full moon, given what these dreams are about.

Namely that I'm from a family of (mostly) werewolves. And apparently, someone was none too happy with us, and decided that burning down our house and killing nearly our entire family was the way to deal with it.

Derek, his sister Laura, and I were the only ones left, and I was stuck in the hospital in a coma for years afterwards. There were vague patches of consciousness towards the end where Derek visited me (thank you for that).

And then some sort of nightmarish blur where I went after Laura. My own niece, for god's sake. I don't know what would have compelled me to do something like that.

I don't want to be this monster that people have been dreaming about.

Dec. 14th, 2013




Looking at these pictures from Cairo are intriguing. Egypt is certainly not a place you think of it snowing and the fact that it did is rather amazing. 112 years with no snow. The Sphinx covered in snow is definitely something I never thought I'd see.

On another note, I'm glad the full moon will be before Christmas. It would be unfortunate if the full moon was on Christmas Eve or Christmas.

Dec. 4th, 2013




I'm so excited! My parents, sister and brother are coming out here for Christmas! They're flying in the weekend before and staying at a nearby hotel. And I'll even get to spend time with them, because we just had two doctors transfer in from Chicago and Boston. More doctors means Martha doesn't have to work a hundred hours a week. I'll finally get to catch up on my sleep and spend more time with my boyfriend and my friends. I almost forgot what having a social life was like.

Dec. 1st, 2013




It's hard to believe that I've been back here for almost a year now. If someone had told me a year ago that not only would I be back with Sirius, but that I'd also be a Wizard and Werewolf, I would have told them they were mad. It's been a very interesting year, but I don't think I would change anything.

I suppose since I'm no longer living on my own, my Charlie Brown tree from last year won't due. I think Sirius and I will have to go get a Christmas tree soon.

Nov. 25th, 2013




This is my first real holiday where I'm not going back to see my parents. It's odd, but I think I'm going to like spending it with friends too. Well friends and my boyfriend anyway. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. I've had so many, and yet in my dreams I'm British and it's so confusing.

Sometimes I talk in an accent that I've never had before. Stupid dreams.

Speaking of dreams, there was a tiny perverted vampire in mine. Who turns kids anyway?

Oct. 27th, 2013




Anybody who is worried and needs assistance please come down to Irvine Hospital - we'll get you checked out and sort out IV fluids if you need them.

Please don't panic. You aren't alone and we can and will help you.

Oct. 23rd, 2013



[Private to all Audrey's female friends (and Percy)]

Friday 25th October - Audrey's hen party!

We'll meet at the bakery and go from there. We're hitting a club and there will be strippers. I have the feather boa and sash for her to wear - if anybody wants to add to that please feel free!

Looking forward to seeing you all :D

[ooc: Let's pretend I posted this with plenty of notice for those wanting to come along, okay?]

Oct. 22nd, 2013




In my dream, I wanted to move on. To stop being a ghost and just go through the door. Because being a ghost is the worst thing. I couldn't touch anything, I couldn't feel anything. I'd never kiss anyone, or have a family and it was awful. But then I changed my mind though, because I couldn't leave them.

And then some creepy old man shoved me through my door and forced me into.. I don't know. Hell, maybe.

That was the worst dream I've ever had in my life.

Oct. 13th, 2013




Can you believe that The Nightmare Before Christmas came out twenty years ago? Does that make you feel old? Makes me feel old.

And want popcorn.




The last couple weeks have been exceptionally busy. I've had weddings and parties, not to mention the every day workings of the bakery. New employees coming in, old employees going out... it's been a bit of a mess.

Merlin and I are just returning from a weekend getaway. It was much needed rest. I feel refreshed. Now it's time to plan our wedding!

Oh, and Pumpkin Cookies are on sale! Mention Valarnet and they're buy one get one free!

Oct. 12th, 2013




Have you all had those dreams where your dream self does something incredibly stupid and you're annoyed at yourself for being so dumb?

I abandoned my friends. How could I do that?

Sep. 17th, 2013




Why do stores already have Christmas stuff out? There is still nearly eight weeks until Halloween...




As not to interfere with Halloween parties, I'm holding our Color Run October 12th. So if you would like to participate, donate or volunteer, let me know? Get your teams ready and get ready to have some fun. This time 100% of the proceeds will be going to Make A Wish and to support pediatric oncology research.

Sep. 16th, 2013




Being back to myself is definitely helping me to not freak out. Of course, dying or trying to, tends to do that to one, I think. It was a trippy experience, and not one I want to repeat any time soon, or ever, again. I wish and I hope, that all of us will be free of such things from now on.

I haven't talked on here in awhile. Things have been pretty crazy, with a new job, and working on moving into my fiance's house, and various crazy weeks. But life seems pretty good now, especially now, in the wake of that week of weirdness.

So this is me, Zach, sending hope to all of you that you are having a truly awesome day, or will be.

