
Posts Tagged: 'james+kirk'

Aug. 12th, 2019




Taco Bell hotel was amazing. I now need a gym membership though probably.

Aug. 2nd, 2019




Just when I thought things couldn't get weirder I woke up to find this thing just cozied up on my couch.

Also, it has a name, Doris apparently.

Jul. 25th, 2019




I must say that I have never been so confused, or potentially concerned, as when I hear my wife in the other room scream "This is it, I'm ending this relationship." I haven't done anything warranting that being directed at me that I am aware of.

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Well that's the last time I try and get out of the house on a whim.

Lesson learned.

Jun. 24th, 2019




In the spirit of Pride, I'm bi. I think. Or gay. One of the two, of which I'm not sure yet but I've never said the words. To myself or anyone else, so I mean. That's who I am. At least a part of.

Jun. 16th, 2019




Well that blind date was a monumental disaster.

Last time I let my receptionist set me up with one of her friends.

Christ almighty.

Jun. 9th, 2019




Do you think it's wrong to stitch up your own injury because ironically as a certified doctor and surgeon you hate hospitals?

That's the last time I try to help out my neighbour.

Good deeds ain't nothing but trouble.

Jun. 8th, 2019




Had a date last night. Got ruined as soon as he opened his mouth. Real pretty but it was like 'shh don't ruin it.'

Went home with a couple of the waitstaff instead.

May. 31st, 2019





I think the best takeaway here is 'new phase of matter' don't you think?

One of the fun parts of my dreams is waiting for scientists in this timeline to discover these things.

May. 17th, 2019




Christ almighty what I wouldn't give for an actual good night's sleep.

Also, could've done without a trip down a very confusing memory lane. Think I'm going to start my weekend drinking early.

If I'm still sober by 10pm tonight I have gone and fucked it up.

May. 16th, 2019



Blocked from McCoy

TFW you're impatiently waiting for a friend from your Dreams to dream.




I never knew I needed The Taco Bell Resort from check in to check-out a taco bell experience. Um, Stiles? We're going. Don't make any plans for August 9th weekend.

May. 13th, 2019




I forgot about Mother’s Day..but in a strange turn of events she didn’t yell or curse at me or anything for once. She showed up today and hugged me. We ended up actually talking for the first time in almost a year without my brother around to interrupt and twist my words and you know what? it wasn’t awful.

May. 3rd, 2019




You know, I personally wouldn't put a book titled The Borden Murders in Young Adult Self Improvement, but if that's where the bookstore wants to put it, then who am I to judge?

Apr. 15th, 2019




Could've done without my neighbour screaming about the end of the world at five am this morning.

Crazy old kook.

And now I'm nursing a headache born of high pitched wailing and little to no sleep.

That bottle of bourbon sitting on my kitchen counter has never looked so tempting.

Apr. 12th, 2019




I couldn't be more happy to finally see the arrival of my new ship. Balls, but it took forever to get it retrofitted, paid for, and over here. And I was really quite annoyed I was too busy to skipper it here myself.

But, it's all worth it now. Because this beauty's going to be a fantastic new party destination for you all, I'm sure! We're definitely going to have to have some kind of gigantic party to break her in, don't you all think?

Anyway, without further ado, I give you: The Miranda

ooc note: ignore the title on the ship

Apr. 10th, 2019




I've been thinking refitting the Enterprise. I have most of the specs from memory and the replicators can help with the parts, but it would be slow going with just me and putting the replicates into overload. And I think I'd miss all the primary colors.

But the technological advancements could be useful, even if she isn't as far along as the lovely lady in my second set of dreams.

Apr. 8th, 2019




Another day another dollar and here I was thinking that taking care of animals would be easier. They can't talk back the same way a human patient can but then they do bite and kick when you least expect especially if they're wounded and had the misfortune of walking headfirst into traffic.

That said I'd take that over a smart mouth any day. Some people wouldn't know good care if it came up and bit them on the ass but animals? Well, they get it after a while. May take a few but they get it and then they relax, let you do your job and for the most part things work out okay. Some days it doesn't but that's life for you, got to take the bad with the good.

Course the worst day in my clinic? Better than some of the best days in a hospital.

Mar. 26th, 2019




Sometimes it's really tempting to let go of my apartment. But it helps keep me grounded in the now, instead of gallivanting off to the future, as it were.

