
Posts Tagged: 'cisco+ramon+%28vibe%29'

Oct. 31st, 2018




Given how Orange County can sometimes be on Halloween, I took great care in choosing my costume this year. And given that I am a succubus, I had to take advantage of that fact. So I decided a pirate would be a safe bet. Though I'm not certain that my wife will let me out of the house to go to work today.

Oct. 28th, 2018




Soooo if we had plans, I pretty much won't be making it to anything until whatever this is stops? I'm stuck in my apartment. It literally won't let me leave. Unless someone can jailbreak me I'm not about to climb down th window from the 4th floor, I'm kinda bad at athletic stuff.

Oct. 21st, 2018




So my apartment looks a bit like a haunted warehouse right now. So many ideas, who has time for sleep? I may have just rigged my projector for holograms. Who wanted bats? I can do that on a holographic digital scale.

I'm running out of caffeinated things, send help or mostly just caffeine.

Oct. 19th, 2018




So I'm tempted to just wear my Supergirl suit for Halloween, but at the same time, if I am a superhero, I probably shouldn't just tell the whole world who I am, right?

Oct. 18th, 2018




So guess who has a job now? Me!!

Oct. 11th, 2018




Anyone ever build something they weren't supposed to build?..Like..subconscious building?..God I sound like a crazy person.

[Agency filter]
I think I may have just built something potentially bad.

Raincheck on hanging out? There's something I need to do first.




People, when you come to the house to visit, can you please stop using the window?!

Spending my day off sanding and repainting is really not on my wish-list.

Oct. 9th, 2018




Anyone else ever get PTSD flashbacks from their dreams? Like you know it's over, you know the danger is gone.

And yet...

Sep. 29th, 2018




I feel lousy. Apparently now I'm a patient, not just a tech. Been taken off rotation and admitted to the adult ward next door.. Didn't even see it creeping up, but I guess it makes sense. Been neglecting things like sleep and proper meals. Hospitals are boring, but I do have Jello. Fever dreams aren't better btw. Worse. So much worse.

Sep. 22nd, 2018




Everything sane-ish again? Maybe working full time has its advantages. I wasn't hit by..whatever that was.

[Natasha and Jemma Filter]
Any chance I can come by an see your facility before making a decision?




Well, I could have done without the whole being eight years old again thing. Thanks, Orange County. Really.

Sep. 5th, 2018




I am officially gainfully employed again. May I never have to go through interviewing processes again. Or at least any time soon.

Aug. 24th, 2018




Okay so literally like yesterday I was saying I wasn't gonna buy Halloween stuff Because it's only August But I mean. it has begun, and I have no regrets. Cookies. Adorable, I can eat them, justified...right? And I mean if left alone in the store they'd just get gross and sad, nobody wants that.

Aug. 16th, 2018




So far all these dreams have done is made me feel more alone than ever. Thanks Dreams. In them, I have friends who are more like family. Here.. I don't know how to have that. Nobody named Barry Allen has shown up have they? Or Caitlin Snow?

Hey. This might seem weird, but wanna do something? The internet is great and all but I think I've hidden behind it so long I forgot how friendship works.

Jul. 11th, 2018




Well then. Unnervingly realistic dreams take one.

It was just my childhood, but it wasn't? I grew up in L.A. in real life, but in it? Some place called Central City. I can't find it on maps..Pretty sure it was just my brain being wacky, but I can't let it go? Trying to do research on Central City and coming up with nothing. It felt so real though..

Anybody heard of Central City before?





Fuck me sideways.

No one called Remus Lupin happens to be lurking around here, is he?

[James Potter]

You started having those dreams yet?

[Regulus Black]

I had those dreams you keep yammering on about.

Jul. 3rd, 2018





So. I've probably actually lost my mind. There really are dinosaurs. I wanted one. Clara said no. =(.. God I sound insane.

Jun. 23rd, 2018




At first I was just bored, but now I'm confused, bored, and dinosaurless. That's a thing I haven't thought since I was five. WTF.




I'm inviting trouble just saying this.

But I'm really bored.

Jun. 22nd, 2018




Robotic Arm Plan 2.0 - hydraulic sound effects for when I make rude hand gestures.

Rude hand gestures for the cosmos, of course.

Jun. 18th, 2018




There is tres leches cake in my fridge. I want a piece of cake, but I keep hearing the voice of my aunt saying "Joe, you haven't had any dinner yet. You need to eat an actual meal before you have any cake."

*sigh* I'm an adult...I make good decisions...

Jun. 14th, 2018




Really? A forum? And it's still active? What year is this? Uh hey, anyway. I'm Cisco, I'm new. I spend way too much time on youtube and am probably made up of 90% cofffee by now as a result.

Jun. 13th, 2018




So. Nico has decided to order pet wine for our dogs. I’m not sure if I’m shaking my head more at the fact dog wine exists or at the name of the company, considering. Apparently the name was part of why he couldn’t resist.