Sep. 17th, 2013




Ok so, looking back on this past week and I realise I may have been behaving a bit weird. I have drawn...so much and slept so little that either my sketches are sheer genius or absolute crap! Here's hoping the former so they'll be worth more when I'm dead :-P

Sep. 10th, 2013



Nobody in this bloody country can make tea. Nobody even makes good tea bags. Do I have to import fucking Tetley just because America is doing everything wrong?

I've also had three security contracts cancel on me in the past three days because they got a look at my face. They think I'm going to rob them if I know their security? Idiots.

Sep. 4th, 2013




If you ever decide to rob a convenience store for the first time, be careful about when you do it and who's inside. If you get shot with your own gun do not try to cauterize the wound with a hair curler instead of going to the hospital. A+ for creativity, F for giving yourself second degree burns inside a gunshot wound.

Also, if a crazy man comes at you with a stick and you have a gun, watch your ass because there's a reason he thinks he can take you.

Needless to say these master criminals were caught.

Aug. 26th, 2013




With each passing full moon, I get even more anxious. I can feel the pull of it more than I did a few months ago, but each month it comes and goes and I remain myself. I'm grateful for that of course, but it causes me to dread the following month and I wonder if it will finally be the month that I change. I don't want to be unprepared, but I also don't want to lock myself up on the off chance that it might happen during that full moon. This is so very nerve wracking. Not to mention, I haven't exactly looked for a place to lock myself up in either. I suppose I should get on that.

Jul. 16th, 2013




I know its not a BIG deal if I don't know what I want to major in by the first day of college but I keep thinking about it.

I mean I really like event planning. It's something I am really good at and I really think I could enjoy doing every day. My dad keeps pushing me to consider other degrees that are more reputable. Something like a nursing program or a degree in law. Great jobs but I'm not quite sure they're me.

I mean how cool would it be to be the person that organizes and puts together an event. A celebration or something. Knowing that you made their day?

There's still time. I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point.

In other news, I think I'm in need of ice cream.




So I am now signed up to a series of refresher courses at Irvine General and St Joseph's. They were unsurprisingly very happy to have me up my skill levels. I have a feeling my shifts are going to get a lot more varied once the courses are completed.

On another note I want to send my public congratulations to Merlin and Audrey on their recent engagement!

Jul. 15th, 2013




Come one, come all to Baxter Bakery! We've got lattes so good, they sparkle! That's right, folks. /CircusRingmaster.

That's right, though. We've got this amazing, Sparkling Milk, and it makes the most wonderful mochas, lattes and cappuccinos! Come get your caffeine fix, and have a smile on your face while you do!

(I'd highly recommend drinking it "for here" in a clear mug, or taking an iced, see-through "to go" cup for full effect!)

On a more personal note, I'm totally engaged. It's amazing.

Jul. 11th, 2013




You really don't know how nice your own bed and your own bathtub really is until you get stuck in an office building for weeks!

I just went an' had a three hour soak in our bathtub. Three Hours! And I wasn't even interrupted once! It was so wonderful! And then I made myself a delicious brunch with those preserves Theo gave me!

I don't think I ever wanna take havin' a home for granted again.




Not sure how I feel about harvesting human organs from other animals. From an intellectual perspective, it's absolutely fascinating. Another step forward in scientific research. From a moral perspective, though? I don't know where humans and animals fall on the "who's more important" scale. Is a life a life, or is one life more valuable than the other?

I'm glad I work with computers. We don't have the same kinds of moral dilemmas. Well, until the robots become sentient.

Jun. 24th, 2013




I'm actually dreading the end of this week. I've actually been on decent shifts so knowing my luck I'll go back to the sporadic unsociable hours for the whole of July, it's pretty much the way my karma works. I must have done something terrible in a previous life.

I guess on the plus side the more tired I am from random shifts the less dreaming I do. That's one good thing.

Jun. 4th, 2013




I got a care package from home.

I'm almost one-hundred percent certain that I'm too old for care packages but there are some delicious peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, so I can't complain.

May. 13th, 2013




A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. It feels like it should be the start to some kind of joke. And here I was worried that my dreams were going to end up being boring. Guess I don't need to worry anymore.

May. 3rd, 2013




Am I the only doctor who can't watch doctor shows like ER or Grey's Anatomy because of how completely ridiculous some of the emergencies are? I'm not talking about the storylines themselves, but like they come up with he most random ailments and emergencies sometimes.

Apr. 29th, 2013




Thank you to everyone who came and helped me schlep belongings from my old place to my new one this Saturday. I hope that the pastries, pizza and beer were enough to pay for all your hard work!

I'm surrounded by boxes! And the weather is so beautiful! I don't want to stay inside and work! It's okay, though. I'm sure I'll be unpacked soon.

Apr. 26th, 2013




Would anyone like to help me move? I have a place, I just need some help.

I need to get my things out of my ex-boyfriends place. I want to do it when he won't be there, and that means very quickly and relatively quietly. If he comes home and sees me moving out, he won't be happy.

I have a restraining order against him, but I don't know if he'll listen to it.