
Posts Tagged: 'maxwell+trevelyan+%28the+inquisitor%29'

Apr. 10th, 2016




I went out last night and was getting a drink when some drunk guy, apparently thought I was a hustler. He kept trying to proposition me and not in a smooth way. Brian this guy was not. I told him to fuck off, but he kept getting more aggressive. Eventually I ended up throwing my drink in his face. I've never thrown a drink in someone's face, but it was kind of fun.

Apr. 9th, 2016




More dreams. Yay. I blame Max for jinxing me.

Helping to solve an old friend’s murder is a lot different than some random person. Especially when you try to attend the memorial and her new friends want you to leave. That was certainly my most emotional case yet.

I also woke up to my first dream ‘gift’ I guess you would call it. I don’t know what else to refer to it as since I have only ever seen it in my dreams before today.

Apr. 7th, 2016




The mental illness awareness organization I do a lot of work with, NAMI, is holding an event in Irvine next Saturday - outdoors, at a park, and there will be all sorts of things like a book exchange and food trucks (I think even complimentary massages?). But I'll be there in the 'community support' section, as a mental health care provider, should anyone want to drop by. I see so many people discussing their dreams and I feel as if I should make others aware of the opportunity.

On my own dream front our fortress, Skyhold, recently got assaulted by goats. Gassy goats, too. One let it rip before the other slammed into the wall and I don't even know what's going on anymore. It was almost as baffling as one of my advisers running out of the room naked after losing a game of Wicked Grace (I won't name names).

For anyone wondering about the actual goat thrower, he was made an agent of the Inquisition and dispatched to Tevinter to throw goats there instead.

Apr. 4th, 2016




Well thanks to my dream last night and some Roman shithead, I now have a scar on my face. In the dream and apparently in real life unless this is a very vivid hallucination. Not sure which I prefer at this point. There goes that fantasic modeling career I didn't have.

We found Naevia and managed to get her out. Lost Crixus in the process. Escaped into the forest. Lost more men. Killed even more. Spartacus was right: swords do get lighter with time.

Naevia's so weak, I'm not sure how we'll get her back to Vesuvius, and our numbers are so low I'm not sure how any of us will get back at all. Needless to say, morale isn't too great right now.

Apr. 2nd, 2016




Forgot it was April Fools yesterday. Only remembered after a guy dumped a Slurpee on my head as a 'prank'. I didn't think it was very funny, but I don't think he found my prank of kicking him in the nuts to be very funny either. On the plus side, the professor who saw the whole thing felt my reaction was completely valid and talked the guy out of calling the campus police on me, and it was after my last class of the day so I didn't have to worry about skipping classes.

Three showers later and I'm still sticky. Anyone have guesses as to how to get red out of a white shirt?

Mar. 28th, 2016



How do you know who you can trust, when people can turn into ticking bombs, ready to go off and kill anyone who stands against them. I know it's not the fault of magic, but I can't simply ignore the things I saw in my dreams. I still see them, even when I'm awake.

Mar. 24th, 2016




Well. I nearly set my house ablaze today. Having lightning unexpectedly come from one's fingertips tends to have an averse affect on flammable materials.

Mar. 21st, 2016




I understand this whole dream concept now. It's eerie how similar they are to my real life.

All this talk about powers seems a lot less strange to me. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Mar. 20th, 2016




The things you do to help save the planet... I woke up in a dress of all things. There was a little bit of a sewer smell, too. It was not a very sanitary set of dreams... but at least I'm learning more about the world in them! Even if it's got me trying to call him again

Hope everyone is doing alright! Guess I gotta find a reason to use this dress now... after I get it dry cleaned.

Mar. 19th, 2016




As I have found myself with some free time, I was looking through some of my photoshoots, I came across this music video I was in about four months ago.

It's "Death in the Afternoon" and it's for an anti-bull fighting campaign. Does this count as anti-bullying? Either way, this video does have some graphic moments...you have been warned.




Good God! What is with alien races and experimenting on people!

I am officially boycotting an entire science fiction genre, and anyone who knows me knows how frustrating that is. Science fiction. Space. Fun. Explosions. So much fun.

In other news, I've been informed that W-Magazine and it's sister publication are hosting a fundraiser in early May. The problem is we don't know what we're raising funds for. I need suggestions for charities or non-profit organisations that might benefit from a boost in publicity and some much needed funding.

Please don't mention PP, I've already got a headache from listening to the debate surrounding that.

Mar. 14th, 2016




I need a volunteer, or two.

I am fairly certain that can cast a new kind of spell but I would rather not injure myself. So, I need a couple people who can take a hit, or two, or three...if you are injured...I will compensate your injury with liquor or food.

So, who wants to take some hits in the name of magic?




Accidentally fell asleep on a couch in the library and I think I had another dream. Not sure if I should be angry at or thankful towards the guy who dropped a bunch of books on my head because otherwise I probably would have stayed there the rest of the day. The only thing I really got out of it was that I still have the intense desire to beat up like, three gladiators, which is probably not a wise thing and this me is better at letting things go.

Well, that, and that I really, really want a sword now.

