
Posts Tagged: 'fred+weasley'

Feb. 25th, 2013



So, uh. Hi. I'm Mercutio. People call me Merc sometimes. Lived in the OC all my life, but just got an invite to this valar thing. I live out in Stanton, and I work at Barracuda's, down in the valley. Single, prefer dudes, but I like meeting people.

I figured I'd ask before anything else: is it safe out now? This crazy-ass mushroom shit finally done? Apparently there's enough people here where somebody might know.

Feb. 21st, 2013



Oh, now this is interesting.

And I mean actually interesting, not the boring nonsense you all prattle on about, day in, day out. This is really interesting, meaty interesting.

And I shall get to the very center.

Feb. 19th, 2013




What's good on Netflix?




What bizarre dreams. I like dreaming about Hogwarts, even though it's really strange. Makes me wonder what I ate before I napped.

Feb. 12th, 2013




Happy Chinese New Year. And Happy Mardi Gras. Funny they landed on the same day this year?

[Private message to Fred/George]
Did you see this? We should go with some things from the shop. There might be a crowd there, it'd be good for advertising.

And I want an excuse to leave work early and go hang out with my boyfriend.




Next person who asks me to show them my tits is going to walk away with a limp.

Feb. 9th, 2013




I've decided that I'm going to be converting half of my basement into a game room and half into a recording studio. Can anyone recommend a good contractor? I want to start this as soon as possible.

I was also wondering if anyone knows a place where you can get pinball machines.

Feb. 7th, 2013



And then one day? You look up and realize you actually are an adult.

I'm sorry everyone. I'm not a kid any longer. I have to do things like paperwork, and taxes and eating salad for lunch from now on.

Because I finally realized that it was a good idea to change the toilet paper roll when it's empty.

Feb. 6th, 2013




Let's face it there is something extremely satisfying about running into an ex unexpectedly and looking better than they remember. It is just that look they give you when they realize it and know they lost their chance. It is not like he could find a girl prettier than me any how.

Feb. 5th, 2013




Okay, so I know the Inquisitorial Squad were douchebags, but seriously. I spent some time in the hospital wing in my dream last night. From antlers. I grew antlers. Because of one of the Weasley Twins. Not sure which, I can't ever tell those two apart.

Ugh, the Hospital Wing smells like ass. I woke up tasting it this morning. Wtf.

Feb. 4th, 2013




Hello, my name is Dr. Hank McCoy and I was informed that there are other Scientist, as well as Doctors, who frequent this Network and that it may be helpful in making contacts beyond my own lab.



I am bored. Right this second.
Someone needs to remedy this.
First brilliant suggestion gets the really awesome reward of my super fun company for the day.

Feb. 3rd, 2013




My boss is throwing a big Super Bowl party at work for the staff and a few of his close friends. Which means giant screen American football action, pizza, and probably a ton of other snacks and things to eat. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be taking no for an answer, even though I've told him I have zero interest in football. I told him I'm not really interested in any sports before they could go on a rant about why their football is better than our football (including both soccer and rugby), but that didn't matter. I'm living in the States now, the Super Bowl is important (some nonsense about commercials?), and I must be there.

This is going to be a REALLY long evening.

Feb. 1st, 2013




Hi there. My name is Audrey, and I own and run Baxter Bakery. I've been told this is a good place to meet and talk to people. Having a little bit of trouble sleeping tonight, so I thought I'd pop on.

...but now I'm here... what am I supposed to do? Just... talk about my day?

Does anyone else start thinking "if I fall asleep RIGHT NOW, I can conceivably have X hours of sleep." and then just watch the number X go down the longer you stay awake? That's what I'm going through right now.

Anyway, hi.




Right, so now we're all having weird dreams. That's not ... creepy, or anything at all.


You know all those dreams everyone is always talking about? I think I had one.

Apparently, my "dream self" (oooooh, spooookkkyyyy) is, uh, exactly the same as normal me. Which is to say, he has a huge family, a twin brother, and a tendency to be hilarious.

Oh. I'm also apparently a wizard.

You know. Like you... do.

Jan. 27th, 2013




So Valentine's Day! It's coming and we can't stop it but thanks to my wonderful new friend, Glimmer, who had an incredible idea we have come up with THE ultimate Valentine's Day plan.

I have hired a movie theater [address] and we are going to be screening horror films all day - no tickets needed just turn up! And there will be free ice cream, popcorn and the usual goodies too!

So if you want an alternative to the lovey dovey mushy crap that we are all bombarded with then come along!

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Is it proper to suggest going to see a horror movie for Valentines day? I mean that's really what I feel like when that holiday comes around. Romantic gestures on V-day just feel fake, staged, and unreal. I know I just made myself unpopular with a lot of people but if you love someone you should show them every day as it's expected on holidays.




So fucking tired. I'm glad my captain let me go home after I passed out face first into my chicken chow mein. Suffocation by crappy Chinese would be the worst way to die. Hey, valarnet. Guess I should say hi. (Happy now, Jones?)

