
Posts Tagged: 'niklaus+mikaelson'

Aug. 10th, 2017



August 10 | Davina Claire

I haven't made it to the County Fair once yet and it's only here until Sunday. I will be making it there before it leaves. I haven't been to it in a few years and when I was little we went every year. Has anyone gone this year?

Aug. 7th, 2017




My sister mentioned this network to me. Allegedly it’s a good place for recommendations in the area, but it just seems like a lot of dream sharing to me. Who cares this much about their dreams?

I am not looking for recommendations as much as opinions. How do you feel about art? Do you have a favorite artist or style? Do any of you create your own pieces?

Aug. 5th, 2015




I tried to kill my father while he slept in my dreams. I would have succeeded if it hadn't been for my brother stopping me.

I can't really say I'm surprised though.

Jul. 7th, 2015




It seems my dreams are getting a bit more interesting. Still no magic, however my on again, off again girlfriend was being stalked by a crazy girl who is now in an insane asylum.

I also lost my job teaching at the college thanks to said girlfriend’s father.

May. 18th, 2015




My ex?boyfriend has been murder- missing for like a week now and there is a bunch of other weird shit going on. It's definitely time to drink. So done being depressed.

May. 3rd, 2015




Six weeks until graduation and another year is done. Bring on the summer. The pool cleaners just left. We've kept it clean, but it got the full treatment.

Weird question - Are there any doctors out there?

Apr. 5th, 2015




So, what's up California? Did you miss me? I know you did!

Mar. 24th, 2015




[Private to his family and to his friends]

She...she changed her mind. She realized the finality of being married to a vampire. To being married to me and claimed she didn't want that for herself. She had the marriage annulled and left.

I've never felt so alone.

Mar. 4th, 2015




An important slice of advice:

Don't allow your girlfriend keys to your home. She will flood it with smoke and almost burn down the walls.

Or perhaps that's just mine. Carry on, then.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




I knew it wasn't likely based on what I've seen of other people's experiences, but I'd really been hoping that my dreams were a one off.

I'm really starting to think dream me is some kind of sociopath.

That bearded guy, Sjin. Was he buddies with some monotonous gray asshole?

Feb. 22nd, 2015




Well my dreams last night were like a marathon of people dying. Even though I knew it was coming that was still depressing. It's not all bad though, most came back to life. Bright side.

In other news. I think it's time I gave up cheer. Between dealing with the dreams, classes, work and trying to protect everyone to have a social life I just don't have time for it anymore. Not as cheerful as I used to be either.

Feb. 12th, 2015




Does anyone have new information about the spike of crime? Privately, or publicly, whichever. I'm just curious because me and my companions were nearly blown up in a bar last night. It's not really your normal, everyday occurrence.

Feb. 9th, 2015



Filtered away from Elena Salvatore

So, the question of the day - What to get for my wife for Valentine's Day? I have no idea.

I need some serious help here. She's already gotten the old jewelry, candy, lingerie thing.

Jan. 22nd, 2015




I guess dreams are a welcome distraction to all the crime going on lately. At least this one had some good parts.

Though I did wake up to find out Baxters was broken into so that was a downer. At least I don't have work? I think classes should get cancelled too.

Jan. 14th, 2015




I'm sitting here listening to oral reports.

I'd rather engage in a good debate, have an existential crisis, or whatever. I'm trying not to fall asleep. This is my purgatory.

Jan. 4th, 2015




So I guess I should get cracking with this thing, it's been a while since I last kept a journal (junior high maybe?) so I'm not really sure what to write. Things back then seemed so much easier to talk about about and now it seems... not so much. Apparently these dreams I've been hearing about aren't just affecting a few select people but everyone. I guess I'll be paying more attention to the network from now on. I still don't really understand them or how they work. Are they really dreams or are they memories? Either way I've been talking to a lot of people I know about them and I guess I won't know what they're like until I have them too. I so didn't sign up for this...


Hubbs is still being a jerk. I'm starting to feel like a kid who's bubble just popped.




I guess a new year means new dreams.

I am starting to notice a theme. Apparently my dream self is attracted to guys who can kill vampires by biting. And of course they all bite her. Just my luck. Bright side - at least I keep surviving.

College is very different from college here. Probably because I never have time to actually go to class, always too busy with the latest crisis. I do seem to make time for the parties though. Can’t miss those.

On another note, is there anyone from your dreams that you always wished wasn’t in them, but then when they are gone you kind of want them back? Or am I just crazy?

Dec. 26th, 2014




Holidays are over and the little wife and I are off to Big Bear for a few days in a nice, secluded cabin. Then it's time for the New Year. How are we ringing it in?

