
Posts Tagged: 'nasir'

Jun. 16th, 2016




This is a very rare find. Though Hatshepsut should be correctly referred to as a Pharaoh and not a queen as there's a very distinctive difference. She even had her statues and depictions show her with the traditional beard, though some of her titles had a feminine ring to them and many statues had a smaller waist than was normal for a male Pharaoh.


I had more absolutely WONDERFUL dreams about Night Vale and my exciting job as a radio host. There was a glow cloud that came to town and dropped dead animals on everyone, and the City Council wants to build a drawbridge even though we live in the desert. There was also a very philosophical pyramid that suddenly appeared, feral dogs that turned out to be bags floating in the wind, and wheat and wheat by-products were banned???

BUT HONESTLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS WHOLE THING IS THAT I NOW OWN A CAT. He floats in my bathroom and can't ever move, but omg he is sooooo adorable! His name is Khoshekh. He's obviously not your typical cat because he has weird...spine ridges and doesn't exactly meow, but I love him all the same and we have become fast friends. ...Probably because I give him all the ear scritches that he wants. :D I'm going to have to make my bathroom cozier with all the time I'm going to spend in there.

I would post a picture but NONE of them turn out on my cellphone sadly. OH WELL.




Okay, Valarnet. Kind of a weird question, but. Does anyone on this network have the skill to teleport (I think that's the word I'm looking for) large objects? Like, say, a spiky throne. Or a really long, large table. To sort of pop it from one place to another without breaking backs or renting moving trucks.

I'd find some way to repay you. Whether in knowledge or pizza, or monetarily.

filtered to thedosians )

Jun. 11th, 2016




So alright, here's this thing then. My brother Reg reckons it'll be good for publicity, and my therapist says it'd do me some good to socialize and the like. Though I am not sure I am very good for publicity, in general.

I am Ronnie Kray, me and my brother run a couple clubs up in London, and he wanted to bring it over to America. So I said why not California, right? And he said yeah, why not. And here we are.

I think that is about all. Lovely to meet everyone.

Jun. 2nd, 2016




I lost my fucking arm--
Solas is a dickhead
Well, that was fun, but the world is in danger yet again

Now that I've sort of had a minute to process everything, I can try to put it into words. My dreams seem to be lining up with life in the waking world interestingly well - we hit the motherload of potion raids in a castle in Emprise du Lion, which was probably the most beautiful place we've traveled to. If a little (a lot) cold and craggy. Plus that oddly eerie red tint to the skies and the treeline. Figures that the dragon we encountered was immune to ice magic, there in the constant snowfall.

But I've been working on potions here too, is the thing. Regeneration, healing, and resistance to cold and fire. Some others also. I suppose that's an offer for the masses, but I can't promise they'll taste like candy.

And I'm not sure why whatever forces insist on dumping awkward furniture in my living room, because a humongous war table just really doesn't go with the 'theme.' It's also blocking the front door and currently guests need to climb on it in order to get into the house.

Jun. 1st, 2016




Apparently when you're part of a camp full of Romans, War Games is something you do. I guess it makes sense in a way. You learn how to strategize and all, but someone died. Something wonky was happening with souls, so she came back like a few minutes later, but...

We won, though. Me and the two people I was with. So there's that. Also I can sense underground tunnels now, which I couldn't do before

May. 21st, 2016




I want to say I understand this whole dream thing, but I'm pretty sure I still don't understand. You talk about them like they happened. Really happened.

May. 19th, 2016




It's #NationalSendANude Day...

And I have no one to send pictures to...

Or anyone that I would want pictures from...

What's happening to me? Who am I becoming? I need a drink or ten.

May. 11th, 2016




Did not think it would be this hard, everyone talking about their moms all weekend. The good news is that both Mom and Dad have new numbers so I can't call them, and they moved away so I'm not tempted to go see them. They're happier thinking I'm dead.

I've been having dreams the last few nights. Glaber caught us unprepared and we paid for it. We got chased up a mountain by Glaber's forces. Once our supplies started to go, a couple of idiots tried to breach the troops keeping us trapped up there. Spartacus went to go retrieve them and...well, not everyone made it back. Mira was killed.

It's weird. I don't know her here but I'm still sad about her death. She was a warrior just the same as the rest of us and she died a warrior's death, but...it still feels wrong.