But still.


Mar. 24th, 2019



Filtered Away from Tyler Lockwood

I’m looking for a physical trainer. The one I was working with isn’t meeting my needs anymore. I don’t trust him like I did I’m willing to work around your schedule of course. I’ll just need some notice to make arrangements for Kurt. Any recommendations for who I should contact? Or trainers on who looking for a new client?

Mar. 21st, 2019




I forgot my own birthday was yesterday. Mom actually remembered, bothered to send me a card. It's the only actual reason I remembered. I don't know what to think about this.

Mar. 20th, 2019




So I have some interviews lined up next week.

Or I could go back and get a higher degree.

Decisions, decisions.

Mar. 11th, 2019




Six missed calls, all from the same number. And I have no idea what number it is, I sure as hell am not picking that up. Finally check my messages and it's a divorce attorney??

Do these people even know who I am? Apparently not, or they'd know better.

Divorce Attorney. Balls. The last thing I made a lifelong commitment to went up in flames. No, thank you.

Feb. 21st, 2019




Some punk tried to hold up my bar tonight.

Boy is lucky he's still got his hands.

Feb. 12th, 2019




Oh no, this makes me sad. I mean, I know that its been eight months but there was still hope since the windy season of Mars is from November until January.

Goodbye, Opportunity :(

Feb. 8th, 2019




My brother attempted to call me. I don't know what he wanted. It's...going to remain that way. I didn't pick up and don't intend to call back. I've had enough. It ends now.

Feb. 6th, 2019




You wanna know what regret looks like?

Equal parts 151, Maker's Mark, and Patron. All in a big party in a shot glass. Though for me, I'm going for a bigger glass. Twice the regret that way, right?

Jan. 23rd, 2019




Hi everyone. My name is Padmé and I've just been introduced to....all this.

Last week, I was a surfer and a wedding/events planner. I obviously didn't know what I didn't know, but now? I guess that band-aid has been ripped off. I mean, I'm still a surfer and a wedding/events planner (Storr Weddings -- we do more than just weddings!), so that's still the same.

I'll be blunt: is there anyone that can guide me to some self-defense classes? I don't ever want to feel that helpless again.

Jan. 17th, 2019




The weirdest thing about these dreams, for sure, has to be waking up with the feeling that something's missing. They feel so real and there's just this ache for what was.

Not that it's all sunshine and rainbows, not at all. I've always been grateful for how my childhood turned out, but I think these dreams are just really highlighting how shit things could've been. And then it just seems to take even longer to get things back on track.

Thank god I don't need to deal with similarities in the waking and dreaming worlds now.

Jan. 13th, 2019




Ah yes, a little rewiring of my work station is exactly what I needed to distract from yet more dreams. Copper wiring is best wiring. Love, thy name is advanced engineering and Lady Gaga. Sorry not sorry work friends. This is your soundtrack tonight, embrace it. Love it.

Jan. 2nd, 2019




This vacation has been a lot of firsts for me. I thought I wouldn't know what to do with time off, but I've tried so many new things. Snowboarding was great even if I sprained my wrist it came with some ..fringe benefits. There are so many stars visible at night here, save for actually being among them it's a spectacular sight.

On the flipside though of course I was with a nondreamer at the time of having more dreams which wasa awkward. Things just keep ramping up for Team Flash. It's pretty impressive what a steady pace they keep without screwing it all up too much anyway One of our enemies was forced by his criminal father to rob banks and murder to save his sister, who I nicknamed Golden Glider a while back after creating a gun that turns things into solid gold for her (I'm wondering if that'll show up?) Anyway, she had a bomb put into her brain by her own father to force her brother into committing crimes he otherwise wasn't interested in to keep her safe, so we ended up working with Captain Cold and Golden Glider to save the bad guys this time ironically enough. I created a tool that would extract the small bomb from her, and she called me her first friend. I'm not really sure if any of it's true what she says, but she kissed me. Apparently I have really bad taste in the dreams too. I hope the guy I'm with doesn't end up

Jan. 1st, 2019





New Horizons has completed the most distant flyby of any celestial object and is beginning to send data. It might be awhile before we get images comparable to the Pluto images from a few years ago.

But it's exciting.

