
Posts Tagged: 'maria+hill'

Jul. 5th, 2012




Now that Gaila is gone the apartment feels way too empty and quiet. I swear it's been a month since I had it to myself.

What are you doing this weekend?

Jun. 28th, 2012





Hill, Coulson? You two seeing this?

I'm guessing the government won't be sending out a response team of their own either. If this is another Rosewell hoax, I'm gonna be pissed.




There are no aliens.





My apartment hasn't had just me in it in I don't know how long, but at least I'm back at work now. I've been so busy catching up with everything this week I haven't had a chance to read the net, let alone post to it. Not that I usually do. I'm babbling

[Private to Spock]
While I was away from work I started work on that database of the Klingon language. It's almost a complete collection of the language. I want to add a few more rules and the pronunciation guide, but I should be done by this weekend if you still want to take a look.

Jun. 21st, 2012



oh god this can't be happening i don't know what to do


please someone help me

Deleted and locked after a half hour or so.


Hi, everyone. This is going to be a post about dreams, so if you haven't had any strange ones or don't care to read it, just scroll past.

If you do want to read, please click here. )

Jun. 16th, 2012



Locked Against Pepper Potts

Okay, Valarnet. I'm having issues.

How the living hell do you bake a goddamned cake?

Jun. 14th, 2012




Okay, so does everyone have their own personal bitchy British person following them around this week?

Or am I just special?

Jun. 13th, 2012




I seem to have avoided the crazy this time around. It's a nice change.

Jun. 12th, 2012




Mom decided I needed to make more friends. But didn't like me being out of the house while she's gone. How it makes sense to go "meet" friends on the internet is beyond me but I'll take it.

So hi. I'm Cassie. And this is totally awkward.

Jun. 11th, 2012




Things keep going like this and I'm gonna have a stroke before the year's up.




Not that I'm not pissed about being drugged against my will because street drugs, even the mild ones, really fuck with you and I'm not going there, but I've got to say I've slept better the past two nights than I have since all of this crept in.

That's not a thank you, just an observation.

Clearly I need to scrape up the cash to get on actual medication.

Jun. 10th, 2012




Are drugs a good surprise present to brighten up a friend's week or am I just a horrible person?

Also, Barton? So amused it's not my problem anymore.

Jun. 7th, 2012



Okay, that's it. Zombie face-biting in Louisiana. I'm getting a baseball bat and a four month supply of frozen pizza.

Jun. 6th, 2012



Uhm... Tali?

Are you out there?

I need some help. I need to PM the FBI.

How do I PM the FBI?




Really sorry to spam the network guys, but trust me, it's really important.

Peggy Carter? This is something I think you really need to see.

Not locked, just cut for her pleasure. )




Citizens (Residents?) of Valarnet:

You guys are awesome.

I don't do well being contained, you might have noticed, and between the cakes, puddings, pies, visits, stuffed animals, strippers and etc, I managed to only be bored roughly 70% of the day in Irvine General, and for that I owe you.

Friday, June 15th, I bought out the Diamond Club at Anaheim. If you don't like baseball, just come drink the beer, which is also free. There's also going to be a surprise after the game which I'm particularly excited about. Trust me, you'll have a good time.

Consider this my thank you for a job well done.



Return of the Hypothetical Questions.

Say you've got a dangerous weapon. Could be chemical, organic. Whatever. And it's going to go off sooner or later and hurt everything. You'd naturally destroy the thing before it hurts anybody or can get near them again, particularly when its only purpose is to wreck a path of chaos, right?




The FBI let me keep most of the money that the man left for me which I thought was very generous of them. Heaven knows I need it what with my medical bills and the nurse coming to check up on me every day. The money from the fire insurance is getting caught up in court, of course, and I need to appear in front of a board next week to tell my side of the story. They don't want to pay out since it was arson and not accidental fire. If I don't get that money I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Maybe renting is in my future instead of owning.




Tony somehow forced me into making one of these accounts, I might as well use it. The name's Bruce, current.. I'm not really sure what my title is, but I'm the guy building the labs and doing all of the hiring for Stark Industries science department.

Jun. 5th, 2012



Dreams are doorways to other worlds

If anyone wants to dream while awake, I can provide.

Edited in after about ten minutes of looking for the button

For free.

Jun. 3rd, 2012



I hate you, internet.