Dec. 23rd, 2014




Interrupting Valarnet's jolly spirit of the upcoming holiday, I'd like to publicly apologize for the outright bloody events that occurred in regards to the Sun/Moon curse idiocy to all those who were effected. I'm sure I will continue to do worse as the dreams progress. And I am quickly running out of fucks to give.

My own league of vampire/werewolf hybrids, though. How exciting.

And for the love of god, if you can't read the sarcasm, don't bother.

Dec. 8th, 2014



Filtered to friends and family

Who wants to help me with Christmas lights? I'll make you dinner as an incentive.

Dec. 4th, 2014




Woke up today to coffins taking over my living room. Empty, of course, to satisfy anyone's morbid curiosity.

How splendid. Although this sure as fuck wasn't on my Christmas list, Santa.

Nov. 18th, 2014




How is everyone doing this Tuesday evening?

[Private to the other Originals]

I think we need to talk... all of us.

I... don't know what to think or believe anymore.

Oct. 27th, 2014




Well, California it's been a while.

Oct. 26th, 2014




I had another dream last night. I was woken up in the middle of the night by a witch doing a spell to try and hurt Marcel and some other vampires cause I could feel it. Whatever caused me to know when a witch was doing a spell, it caused me to draw their picture, which was how we knew exactly who it was. I was worried about Marcel though cause I didn't know what had happened after I couldn't feel the witch anymore, but Marcel came back while I was leaning over Elijah's coffin and Marcel told me that he was going to give Elijah back to Klaus, but I refused to let him. I didn't want to let him give Elijah back until I knew how to kill the Old Ones, which is what I called them.

Before, it was Marcel that I didn't like in the dreams, but after this one, I don't like my dream self. I'm so full of hate, I could never be like that in real life.

Oct. 23rd, 2014




I have some big news. I was trying to give Kol some time to tell his family but I just couldn't wait any longer. I feel like I have to tell the world.

I'm getting married!

Oct. 19th, 2014




So, in my most recent dreams, not only am I in Denver, but it turns out I'd been friends with Kol, who was told by Klaus to watch me. I had no idea that he was an Original until Elena and Damon came to Denver, wanting my help and Kol showed up. We went to a motel, where Elena and Damon were staying and they filled me in on what was going on and what they wanted was for me to contact another vampire who had died, Rose, to find out more about the Originals. Of course, Kol was one step ahead of us and killed the vampire who had turned her, who they were really looking for. Of course the worst part was seeing Elena kissing Damon when she was still with Stefan.

Hey Kol, dream you is a real dick.

Oct. 14th, 2014




Nothing like waking up from dreams of frenzy bloodlust, recreational slaughter and the occasional heart removal. By the means of ripping them from chests. Specifically my mother's.

Bourbon for breakfast.

Oct. 5th, 2014




[Mass message to TVD-verse and people who may be tethered to them]
So, since it seems like quite a few of us are magically linked to other people I believe we should have a very large family dinner. Great way to meet everyone who is following us around. What does everyone think about that?

Sep. 26th, 2014




I am so excited now that every single one of my siblings are finally back in the same area! I don't think the OC fully understands what they are in for with all us Mikaelsons back together. There may be some shenanigans and debauchery - okay, I lied - there will be.

However, it'll have to wait for weekends since school just started back up and I am in my last semester. I am so ready to be done with all this and just start working as a teacher. Let's get this done!

Sep. 25th, 2014




When I woke this morning I found myself wearing a ring I'd never seen before. Then as I woke more I recalled bits of the dreams I'd had the night before and in those, I was wearing that ring. I'm not entirely certain what purpose is served by breaking into my home and placing a ring on my left middle finger, but I'm thoroughly perplexed. The dreams... those are another thing entirely.

Sep. 19th, 2014




So it would seem that everyone has descended into the 'pumpkin spice latte' and 'fall' fever once again. I am much ome content with a good hot tea or a black coffee, myself. What is the fascination?

Sep. 17th, 2014




You know what the only bad part about moving is? Packing. Seriously where did I even get all this stuff? I swear I must be a hoarder or something.

This would probably be a whole lot easier if I actually got a good night's sleep.

Sep. 11th, 2014




I honestly forgot this network existed. I could treat this like Facebook or Twitter and report the most stupidly mundane things.

For example: I burned my grilled cheese sandwich.

Oct. 19th, 2013




Well, I spoke with my dear father regarding certain recent events and was informed that I needed to end my "dalliance" with Katherine or I could forget that I was his son. Apparently he considers my relationship an embarrassment.

It would appear, Nik, that we are now in the same boat.

( Elijah | Katherine )
I do not regret my decision. I love you. And I am not choosing you over my family. I am choosing you over a father who would deny me any shred of happiness.

Now that all is out in the open, I was wondering if you might want to move in with me. If this is rushing things, please do not hesitate to say. I do not want to push you into anything.

