
Posts Tagged: 'daisy+johnson+%28quake%29'

Oct. 2nd, 2015




They captured many of us. Young heroes, trainees, just students learning to use their powers. And they forced us to turn on each other and fight to the death in an arena.

And everything I was trying to become washed away in a sea of blood.




I can't believe Coulson would willingly work with
No, I don't want to think about

According to my team in the lab, I am the most likely to survive the apocalypse. I do not know if this was more widely polled or how they came up with this decision, but that was what I was told this morning.

I am not quite sure what to make of this.

Oct. 1st, 2015




It's not too soon to start planning for Halloween is it?

Sep. 22nd, 2015




Woke up in a puddle of my own blood. That's nice.

Sep. 21st, 2015




If you haven't tried Lays Biscuits and Gravy chips yet, you have to do it right now. I wasn't sure about them at first, but my roommates bought all four kinds of the flavor contest ones and these were the best ones by far.

Also, has anyone seen this black/halloween whopper? It looks a little iffy, but chances are, I'll probably try it.




the fuuuuuck. this whole dreamshit is on fucking speed right now. nazis, dead bodies everywhere, public shootings, getting a pizza thrown in my face by some dipshit kid that we kidnapped and the spanish maid that has a machine gun disguised as an umbrella that shoots up my favorite watering hole ever.

i hope i kill the bitch.

also there's a grenade launcher on my bed that i didn't obtain illegally, or legally, or at all. it fucking world traveled, so come the fuck on, next spider that emerges from the pacific.




I just....

This is funnier than Trump.

Wisdom, I don't care if you voted for him or not I'm never letting your country live this down.

(ooc: the headline might be a little nsfw)

Sep. 20th, 2015




Apparently in dream land it was decided we should do team building. Which means drinking barrels of wine and beating one another up for sport.

It's the most fun we've had yet.




Ugh, I'm in a funk. How do you get out of one? How do you make your funk defunct? (Besides puns.)

Sep. 19th, 2015




I watched the sun rise. I hate not being able to sleep. At least Purgatory was packed.

Sep. 18th, 2015




Netflix won't looooaaaad. I'm really saaaaaddddddd. :(




Well, I've been here for a few months now, and I've already been told that I work too much, and I need to get out there and meet new people.

Anyway, I'm Daisy Johnson. I'm twenty-six, from Chicago, work for Future Industries, and I love computers, hot wings, and beer. Also, terrible movies.

Mar. 30th, 2015




Someone help me. My car is dead. Well it isn't dead but it doesn't seem to want to work right now. Does anyone know the name of a good mechanic or garage? Please help.

In case you hadn't guessed already I'm going to be late home from work tonight, baby. Can you maybe take care of dinner?

Mar. 29th, 2015




I may be somewhat biased but I think that "Lilo & Stitch" is one of the best movies ever.

Definitely, a good way to spend a Sunday night.

Mar. 10th, 2015




Is anyone missing a puppy?

My partner and I found her tied up in an alley while we were making our rounds.

I sincerely hope that this puppy was just stolen by some asshole, and not actually raised by assholes who couldn't deal with a large dog.

Mar. 9th, 2015




Heard about this place from a kid at work telling me to either quit my grumbling or tell a bunch of strangers so he doesn't have to hear it. Why he thought someone like me would do well on this stupid thing is beyond me, but that's just how y'all are, isn't it? All online.

Either way, name's Bones. I'm currently complaining about my profession again.

Mar. 7th, 2015




Last night marked the third night in a row I've had to sleep on the floor and for a couple seconds after I woke up, I thought I was still on some planet called Jotunheim.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




Coming this summer - SHARKNADO III.

Why, Hollywood, why?

Mar. 1st, 2015




Just finished the film: "Whiplash". I believe it was up for one of the Oscars this year, so decided to give it a watch and a rather brilliant film. It relies heavily on strong acting and intensity to really push it along, as the story leaves a bit to be desired. It's a simplistic one, more or less predictable, but it's the intensity of the film that really drives it, and the incredible acting.

Also checked out the Lego Movie, haven't watched it yet... been too busy grading papers heading into Spring Break here in a few weeks. That's always a bit on the dangerous side, most papers before Spring Break are just intolerable messes.

Feb. 28th, 2015




Sometimes I forget I'm only nineteen and I'm supposed to go out and have fun. So that's what I'm doing tonight.

Anyone else want to dress up and go dancing? I'll go by myself, but it's always more fun with friends.




I'm gonna start this off by saying that this question comes from the single father of a ten year old girl so that no one thinks I'm super weird. What age do girls usually start wearing bras? Okay, so that might still come off as super weird, but there's nothing super weird about it. I promise.




I know I shouldn't use the noise from the TV to calm Judith down on nights she can't sleep but sometimes I discover new shows. Well it wasn't actually on tonight but I saw a commercial for it and it could be entertaining if I can ever catch it when it's actually on. It's called Cutthroat Kitchen. It might not teach me anything about actually cooking any of the dishes but it could still be a good way to relax and waste some time after the kids are in bed.




I think I might have found the best way to deal with a coworker who just will not take a hint. Or one of them at least. I open this up on my computer and then hit the mute button until I need it. A little annoying but it gets the job done. The only problem is I find myself singing this stupid song sometimes but if it keeps him them out of my office when I'm in the middle of something - it's worth it.

Feb. 27th, 2015




I fell asleep in the shower today.

Feb. 28th, 2015




What worries me is that big celebrity deaths always seem to come in threes. It happened last year with Robin Williams, Richard Attenborough and Lauren Bacall. I hope we won't lose two more of Hollywood's greats because I can't take the sadness.

I am officially sad. Like legitimately as sad as can be. I know we said we'd go out to dinner tonight but can we just stay in, order takeout and watch movies on the couch, please? Don't make me beg because you know I will.

Feb. 27th, 2015




I must be working myself too hard. I had a dream about being a prince of Asgard.




Live long and prosper, Leonard. RIP.




Has everyone seen that dress color debate? I wanted to believe it was photo-shopped until I saw the same picture in two different colors.