
Posts Tagged: 'fingon'

Oct. 3rd, 2012




Hello, internet! My name's Amy Pond, and I love you all!

Oct. 2nd, 2012



Maybe you people were right.

Not that I'm going back to the anger management group, but I got Crip the guy I attacked's email, sent him an apology and a Starbucks card. I mean, when you think about, probably the least I could do considering he was bleeding when I got kicked out, right? He's the only one in this who gets an apology though. Well, I mean, unless somebody here was seriously offended by me, but that's starting to look really insincere, and I'm not buying you coffee. The shrink heading it up gets nothing though. Lots of cramping my style from her end, so I can't even feel bad about that.


I don't feel bad about it from her perspective anyway, let's put it that way. Hated her from the start, and I'm happy to move on, but I'm relatively pissed off about having to start the process all over again. The whole twenty questions routine with me having to come up with answers to all of the questions they inevitably ask, not even to be invasive or suggestive, but to try to READ into my brain and all. I'm already someone's damn science experiment, so I reaaally don't appreciate feeling like one of those again, you know? Read more... )

You try explaining all of that to someone new, when my last one really only knew that I was pissed about my arm and not being useful to Ollie ...people anymore. It's not exactly happy dancing unicorn thought inducing, and veers toward the ulcer category.

Anyway. I'm sorry I'm a ragey asshole, valarnet. That's the whole point of this, I guess.

...You try explaining all of that to a shrink...

Oct. 1st, 2012




Because the world can be a harsh mistress at times, everyone needs a good laugh now and again. That's why I bring you a sweeping mini-epic of triumph against nature and adversity! Valarnet, let this ongoing tale of a guy on a buffalo lift your spirits and inspire you onward to greatness!

Episode One: Bears, Indians & Such

Episode Two: Orphans, Cougars & What Not

Episode Three: Origins, Villains & The Like

Episode Four: Rehab, Vengeance & What Have You

I can't stop singing along with it: "Hey, you want this baby? It's cheaper than adoption!"

Sep. 30th, 2012



Special Events!

Fingon already shared the monthly schedule, but here's something a lot more limited!

Announcing the Always Halloween special events! Included with your admission to the club for a night of fun on October 30th-November 1st will be the chance to participate in fun and amazing events, themed especially to the holiday, and to the Mexican Day of The Dead. So. With that in mind, here’s a look at what we’re doing. Hold on to your pants, at least until you get there.

October 30th: Devil’s Night:

Sexiest Devil Competition. Do YOU have what it takes to seduce our amazingly exacting audience? Perform your best and most wicked number, and try your luck. Winners will be chosen by applause meter, and awarded a special night in the club for them and a special someone.

Fire Eating Performances as well, and of course, a wide range of our sexiest and most seductive beverages. Come out, get naughty, and have some fun.

October 31st: Halloween Costume Contest! Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

Sexiest Costume

Scariest Costume.

Most Convincing Drag Costume

Prettiest Costume.

Best Pet Costume

Audience Choice (Creativity is key here. Anything goes)

Judge’s Choice: (Again. We’ll pick a costume that demonstrates something amazing and creative that we love. Impress us!)

November 1st: La Dia De Los Muertos. Maragrita, Sangria, and other fiesta themed beverages, along with catering by Taco Especial will provide you with a chance to face your fears of mortality, party in the name of those who’ve gone before, and enjoy authentic cuisine, decorations and dancing, featuring the hourly pinata game for special coupons, prizes and other fun items to be used in the club or with someone you love.

We will also be screening the classic film “The Road To Eldorado” in the bar. Tulio and Miguel, just good friends, or something more? Discussion and drinks over the movie that first gave many of us a pretty good idea of where we stood...

SO! Come on down to Always for our special Halloween Extravaganza where we want to be with you, make believe with you, and in live in Harmony, Harmony or Love!

Sep. 29th, 2012



Always I wanna be with you ~ And live in harmony!


Nightclub Advertisement and Schedule Notice! )




I really like the expressions on the llama's face in this online game. Anythin' that says "fight off annoying peoples, before they invade your happy bouncy palace" in the description's somethin' that I wanna play. Nothin' naughty that I've seen so far. Can probably play it at work, if you can get away with that sorta thing.

Thought I'd share. Enjoy! ;)



Amazing History With Bucky:

Did you guys know that twinkees used to be banana flavored, and it wasn't JUST done for that king kong promo a few years ago, but that's what the original was? It wasn't until World War Two that they went to vanilla, something to do with wartime rationing. I don't get how it'd need any more or less sugar to do, but apparently that's what happened. Go figure.

Still packing a couple crates worth in the case of nuclear war though. I mean, either way, right?

Sep. 28th, 2012




Guess who got asked to leave anger management group today?

It wasn't the first time people have given me dirty looks when I've been in there, but when I dared refer to my wheelchair using neighbor as "Crip", since I don't care enough to learn the names of the people shafted into this pathetic thing, I kind of made the anger management problem we're all here in the group for flare up again.

So I got punched and a broken nose and the therapist informed me I was disturbing her calm, or whatever it was, she said along those lines, I was tuning her out because the whole thing was bullshit seriously, and I got removed from the group and apparently it's recommended I do private sessions until I'm "ready" to deal with my problems.

It's almost like she read my mind and gave me what I wanted. I'm not actually GOING to work with her, since I said I'd try group therapy and lasted three weeks, which is a lot longer than I agreed to anyway, so really...

I can live with this option. My anger's plenty controled anyway. I just hide it when I'm somewhere that pisses me off, you know?


I can't unsee this, so I must now share it with all of you. Misery, company, etc. You're welcome!