
Posts Tagged: 'luna+scamander'

Sep. 14th, 2012



The greatest thing about Fridays is the fact that I don't have work or school today. How am I celebrating this miracle scheduling? Sitting alone in my apartment playing on the internet...

Sep. 13th, 2012




I've finally been convinced to start a web log. One of my Teacher's Aids suggested it, so long as I keep in mind that everything posted to the internet is public knowledge. Of course, it would be hard to forget such a thing, anyway. I would like to keep a log of my studies, and the things I have an interest in researching. It might help me to keep my thoughts better organized, and I can access it from any computer, unlike a paper diary.

Note to self; no class on Thursday.

On a side, and somewhat personal note, I must admit that watching old episodes of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" makes me feel a bit warm and fuzzy in a slightly uncomfortable way. Hopefully it's not distracting Ron from his nap on my sofa.

Second note to self; replenish the Rocky Road supply. I seem to have run out.

Sep. 11th, 2012




Obadiah Stane is guilty! I knew it! I don't understand why someone would want to hurt Mr. Stark. He's an amazing man. There must be something terribly wrong with Stane. Maybe his mother didn't love him when he was growing up.

Sep. 9th, 2012



Well. That was something else. I was lucky that the giraffe slobber didn't really ruin the tux.

That would have been very hard to explain, I think.

Sep. 7th, 2012




Who forgets about the VMAs? Apparently me.

It is like one of those mandatory things for actors and I should have been there even if I just got home yesterday. My agent was like GINNY YOU COULD HAVE FOUND A DRESS IN TIME! Yeah, because you know I have Valentino or some other major Italian designer on speed dial.

I didn't even watch the VMAs. I bet it was a lot of cursing and inappropriate comments.

Sep. 5th, 2012




Father and I didn't find any magical creatures this year, but we did manage to get a picture that might be big foot. It's very blurry so it's hard to tell, but I'm going to see if I can enlarge it and try to make it out a bit more. It might just be a deer though.

Aug. 19th, 2012




I just had the most amazing dream! I dreamt I was a witch who could do magic only I'd never been properly trained. I was really excited for some reason about the post coming and then it did with a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I've been accepted, you see? To go learn magic at Hogwarts. Anyone else a witch?

I'm going to write down details of all of the dreams I have so I can piece them together. What if when we're done dreaming everyone is whisked away to their dream worlds? That would be brilliant.


Master Wayne, you left without addressing the invitation to the Orange County Debutante Ball, I'm sure quite unintentionally.

Isn't it fortunate then we have these journals to make sure you don't forget these things?

Aug. 16th, 2012



It was a brilliant day at work; not a single person implied I was too stupid to do my job --- said no one whose ever worked a customer service based job ever.

Alright. So I’m Mickey Smith, please no mouse jokes, god I’m tired of mouse jokes. What’s up?

Aug. 13th, 2012




I am going to kill Rita Skeeter! I just heard what she's saying about me and Natasha. It's not true! We're going on location for a shoot, not for a romantic getaway.

We're going out scouting locations tonight and we start shooting tomorrow. Skeeter, just leave us alone.


I can't believe it.

I actually can't believe it. A job offer out of nowhere. That still happens?

Aug. 12th, 2012




So, maybe I need to take the battery out of my cell the next time I decide I'm gonna make a thermos of Green Monster and take it out for a walk in the nature parks like I tried out this week. The on call group were hanging out in the break room just in case and somehow latched onto the idea that we were gonna play paramedic charades. The only major difference, as far as I can tell, is we use medical conditions as opposed to the other stuff.

My partner pointed at me, and everybody guessed 'alcoholic'.

...What was even sadder was that was exactly what he was going for.

Some kind of weird mini intervention because I drunk text too often, maybe?

Aug. 9th, 2012



That could not have been real. I mean, that's impossible.

Did anyone else see that?

Jul. 31st, 2012




Hello Valarnet. My name is Luna Lovegood. I was pointed here by a schoolmate. She said I might be able to contact some of my old schoolmates who might be able to help me find a few of my missing belongings. It's not a long list, but if anyone from OCSA has seen them, please let me know.

1. Pair of red sneakers
2. Box of sand
3. Book on Mysteries of the South
4. A shark tooth necklace
5. Unicorn hat

Thank you!