Jan. 17th, 2013



New inhaler working wonders. Miracle cure? I'll take it. I'm feeling better already. And now I would like to leave to see my brother I have a store to get back to.

But I guess, while I'm waiting....

GINNY WEASLEY. Admit defeat.

Jan. 13th, 2013




Can I just sleep until this is over?

Jan. 12th, 2013



AUUUUUGHHHH. I cannot stand laying in the hospital anymore! SO BORED. BOREDDD.

Someone needs to go water my plant, Dave. Please. I love my plant.

Jan. 9th, 2013




I want to go home. Hospitals suck and they are freezing cold. I am not even feeling any better.

Jan. 3rd, 2013



Bit under the weather today, honestly. Seems like everyone else isn't tip top either. But laughter IS the best medicine, and so clearly the best place to get your jollies is For The Lulz. 15% off everything today only, because I said so!

Jan. 2nd, 2013




I've noticed that a lot of the names on this network are filtering into my dreams. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are new additions to my dreamspace. Sorry if that makes you feel awkward.

Of course, a lot of my day-to-day friends are a part of my dreams, too. Harry, Ron, Ginny... even Fred and George make appearances. I'm learning a lot, though. Soon I'll be able to do all sorts of magic

Dec. 28th, 2012




1) Make all the money.
2) Be more organized!
3) Be more social! Go out more! Date more!

What are yours?

Dec. 19th, 2012




PM to Tonks
Hey! How did your date go, anyway??

Dec. 5th, 2012



Help Wanted

So, I need an edgy and slim boy to model a few designs for me.

It's a punkesque theme, I call it 'my iron scales' because it's got a few chain-mail elements with weaving with the leather.

Any takers? I could take a few guys!




What is this thing, and why does it exist?




I solemnly swear I will not buy my brothers any gag gifts this year or anything that will embarrass them. I will be a good sister and by them appropriately boring things they would expect like scarves, sweaters, and books they can use as doorstops.

As for the rest of you, I make no such promises.

Dec. 3rd, 2012


Locked from Tonks, but open for anyone else.

In search of:

+ A single, good looking dude who is:
3) 35 or younger, but not younger than 21.
4) You must not be creepy. At all. NO CREEPINESS.

Single, good looking, moderately aged dude that is not creepy should:
+ Want to go on a blind date with a hot, twenty something blonde lady, who is awesome and also who might be able to beat you up if you do turn out to be creepy.


Nov. 28th, 2012



Well, now it's a waiting game for a few weeks to find out what bowl game we're in. Until then, I'm finally free and open, no weeks of studying or film study. I feel like I have no idea what's happening in the world.




The best part of being a disgruntled hermit, besides yelling at people to get off of my lawn is that I only have four people to shop for during the batshit crazy holiday rush.

So take that, you suckers with a million friends. Or something.

Nov. 26th, 2012



Some lovely flowers were delivered to my shop today!
Unfortunately, they were not for me.






Lets have a birthday party Thursday night to celebrate! I'll get the cake, well mum will, and the rest of you bring the presents. No this isn't a surprise party either. My brother is getting old, he can't handle surprises as much any more. We won't risk giving him a heart attack.

What do you lot say?

No Bill, you don't have a choice in the matter. You are actually home for your birthday this time so we should celebrate!

Nov. 25th, 2012




I went to a "death day" party in my dream this morning. Saw a petrified cat. You know, same old same old.

Has anyone seen or heard from Jim Kirk? I've left him about a dozen messages...


I think the worst of this insane holiday weekend is over.

She says, right before she's killed in a mysterious turkey accident.

Nov. 23rd, 2012




Talk awfully about Black Friday all you want -- this is the most fun I've had since last year.

Then again, I'm not shopping. But you could be! We've still got three hours to go!




Pie day was the best day. Ever.

That is all.

Nov. 14th, 2012




I know the invite is assumed but the extended family is welcome to come to dinner too. It's a four sharp. This means the Potters, Tonks and Hermione. I am setting your places so you better be there or at least let me down gently if you're not coming.

Anyone else that needs a place to go too can come. I will tell my mum you're a long lost friend or something.

Nov. 13th, 2012




Weasleys! Where are you hiding?

Yes, it's that time of year again and I've been roped into helping mum with Thanksgiving dinner. I'm supposed to ask you all if you're coming but we all know that means you better be there and on time. Is there anything specific you lot would like, outside the usual things?

I expect you all to relieve me of dish duty too since I am going to be helping with the cooking.




Anyone actually crazy enough to shop on Black Friday? I mean I'm seeing all these ads and wondering if it's actually worth it. Worth the risk of getting trampled over, in fights with other people, and standing in lines that take forever. It's probably easier to shop online.

Nov. 12th, 2012



Ugh, it is way too early for Christmas shopping sales on telly all the time. There's already a few commercials driving me up the wall.

So, what's a good pet for a single girl in a teeny apartment? I was thinking maybe a hamster or something.




Up before the sun today. Probably should try for more sleep, I have a feeling it's going to be a long day at the shop. No school today. Means we'll have lots of little visitors all day long.