On the plus side, I finally got to meet Ashur, just in time to see Naevia take his fucking head off, and Spartacus came up with yet another fucking mad plan to save us all. Four men climb down the mountain, take out the troops guarding the path, create a distraction so that the rest of us can slip down, and we fuck them up. It worked, they turned tail and ran, and we chased them and ambushed them at the temple. Spartacus got his revenge. Glaber is dead. It's a victory but I know that there's more to come.

And in personal news, I passed my finals and I'm going to go shove all of the burritos into my mouth in celebration.

May. 8th, 2016




Well there's going to be no more sleeping for me tonight after that dream. I guess I don't get to grow up with my dad in either world - only there there's no meeting up with him when I'm older and getting to have a relationship with him then. In the dreams he dies in a car accident when I was five and I saw it on the news. I thought it was footage from the movie he was filming not...not a stunt gone wrong which is how my mom in the dreams explained it when I asked her why he wasn't home yet when she went to put me to bed. Anybody else have that happen in their dreams? You go to bed in them and then wake up here?

May. 4th, 2016




Fuck Julius Caesar. The end he got was too good for him.

And fuck these dreams while we're at it. This whole place can go to hell.

Apr. 27th, 2016




Get back to my body just in time to have another dream. Everyone was going on a rescue mission to go save Crixus from dying and my half-dead ass wanted to go too note: kissing me is a really good method to convince me to do something, apparently. They brought back Oenomaeus and Gannicus with them, there was some drama, and Chadara ended up dead. I understand why and if she hasn't been killed she would have gotten everyone (including me) killed instead, but...still. She was something like a friend. Still, Mira and Naevia are continuing to cement my feelings on why you shouldn't fuck with women.

And apparently Spartacus has opened up a home for wayward Germans. They're fun when they aren't trying to actively kill us. I'd appreciate if my dreams could stop with the slicing off of things though.

Apr. 26th, 2016




Just when I thought I was getting used to dreaming about space marines, I end up dreaming about being a space recovery specialist. Brings back more than a few memories I'm not supposed to remember.

I also feel the urge to throw a PSA out there regarding seat belts. They're good for your health, folks. Don't fly down a crowded freeway without one. Trust me on this.

Apr. 23rd, 2016




Day two, still have not punched anyone, although it was a near miss on the guy behind me while I was getting coffee and felt the sudden urge to grab my ass.

Apr. 22nd, 2016




How many times, exactly, should I expect to wake up as a woman?? This is bullshit.

No offence, Liv.

Apr. 20th, 2016




So I think I finally had a dream of my very own - it was kind of cute and sweet in a sad sort of way. Definitely not me remembering anything from my life here. I was a little kid and my dad was playing his guitar in the living room and I was pretending to be a Flamenco dancer. At least I think that's what I was pretending to be. Growing up in foster care - that's not something I ever wished for. Living with my bioparents? Yeah. Flamenco dancing? Not really. At least one thing's the same - my dad's into music.

Apr. 19th, 2016




TFW your friend asks to be boyfriends...

I said "yes," but the timing was odd. Only in the sense that he and I were in the middle of a video game, and I was partially stunned and I died. However, I couldn't be happier. My boss was starting to hint at us getting together, ever since we attended his dinner party, a few weeks back.

Anyway, I will stop bragging...

Derek...I suppose I should let you in on a secret...that paint/glitter party was kinda my idea. ;)

Apr. 18th, 2016




Getting stabbed isn't fun.

Apr. 17th, 2016




I saw the funniest sight today while on a coffee run for work. There was this doll, maybe two feet high, just walking down the street with a muffin in her hand.

The animatronics were flawless! It was really like a porcelain little girl just meandering down the streets of Orange County. Does anyone know if it was a promotional stunt? Perhaps Pixar's new project?




This thing is one giant lie. I woke up to my dossier from SHIELD and what is presumably my service weapon sitting on my nightstand, and I've been reading what SHIELD had on file for me. And it's all one lengthy lie.

I mean, other than the stuff about my home life. That was drastically accurate. But age fourteen forward was a fabrication.

How does someone live like that, not being able to tell anyone who they really are?

[ Jemma ]
I get it. Now. I understand. Not as much as you probably do... It's still just a recon mission from where I'm standing right now. But Trip's already told me it isn't going anywhere good.

[ Skye ]
I remembered more. You were there, in my dream.

Apr. 12th, 2016




I knew a blind date would be a horrible idea but I went anyway.

I must be a glutton for punishment or something.