( Mikaelsons )
I am still your brother, no matter what our father says. But I could not allow him to control my life moreso than he already did. I love Katherine. Nothing will change that.

Rebekah, I will still be coming to your wedding, obviously. Father will simply have to bite his tongue in that regard if he has a problem with it.




I'm hung over and taking on Sea World. Make the noise stop before my head explodes.

The things I do for my little niece.

Oct. 16th, 2013



Had quite the time trying to get my keys back from my daughter this morning. She's reached that age where she wants to do everything for herself. She's also learned the word "party" and what it means so she keeps asking if we'll have a party so she can see everyone...except, you know, in her own way. But sometimes she gets "party" confused with "potty". At least she's learning words.




It's strange to think that certain things that happened to my family in the real world also happened in the dreams, but with very different consequences. It's a relief that no wars were started as a result of one event like it did in the dreams. Things were already had enough during that time, the last thing we needed was a war between two mythical races.

I suppose the dreams aren't all bad, because I did meet someone. I would sneak out to meet her, which seems strange when you think about how I'm a vampire, but still have to sneak out to meet with someone. It shows just how much our father had us all under his thumb.

Oct. 8th, 2013




I so don't enjoy peer mediation. I hope that doesn't make me a horrible guidance counselor. But no matter what I say or how long I sit with these girls in my office...it won't make them go back to being friends. Basically they got a free period and in two weeks whatever they were fighting about will be old news. I just end up with a headache.

You should come over for dinner. I feel like I haven't seen you in too long.




[Bo Bo]
So what can I do to help you with this whole PI thing?
[/Bo Bo]

Katherine I'm raiding the bakery around the corner. Be home soon! With sugary goodness.




Claire. I think you should stop studying and come play a game. Or watch a movie.


Did you take my CD's? I can't find my CD's.

And my Iron Man 3 DVD.

Give em back you little thief.




It turns out being 18 really isn't that different after all.

College was supposed to be fun. My roommate hates me and maybe stole my iPod. Or her boyfriend. And the school wants me to pay to move.

I'm at the library for a few hours. If anyone is feeling kind maybe I can bribe you into bringing me a decent cup of coffee.

Sep. 23rd, 2013




I took Annie costume shopping today, with some interesting results.

We watched Avengers a couple weeks back, because she's really liked the superhero movies. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when she told me she wanted to be "the venger" for Halloween. I couldn't figure out why she didn't like any the Black Widow costume, or the girl's Cap cosutme or any of the other ones the store had, until she rolled her eyes and explained she didn't mean THOSE Avengers.

Suffice to say, Jen, we are going to have the cutest Hulk ever on Halloween. Apparently she really wants to smash things and be green. Can't say I blame her, even if I do think this is at least partly an excuse to cover herself in green paint after the finger painting incident this summer.




It is nice to get a break from work. Sometimes I do feel that I am neglecting more important things by letting myself get caught up in my job, though I do enjoy it.

( Katherine )
Like you. It feels as though it's been far too long since I have seen you, my dear.

Sep. 10th, 2013




I had to get a sub today, probably tomorrow too.


This is not a normal hangover.

I think my head might explode. I never saw the truck coming. Going back to bed.

Sep. 6th, 2013



I've been so nonstop busy between work and crazy wedding planning I haven't had much time to check this stuff. Uh, sorry.

I have a shoot this weekend too and guess who's coming along? A certain little girl.

[filtered; Damon & Nik]

Alright, so...I'm going to ignore the weirdness I've started dreaming about and focus on the fact we need tuxes for the wedding.


Sep. 4th, 2013




My first birthday without my parents. Did Jenna and Ric actually expect that I'd want to get out of bed this morning? Of course they think that I went to school. Maybe Myrcella is right and I should talk to someone. I know I'm messed up. I just don't know.

Well today sucked.

Aug. 24th, 2013




If you haven't lately, you should come down to The Red Raven Club. Not to toot my own horn, but it's the best club in Orange County.

Aug. 19th, 2013




What does my mama do when I miss Sunday dinner? Turns me coming over on Monday into a matchmaking opportunity chance for me to meet one of the girls kids she worked with while I was away. Sometimes I think that woman just cares too much. She shouldn't be giving them her address. It's got to be against some rule

[Private to Dyson]
I think she might be getting herself in trouble Mama sent you a plate through me. Want me to bring it in to work? Or just keep it here to eat myself one of these nights? Unless you're actually going to come by and see the place.

Aug. 14th, 2013




So I see people, not changed people with unnatural body parts, and you know what that means. The Magic Mountain trip is calling.

Next Saturday, the 24th.

Who's up for this?

Aug. 13th, 2013



filtered to Elena's friends and family

Cut for mentions of NPC death. Also backdated to earlier in the day. )