
Posts Tagged: 'daenerys+targaryen'

Jul. 9th, 2012




[ Locked to the filter 'Those Who Are Dreaming of and/or Obtaining Superpowers ]

Hi. I'm Tony.

Listen, I'm hearing a lot of chatter. Shit is getting exceptionally real these days. Dreams are out of control, people are finding themselves able to do all kinds of stupid stuff that if you'd asked any of us six months ago was possible we would have laughed.

The times, they are a changing.

So I had an idea in between of all the sex I'm having. Most of our dreams are full of conflict. Death. Bad juju.

If you're comfortable talking about it, maybe not here but somewhere, I'd like to start trying to figuring out the connections. If we, this select few, are all turning into Superheroes than maybe someone else is turning into a Supervillian.

[ Locked to Bruce, Steve and Thor ]

Hey. Need to talk to you guys all private like. Soon.

[ Locked to Pepper ]

Hey. I'm trying to contact some of these other people who are dreaming the same stuff I am. Steve is for sure, and there may be others. I just wanted you to know.

Love you.

Jul. 6th, 2012




I seriously need someone to talk me out of doing something completely crazy. If you have.. let's say.. some kind of magical power in your dreams... that doesn't mean you have magical powers in real life, right?

Jun. 29th, 2012




I actually have a Saturday night off. I never get Saturday night off. I guess that means I get to enjoy the night life instead of being the night life everyone enjoys. Anyone up for dancing and drinking?

Jun. 17th, 2012




We are not related. Thank God.

May. 30th, 2012




I enjoyed today way too goddamn much.

May. 16th, 2012




At this rate I won't be surprised if half the bloody network is sharing the same dream.

[Private to Daenerys Targaryen]
Ms. Targaryen, it's Eddard Stark. I just- I wanted to ask if you happen to be related to Rhaegar Targaryen, or Aerys Targaryen.

May. 13th, 2012




Today is like the worst possible day for orphans everywhere. I hate today. It always reminds me of Mom and what I did for her. I only hope she's okay out there with my baby brother.

Apr. 27th, 2012



Presenting eye (and ear) candy for the month of April

I don't believe I've made an actual post in this thing, since this last brilliant youtube tidbit. I'll remedy that for this month, as I hereby present: I can has musics. [Musical Squares - offsite link - WS but full of plinky plunky noises]

Click, listen, and enjoy. Furthermore: avert thy eyes from off my arse while I cheekily barbeque, lest the image burn itself into your retinas. No, you may not have any sausage either, for that matter.

Oh, fine then. McCoy may have some sausage, but the rest of you are out of luck.

*wink wink*

Also, while I'm here? Does anyone know an Admiral Archer, by any chance? I believe that I might possibly have his dog. I ask merely out of curiosity, as I might have something he's missing.

That isn't sausage related either, ha ha ha. I'd meant that last bit, seriously.

Apr. 19th, 2012




Every part of my body hurts including parts I don't think I have but my body disagrees so who am I to argue with it?

Tony fucking Stark, that's who.

Pepper let's have another dinner but for real this time. Dates without the Board of Directors are probably more fun.

Apr. 17th, 2012




Seeking: Somebody to fill +1 role for a social function. One-off deal. Dinner small-talk skills required, should be capable of passing as respectable member of society. Size zero or below need not bother replying.

Apr. 16th, 2012



I have no idea what one says on these things.

Apr. 12th, 2012




Impulse control has never been my strong suit.

Apr. 8th, 2012




They need a word stronger than hangover.

A lot stronger. Add nuclear somewhere, and maybe a bunch of exclamation points or something. Probably make the text blink.

No one take me up on this, my head will fucking explode.

Apr. 5th, 2012




Right. Social Media. Soooooooocial media.

Am I doing it right? Whatever. I'm Tony Stark, and now that that's out of the way, let's all get to know each other.

Get to the Hard Rock in an hour. I'm buying all night.

Mar. 30th, 2012




So in case anyone was curious, in the end the dress I chose for the release was this one. There were others I liked a little better but they were over a thousand dollars and, um, no.

That is going to be the worst day of my life. Getting fully turned over to a team of stylists. Next I'll be worrying about my Roseland Ballroom tour dates or something.

Mar. 28th, 2012




Who wants to go shopping?! I'm in a good mood and my brother is giving me a bit of an allowance to get a new wardrobe.

Mar. 15th, 2012



Good help is hard to come by.

I had to terminate several employees yesterday. My chief of operations in Greece overstepped her bounds and cost me far too much money for too little gain. A little chaos is welcome, but for now the instability in that country is detrimental to my interests.

I've also placed an advert closer to home. Perhaps I should have asked for someone fashion and appearance savvy, as well. Perhaps I'll simply examine applicants' natural tendencies and evaluate from there. To see if any choose to go above and beyond simple business dress.

Mar. 13th, 2012




Does anyone else become a sudden lightweight after a few months of not drinking? Usually I'm a horribly expensive drunk, but I went out last night and it took me all day to recover. I'm not sure how much I drank, but it couldn't have been more than three drinks.

And now to blow some minds, I'm looking for work. That's what I was supposed to be doing today, but then the drinks happened. I swear I'm a good employee. Sort of. I need something that pays under the table since my brother is the controlling type. and I need to stay off the radar I'm willing to do any kind of work since I don't have much experience. Wow. I really know how to sell myself, don't I? Thought maybe someone would take pity on me.

Mar. 6th, 2012



There is not enough coffee in the world for this Tuesday morning. Note to self, never let Maeglin convince me staying out till 4 in the morning on a Monday is a good idea ever again.

Mar. 3rd, 2012



You know what the *best thing in the world* about Saturday is?

Going in to work completely blasted hung over, that's what. NO, no, really, it IS the best thing, and you aught to try it.

I know what you're going to tell me, you stick-in-mud internet. You're going to say: "Isabela, why on earth are you going into work hung over, and admitting it on your blog for all the world to see?"

And you know what? That's not why they fired me off the cruise ship. I can't tell you why they DID fire me off the cruise ship, because I signed some paperwork or something while they were throwing my shoes off the starboard bow, but ...

Anyway that was ages ago. And my main point is I've never been fired for being hungover at work, and anyway this is my shop and we've got some lovely new baubles in stock by the way.

Blast, where was I?

Oh, right. Crossbones Pawn Shop, people. Come and buy some shiny things from your sexy proprietor who may be hung over but bloody came into work anyway to serve you.





this really is no one's week, is it. every corner of the internet i look at someone has managed to be injured, sick, or just having a bad time of things. i busted up my hand a little and so am not bothering with the shift key, not that i always do anyway.

but it was totally my own fault i got bit. everyone makes dumb mistakes sometimes! we've got a puissance coming up and so i was trying to be sure that adagio's attitude was well in check. and so of course he did quite the number on my pinky as a result, since i was doing exactly what i teach most people not to do. at least accidental horse bites totally don't phase me anymore, not in the slightest.

according to most of my friends i need to now take a break because of that show in a week, and stop working too hard, and go do something fun. too bad i have no ideas about something that's fun that doesn't ... also involve either working or requires enough energy i can't call it a break.