
Posts Tagged: 'merle+dixon'

Apr. 2nd, 2013



Why aren't my clothes falling off? :(




I think I might take the day off of work. Everything I wear keeps disappearing, and it's surprisingly hard to sell lingerie and clothing whilst nude.

Mar. 28th, 2013



It's Thirsty Thursday and I just pulled a twelve hour shift at the diner and don't work tomorrow. Who's going to the bar with me tonight?



[Locked From Scoot]

So Valarnet. I've got a little project for us to organize here. I'm pretty sure most of us saw Scoot's post yesterday. If not, he's a really awesome kid who is going to be having surgery at the beginning of next month. I know it's kind of short notice, but I saw someone else mentioning setting up a care package for him, and I'm thinking we can add to that.

Having been there, where you can't really get up and do a lot of stuff, or are zonked out on pain meds to the point you're not doing a lot, it seems like the best thing to do is watch bad movies and I've got the impression he doesn't have a lot of those. Not to go giving out personal information but he's kind of lacking a lot of STUFF these days, and well.

I was thinking we could start up a bad movie collection to give Scoot something to do while he's recovering. Obviously, we're gonna need to coordinate so we don't end up with ten copies of The Incredible Mr. Limpet or something, and a place to drop them off, I'm thinking directly with his awesome girlfriend, but ideas? Thoughts? You can comment here if you'd like to help.

But let's give him an awesome recovery, yeah?




Well, now! How's 'bout this little freak show we got going on in here? I'm hearing all kinds of weird shit and I. am. curious.

I'm Merle Dixon. Little new to town. Any darlin' ladies care to show me the sights? C'mon, now, I don't bite.