Apr. 7th, 2016




The mental illness awareness organization I do a lot of work with, NAMI, is holding an event in Irvine next Saturday - outdoors, at a park, and there will be all sorts of things like a book exchange and food trucks (I think even complimentary massages?). But I'll be there in the 'community support' section, as a mental health care provider, should anyone want to drop by. I see so many people discussing their dreams and I feel as if I should make others aware of the opportunity.

On my own dream front our fortress, Skyhold, recently got assaulted by goats. Gassy goats, too. One let it rip before the other slammed into the wall and I don't even know what's going on anymore. It was almost as baffling as one of my advisers running out of the room naked after losing a game of Wicked Grace (I won't name names).

For anyone wondering about the actual goat thrower, he was made an agent of the Inquisition and dispatched to Tevinter to throw goats there instead.

Apr. 5th, 2016




Dream me needs a little bit of chill. I mean, screaming that I can be hardcore is a little much, but then I sort of get it. Someone - well, multiple someones - said I couldn't fight things as scary and difficult as they could. I'm really, really bad at be underestimated.

Apr. 4th, 2016




Well thanks to my dream last night and some Roman shithead, I now have a scar on my face. In the dream and apparently in real life unless this is a very vivid hallucination. Not sure which I prefer at this point. There goes that fantasic modeling career I didn't have.

We found Naevia and managed to get her out. Lost Crixus in the process. Escaped into the forest. Lost more men. Killed even more. Spartacus was right: swords do get lighter with time.

Naevia's so weak, I'm not sure how we'll get her back to Vesuvius, and our numbers are so low I'm not sure how any of us will get back at all. Needless to say, morale isn't too great right now.




Tonight seems like a "talk about dreams" kind of night.

All this time and I'm caught by Romans. Too much to ask to die in glorious battle. I won't suffer death in captivity. Figures shit would go this way if I chose to follow the Gaul.




I think I had one of those dreams.... Everyone keeps talking about.... Mine was nice though...

Apr. 3rd, 2016




I can't believe
Of course the

Of all the terrible strange things that can come from these dreams, I have to say, my sudden heterosexuality is by far one of the more unsettling things I have seen.

I need to know how to get out of restraints in a more efficient manner.

Apr. 2nd, 2016




Forgot it was April Fools yesterday. Only remembered after a guy dumped a Slurpee on my head as a 'prank'. I didn't think it was very funny, but I don't think he found my prank of kicking him in the nuts to be very funny either. On the plus side, the professor who saw the whole thing felt my reaction was completely valid and talked the guy out of calling the campus police on me, and it was after my last class of the day so I didn't have to worry about skipping classes.

Three showers later and I'm still sticky. Anyone have guesses as to how to get red out of a white shirt?

Apr. 1st, 2016




I swear these dreams are trying to mess with me at this

It's nice to know that I haven't been dropped from my classes this quarter as I've missed the first ones thanks to the reasoning being related to the subject matter. Though as a word of advice? Randomly sitting next to someone and taking pictures with them without saying anything or petting someone's hair to try and say it's smooth? Really not okay, regardless of which country you're in.

Mar. 31st, 2016




So tomorrow is April first. I wonder how many people are going to get Rick Rolled.

Mar. 29th, 2016




Dreaming that I lived over a thousand years ago is..odd.




Is there a way to introduce yourself on this thing without sounding like a dating profile or some kind of addicts support group? Probably not.

I'm Buttercup. I think my sisters Blossom and Bubbles are on this thing too. And I guess now I am too so you all get the complete set!

Also I do not like piña coladas. Or getting caught in the rain.




I wish I could still think that these dreams were the result of something I ate before bed. At least I didn't have to get up and go to work after it - it wasn't bad just unsettling. Morgana dreamt that some woman was a threat to Arthur's life and then we saw him ride out of Camelot with her. Why does he have to be in my dreams And of course Morgana decided that instead of talking to Uther about what she'd dreamt she would have to stop it from coming true herself.

Mar. 27th, 2016




Here is to having spent another Easter at home, watching Netflix in my pajamas if I want, gorging on peeps. And not having to get up stupidly early to dress up and be miserable with people I don't like on uncomfortable wooden benches. I didn't even get a guilting text this year! I think that's a first.

I'm probably a little too old to hold peep jousts in my microwave, but it is my microwave and I can if I want to. If anyone wants to know, yellow lost the most, blue had the most wins, and in a sad accident purple lost against itself.

Honestly it's a good thing I didn't wake up to a text from them. I dreamed last night about how they reacted to your sorting, and I really wasn't in the mood to deal with them when I woke up.

