
Posts Tagged: 'diana+prince+%28wonder+woman%29'

Sep. 18th, 2017




I think I found the source of my long-standing hatred of my curly hair. We can blame little 9 year old me internalizing the whole 'curly hair means you're ugly' thing from The Princess Diaries.

I'm much more content with it now, but my teenage years was a constant struggle. with it.

Aug. 11th, 2017




Any suggestions of hotspots in Athens? Food, particularly. I'll be passing through on the way to something that's just come up in Crete and I'll have a few hours there.

If I had more time I'd make a trip of it, there are one or two ruins I've never studied.

Aug. 4th, 2017




Cut for potential Wonder Woman spoilers, viewable to all )

Jul. 10th, 2017




It would seem that I too have these dreams people speak of on here. I am an Amazon, and my mother is the queen. Though I have very little patience for sitting and learning of wars long past, I wish to become a warrior, not a scholar. Sneaking out of the palace and heading to where the Amazons train is a favorite activity of mine. Several tutors of mine have quit because of this habit.

Cut for potential Wonder Woman movie spoilers, viewable to all! )

Jul. 9th, 2017




My daughter Eve got herself into some trouble. She went looking for it, returning to the Amazons to stand trial for the crimes she committed when she was Livia of Rome.

I did everything I could to help her, but there was only so much they'd let me do. Even Gabrielle, who'd been made one of their Queens a long time ago, couldn't do anything.

I had to prove to them Ares was manipulating them into an endless war with Rome. Eventually fought a dual with Queen Varia, getting her to the point where she'd have to kill me. Proving my point about Ares to her and the rest of the Amazons.

cut for length )

Jul. 1st, 2017




I managed to go all month without making Pryde month jokes.

You're welcome.

Jun. 26th, 2017




Hey everyone!

I'm Korra, and new to the OC, so I need a few new people to meet! Valarnet seems like a good place to start.

I just transferred to UC Irvine, and I'm majoring in International Relations. Really, though, I'm a soccer player through and through. I had a minor injury and took the year off, but I'll be back on the saddle soon.

Let's be friends!

Jun. 23rd, 2017




Hello, I found my way onto this Valarnet after being told about it, so I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Diana Prince, and I am new to not only this area, but to this country. I am looking to meet new people and learn more about this place!

Jul. 26th, 2016




Spoke on the phone to my mum this morning. It's a bit odd, not having her around all the time. Seems like I'm calling her every other day to make up for it. Maybe I'll fly her out here for a week or so. She's hardly been out of London let alone out of the country. Might do her a bit of good.

Jul. 23rd, 2016




On August 1st my little man will be a year old. With that I would like to invite everyone here on Valarnet to his first birthday party on July 30th, at Irvine Regional Park starting at 11AM at Party Pavilion B. We'll be having hot dogs, cake and ice cream along with a few games. So please, do come out if you like, and we'll make a day of it and have some fun!

Jul. 22nd, 2016




I had another one of those dreams. Once again, it mirrored my life in such a way that it's hard to reconcile that this isn't just my subconscious pushing something to the forefront. But it doesn't explain why, when I woke up in tears, that I scooped Lily from bed at 4 a.m. and drove over an hour to my parents house just to check for certain that my mom was fine. She was, though I certainly scared her and my dad, but the way she had died in my dream....

I still remember getting a phone call from my dad the day she was attacked, how scared he sounded when he told me that someone had stabbed her in an alley and they weren't sure she would make it out of surgery. She did make it, and even if she's now confined to a wheelchair, she's still here. But in my dream, she wasn't. Our family fell apart and I just needed to see for myself that it was all ok.

I don't know what this is, or why it's happening, but I understand the warnings from some of you that this experience can be rough. I can't get the picture out of my mind of her lying on a table, or my dad's blank face.

Jul. 6th, 2016




Yeah, so after I went to Siberia to try to get my friend back from the dead, I discover I fucked over the Amazon tribe there, back when I was all evil like. So I had to fix that, since guilt, you know. Got all those wrongs I gotta right.

Turned out she wasn't actually dead. Found her back home, got killed by her demonic grandchild, got better. Then we wound up in India where some more crap from my past got kicked up.

Take it from me kids, going evil early on just causes you all kinda problems when you try to go legit. I can't wait to see if the little shindig with Odin comes back to bite me on the ass too.

Dream me ain't proud of some of the things she's done. She'll probably be trying to make up for it the rest of her life.




Damn, this place kind of makes for interesting stories to tell the kids later, doesn't it? Like how my girlfriend went into labor during Monster Madness, and my nearly-thirteen-year-old son proved he's a crack shot with a BB gun, when he took out flying monkeys on the way to the hospital.

But all's well that ended well. Emma gave birth to our second son, Nikolas Liam Nolan Cassidy, a patriotic nine pound baby, on the 4th of July. Every bit of his name has a story behind it, and hopefully he won't hate us later for giving him two middle names. He was a little past due so I guess he decided to make his entrance really memorable. Both are doing well though, up for visitors at the hospital, and Nikolas should be able to come home with us in a day or two.