Mar. 13th, 2016




I'm the definition of excite for our Ireland trip. I've never been to another continent, I'm getting my green beer, and it'll be cool to go somewhere in which blood rain and evil monkeys are totally not the norm. I'm probably not going to bring any of you losers anything because I'll be too drunk to remember, but if I do, it'll be keychains in bulk. Don't ever say I don't get anyone anything nice.

I also managed to fit half my wardrobe in this suitcase thanks to those...weird, air-sucky sealer bags. Science, bitch, and I need options if I'm not in the comfort of my own home for fashion variety.

In other news, I'm "murder Fae bait." Fae might literally want to eat me. I don't know why I keep hanging around these people, I really don't. I'm literally something they can put in a stew and slurp up. But this fae, you could legit kill with herbicide because she was ~one with the Earth~ or some crap like that. Thanks, Bobo, getting strangled by vines or eaten was not a way I wanted to die.




I guess this is what y'all meant by Dreams. If the UNSC is anything like the USMC, I guess I'm going to be in for quite a ride.

It was nice to see my mom again, even if it was just a dream.

Mar. 12th, 2016




My dreams have turned into nightmares. It started with my father saying strange things that didn't make sense to me. Then he started doing terrible things and making me do terrible things.

I wake up feeling like I'm a monster he's a monster and hating myself him.

Can dreams turn people into monsters?





No, that’s too formal.

Hi, guys!

Wow, that’s rude. Not everyone is a guy.

Hey, peeps!

Does anyone say peeps anymore? Okay, Urban Dictionary is telling me they don’t.

I’m Merrill! Good start. This is so exciting. Has anyone else felt like they didn’t fit in before they started having their dreams? I know we couldn’t have known, not really, but this explains so much. I’m not even human! Well, I mean, I am I think?, but I’m not in my dreams. There were so many of us—elves, that is. It was an important gathering of some kind, and it was all very exciting. I set something on fire, too! With my hands! Does anyone keep a diary to record everything they remember? I should really find those scented highlighters.

Oh! We share something about ourselves here, right? I’m a Cryptozoologist. You should visit me at my office! It’s cramped, really, and a mess right now, but I like visitors. If you let me know you’re coming, I could bake something, too. One of my roommates is a chemist, and our kitchen is probably contaminated. You know what! I’ll just buy cookies for us. Would that be all right? Does anyone have any food allergies? This is too long. You’re rambling now, Merrill.

I’ll just be on Tumblr if you need me.

Mar. 11th, 2016




Ah, the mighty and glorious Circle of Magi of Ferelden, housed in a tower shaped like a phallus. It was every bit as insufferable as I could imagine. Though the demon's taste in decoration was more than revolting. And glad to see we gained a preachy school marm in the group. I will simply stay in my tent far away from her.

Though at least I received another gift from my dreams. T'would seem I now have seeds from several plants native to Thedas.


You will be pleased to hear I have that poison ready. Needless to say, it is extremely potent. The antidote, however, is proving more difficult to create, but I shall not be outdone.




And my dreams rear their dramatic head once again. A friend of mine was beat up as he was leaving a club so the community got together to try and decide what we should do to try and make Liberty Ave safer for us. One guy said we had to take matters into our own hands and after my friend refused to pick his attackers out of a lineup, I started getting upset about my own bashing and how I didn't do anything to my attacker so I ended up joining this other guy and his group, which he'd called The Pink Posse. The idea behind the whole thing was all well and good except he went out of his way to look for trouble. We went to a straight club and after someone made a comment after Cody kissed me, Cody beat the crap out of the guy. Then he insisted we needed guns and brought me to confront my attacker and tried to encourage me to kill him.

Luckily, my dream counterpart is smart sometimes and was done with Cody and the Posse after that.

He also had us all shave our heads in solidarity and for a moment, when I woke up this morning, I was afraid that had bled over. Luckily, I still have all my hair. I know it sounds superficial and like I told Brian in the dreams, it'd grow back, but I really don't like the way I look without hair.

Mar. 10th, 2016




Well I haven't done much of the social media thing since I was in college, but I figured I'd give it a try.

I just moved here from Seattle, the sunshine is a nice change of pace. Wow talking about the weather, lame. Now I just need to find some decent coffee if anyone has recommendations.

Oh right also, my name's Olivia but please call me Liv.

Mar. 7th, 2016



I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to react to receiving...gifts from my dreams? Or the fact in some alternate place I'm practically brainwashed by religion.

It's not real. It shouldn't be real. And yet, I have this tool and I'm meant to use it to protect people from magic? Because "magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him."

Mar. 5th, 2016




language and triggery content )

Mar. 2nd, 2016




Jumping in on this network. Seems difficult but I'm going to give it a try anyway.

Hi, I'm Maxwell Trevelyan, will take most variations of either name. I'm not really new to the area but I'm new to the forum - and just bought a house to fix up in Anaheim, so I guess that means I'm staying for awhile. Sometimes I travel for work but I'm originally from Seattle, so that means I'm sort of missing the constant rainclouds.

I've also got my office situated in Anaheim - I'm a counselor, therapist, not a shrink, and while I have a couch in my office I don't really insist people lie down on it. I prefer to sit face to face and talk.

What else? Should I ask about coffee shops, the local ones? Always up for finding new caffeine suppliers.