Right. Valar net, is it? I'd like to take this moment to announce that I think the vast majority of the internet is a fat load of cack and a festering vile pit of cyber-crime and hacking, and balding wrinkly old men trying to get into little girls' knickers while typing out convenient meeting places, one-handedly. The whole thing can go up in flames so that I can light a cigarette off it, and feel the burn of sheer pleasure racing through my lungs.

Except for the legitimate pornography. We can keep that. It can be preserved for posterity. Like fine art.

Now that I'm apparently stuck here close by Disneyland, which we all know was founded by a probable Jew hater and is quite literally my idea of hell on earth? Please, drooling worshipers of your monitor screens, be so kind as to give me pointers to where I can go to get absolutely tanked out of my bloody mind. Pubs. I need pubs. Because I've gone fourty minutes without something alcoholic being filtered through my liver. That is thirty minutes too long.

I might not survive.

Jun. 2nd, 2012




Gather round, Valarnet. I'm going to tell you a story about my buddy Bruce. (Not you, Wayne. Banner. To be clear, I am talking about Dr. Bruce Banner right now.)

See, we were at MIT together, Bruce and I. And one night there was this party, you know how college gets. We were trashed. I mean, I pride myself on holding my liquor along with enough for everyone else but we outdid ourselves. Meanwhile, Bruce sees this girl he's kind of had a thing for the whole quarter. She was in our Physics lab. So I push him over, like a good wingman should.

So Bruce walks over, and everything's going great. They flirt all night pretty much, and later that night I'm thinking 'sweet, buddy's gonna get lucky.'

Problem was the aforementioned trashed part. Bruce went in for a kiss, wound up barfing all over her.

What ever happened to her any way, Bruce? You guys kept touch, right?

Jun. 1st, 2012



To last night's scavenger hunting team: thanks for bringing me along. I don't think I've done anything like that before, but it was fun.

May. 29th, 2012




This might be the most surreal, crazy pop culture thing I've ever heard.

May. 27th, 2012





I don't care if you had sex while eating a cheeseburger on the back of a fucking unicorn, you could not possibly feel better than I do right fucking now.




Sometimes I wonder how war vets feel when all the fighting and the blood and the gore and the lives sacrificed and all that horrendous trauma they have gone through have amounted to a big, fat Monday off that everyone else gets to celebrate.

Thank you very much for the day off. I'll leave the reopening of old wounds and reminders of pointless sacrifices to the callous people on television.

[Locked to the Lannisters, Robert Baratheon & Brienne the Bold]
I'm having a barbeque out of my balcony on Monday, so if you're having one of your own, I'm not coming.

If you're not having one of your own, you know where I live.

May. 25th, 2012




I just got yelled at by HR for "going over the overtime limit". I need another distraction from this crazy shit that isn't work a hobby.

May. 23rd, 2012




I'm resolving to never do anyone else's paperwork ever again.

If only because it seems to make me pass out and then dream about fighting a scantily-clad tattoo-covered woman in a ship of some kind. Guess that's also what I get for watching bad sci-fi recently.

May. 22nd, 2012




I can't believe it's taken me this long to find this place. I've been spending too much time on the EDM forums. It's definitely time to socialize with the rest of the population. So, hi everyone. My name is Carmen de la pica Morales and I create music for a living. Although I'm not so sure you can say you do something for a living when it doesn't really bring any actual money in, but still. It's what I do.

May. 20th, 2012




I'm so sorry to everyone I txt'd last night. Suffice it to say I'm suffering admirably for it.

In an unrelated note, does S.H.I.E.L.D ring a bell for anyone?

This is how I feel right now )

May. 18th, 2012





May. 16th, 2012




miss me?

hospital food sucks.

May. 11th, 2012




Ever have one of those days that just won't end?

May. 9th, 2012




Fact: FBI briefings are twenty times more unbearable with a hangover.

May. 8th, 2012



"A creative adult is simply a child who has survived." I feel like there should be a wild rumpus somewhere in honour of Maurice Sendak.




So now I have my emotionally volatile student, AND his former guardian, who he has issues with, hanging out at my place tonight. Ollie Queen's making chili, Roy's hopefully asleep after I force fed him an ativan and I have no idea what I'm doing, how this happened, or why this whole thing is my job again.

Any advice good people of the valarnet?




I've reached my quota for stupid today.