Cut for Image )

Dec. 5th, 2018




Seriously, again?

Right, so. Looks like the Snowmen are back after not showing up last year. What you need to know.

1. Psychic snow. So basically if you think about them, more will form.
2. Picture them melting.
3. DON'T THINK ABOUT THEM LATER. Since as point 1 notes, they will just re-form. Yes, I know this is easier said than done.

Nov. 26th, 2018





I love science

Nov. 23rd, 2018




I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their friends and family yesterday. What was your favorite part of it?

Mine was definitely when my drunk aunt Gladys told my sister Dorothy that her husband was cheating so she could steal the last piece of pecan pie from her.

Oct. 27th, 2018




So first my alarm clock goes off at the wrong time. Then one of my favorite shirts got stained with coffee after the machine malfunctioned. My phone keeps dropping calls for no apparent reason. I need a drink before I decide to just blow up my kitchen and remodel. Happy fucking birthday to me.

Oct. 21st, 2018




I don't even know if I'm just daydreaming this or what because to be honest most days I am completely losing track of time and space, let alone my life.

But I am pretty sure that I just actually wiggled my big toe. Like... I'm pretty sure it really did move.

Oct. 8th, 2018




Anyone else see Space X last night? So cool.

Feels almost like something my Dream Lab would come up with. It had a successful second mission and landed back on earth this morning. [ooc: handwave video here]

.. Dream me also has his own satellite on a related note. I'm jealous. and might need to get me one of these

Oct. 7th, 2018




I love our distant robot explorey friends


You awake?

Oct. 6th, 2018




When the American Bar Association warns against putting someone on the bench and you do it anyway because of politics, you are a very special sort of stupid. Whether or not he did what he was alleged to have done (and I personally believe Ford), you can’t tell me that he has the demeanor you want someone on the supreme court to have. Judges are meant to be unbiased and level headed. That’s why we have judges. The Supreme Court is meant to decide if laws go against the spirit and letter of the constitution or not without dragging their own personal politics or other biases into effect. He was given his seat because of his bias. Everyone that voted yes deserves to be voted out of office.

Sep. 25th, 2018




Does anyone here have any wood carving abilities? My Sawhorse broke one of his ears and that seems to be one talent that didn’t cross over from my dreams. In the dreams Tip, or I or God is that ever going to stop being so confusing? - In the dreams I can carve the body for a pumpkin headed man and replace the Sawhorses ears no problem. Here though? I almost sliced my palm open last night cutting a tomato.

Sep. 22nd, 2018




Well, I could have done without the whole being eight years old again thing. Thanks, Orange County. Really.

Aug. 28th, 2018




You know, it doesn't matter how many wonders I've seen, everything about the moon is awesome. Especially when they find water!

Aug. 16th, 2018




So far all these dreams have done is made me feel more alone than ever. Thanks Dreams. In them, I have friends who are more like family. Here.. I don't know how to have that. Nobody named Barry Allen has shown up have they? Or Caitlin Snow?

Hey. This might seem weird, but wanna do something? The internet is great and all but I think I've hidden behind it so long I forgot how friendship works.

Jul. 26th, 2018




Given that discovery of a possible lake on Mars, there is something everyone should know before going there.

Don’t drink the water.

Jul. 8th, 2018




Let's all just cut to the chase (but lets not cut you, Chase, we like you too much):

Yes, that was my Yacht.
No, it isn't repairable.
Yes, I am still alive.
By some miracle my cell is still working despite being dumped into the bay.

I had insurance. It's all sorted. Thank you.

No bodies found in the Anaheim apartment means I'm hoping you A) started that fire B) gave that man a reason to fear and respect you C) are still alive.

Also do you by any chance know why my precious ship is at the bottom of the ocean and still smouldering?

Jul. 6th, 2018




Figures they'd let me out of the hospital just in time for the heat wave. I'm almost glad they're shipping me off somewhere else soon enough.

Jul. 3rd, 2018





So. I've probably actually lost my mind. There really are dinosaurs. I wanted one. Clara said no. =(.. God I sound insane.

Jun. 27th, 2018




I know it's the OC and anything weird that happens is automatically suspect, but green meteors are pretty common. It's all about what it's made of. In this case, nickel.

Jun. 23rd, 2018




I'm inviting trouble just saying this.

But I'm really bored.