Mar. 26th, 2016




I actually managed to have a real conversation with my mother this morning for the first time since I found her. Though my French doesn't really sound like hers, I guess it's text book at least. It's an improvement considering I could only understand one or two words before. Though she laughed at me a lot. I think I got quite a few things wrong since I was trying not to look at my book.

Language barriers are hard.

Mar. 25th, 2016




Venturing into the world of online dating isn't as good as I thought.

People lie - A LOT!

Mar. 22nd, 2016




If someone hurts someone else because they're told to, and are deathly afraid of the person making the demands and what they might do if refused, but tries to correct what they did as quickly as they can without the person who demanded it finding out, exactly... how horrible is the person who did the hurting in the first place?

Does it make a difference if they're all kids, but the one making demands is a teenager?

Mar. 19th, 2016




Waking up missing people that don't even exist is stupid.

Mar. 15th, 2016




Note to self, do not spend your day off taking a nap that was originally supposed to be one hour and turned into five 'cause dreams are bad. Ever been choked by a dismembered hand before? Less fun. Rocket launchers though? So fun. How come that didn't pop out of my dream? Think a rocket launcher would like amazing next to my ridic shoe collection, just saying.

Mar. 14th, 2016




I need a volunteer, or two.

I am fairly certain that can cast a new kind of spell but I would rather not injure myself. So, I need a couple people who can take a hit, or two, or three...if you are injured...I will compensate your injury with liquor or food.

So, who wants to take some hits in the name of magic?




Accidentally fell asleep on a couch in the library and I think I had another dream. Not sure if I should be angry at or thankful towards the guy who dropped a bunch of books on my head because otherwise I probably would have stayed there the rest of the day. The only thing I really got out of it was that I still have the intense desire to beat up like, three gladiators, which is probably not a wise thing and this me is better at letting things go.

Well, that, and that I really, really want a sword now.

Mar. 12th, 2016





No, that’s too formal.

Hi, guys!

Wow, that’s rude. Not everyone is a guy.

Hey, peeps!

Does anyone say peeps anymore? Okay, Urban Dictionary is telling me they don’t.

I’m Merrill! Good start. This is so exciting. Has anyone else felt like they didn’t fit in before they started having their dreams? I know we couldn’t have known, not really, but this explains so much. I’m not even human! Well, I mean, I am I think?, but I’m not in my dreams. There were so many of us—elves, that is. It was an important gathering of some kind, and it was all very exciting. I set something on fire, too! With my hands! Does anyone keep a diary to record everything they remember? I should really find those scented highlighters.

Oh! We share something about ourselves here, right? I’m a Cryptozoologist. You should visit me at my office! It’s cramped, really, and a mess right now, but I like visitors. If you let me know you’re coming, I could bake something, too. One of my roommates is a chemist, and our kitchen is probably contaminated. You know what! I’ll just buy cookies for us. Would that be all right? Does anyone have any food allergies? This is too long. You’re rambling now, Merrill.

I’ll just be on Tumblr if you need me.

Mar. 7th, 2016




Is "things randomly appearing in your house" the Weird Thing this week? Because if not I need to change my locks.

Mar. 4th, 2016




Do you ever wonder: 'What are whales doing right now?'

Mar. 3rd, 2016




I'm so far behind in college work I can't even...and yet my response to it has been to screw off and watch mindless stuff. I think I'm broken.

Feb. 29th, 2016




Alright - I just want to knock my dream self out for being an idiot. It's not enough that I've asked two of my best friends to move in to the house and I'm doing everything I can to keep them from finding out I'm a ghost - we're advertising for a fourth roommate. Because the last time I did that in the dreams it worked out great. The guy killed me and now I'm trapped in my damn house as a ghost.

My dream self is just asking for trouble.

Feb. 27th, 2016




So. Those dreams. Hell of a thing. Any way to make them stop?

I'd prefer not to have to see anything like that again. It was my family, but at the same time... it wasn't. They were all like twisted versions of themselves.

Except Tommy. But it's hard for a five year old to be twisted, I would hope.




I don't know what you people did to me but I want it to stop.

Sorry about waking up screaming Callisto




So I finally get a night to pass out before the sun comes up and then I get a trippy dream? Maybe I should lay off all the girl scout cookies.

What do they put in those things?




Hey...so..I'm really not very good at these social media things, although I've started liking Tumblr a lot. But I don't need to use words there. It's all graphics driven. Uh..Hey. I'm Yugi. I like pretty much any type of game. I can usually be found on Steam if anyone else plays there.