
Posts Tagged: 'celaena+sardothien'

Jan. 1st, 2017




I have friends the UK who've seen the film Ballerina and I really want to see it but it's not out here until March 3rd! *cries* It looks so cute!

Dec. 6th, 2016




I think this will be my first holiday season with friends I actually like!

Dec. 2nd, 2016




Tonight I go onstage as a cygnet! I'm so psyched! All of you who are coming tonight finally get to see what I've been working on all of this time.

Oct. 2nd, 2016




Wow, just, wow. Now these hips just don't lie! And I definitely need to master that move at the end!

Sep. 25th, 2016




I saw Mulan for the first time. One the one hand, quite inspirational. On the other hand, I have 'Be a Man' stuck in my head and the chorus keeps cropping up at the most interesting times.

Fill the car up with petrol Be a Man!

Sep. 17th, 2016




You are looking at one of four cygnets and the understudy for Odette/Odile! I'll be dancing no matter what! I think this calls for cocktails! I already celebrated with my ballet friends last night which is why this news is a teensy bit late.

Aug. 31st, 2016




Has anyone checked out the new challenges on Fitbit? I did the Vernal Falls one today and it's interesting. If you haven't checked it out, it certainly does create a new type of challenge for you to not only hit your step goal but to go above and beyond. There's only a couple, but there may be more. I hope there is, like "climbing" Mount Everest, someplace I may never get a chance to see in person. I think I'll find it extremely helpful once the fall term starts too, to give me motivation to move around during my down time.

Aug. 29th, 2016




My first two days with my new students went wonderfully. I'm excited to start our first full week of the school year tomorrow and I hope they are too.

Aug. 3rd, 2016




It's official! Bellydancing classes start up next Thursday. It's pretty laid back. Anyone who shows up can be in the class. My salon is at [address].

Jul. 10th, 2016




Has anyone ever... known something was coming, but when you finally dream it you can't..

You can't.

I don't even have a word for it. I woke up crying, and like there was a rift in my heart I didn't know I had and it just got filled.

And anger lord is there anger

Jun. 29th, 2016




I have just found Adam Lambert's music...and now I'm a little bit obsessed! I have so much choreography I want to do!

Jun. 4th, 2016




I'm in the process of choosing my music for my Anaheim Ballet audition. I was thinking about this piece by Satie. What do you guys think? I've already started choreographing moves in my mind! I was told to bring sheet music for their pianist. I've got a few weeks, still, so if this piece isn't a good fit I can hunt for something else.

May. 12th, 2016




This is incredible! Such beautiful lines and detail. I don't suppose there are any Flamenco dancers out there who are willing to teach me?

Apr. 1st, 2016




This was not funny! Jem and Tessa expect retribution. Our bathroom is full of evil!

 photo 80pcs-lot-Wholesale-font-b-Mini-b-font-Bath-font-b-Duck-b-font-Sound-Floating_zpsd69ef4xb.jpg

Mar. 3rd, 2016




I woke up to find the throwing knives from my dreams on my bedside table. I know what I'll be doing after classes today :)

Feb. 3rd, 2016




I have some amazing news! This has been in the works for a while for our company, though we didn't want to make an announcement until it was sure.

Baxter Bakery's second location has been found, rented, and is amid renovations! We'll be opening our second location soon! Stay tuned for more details!

Feb. 1st, 2016




So I had some time at home today and randomly caught some of the European Figure Skating Championships. My god, there is so much amazing talent, but I wanted to share these two performances because I literally couldn't take eyes off them as they were performing!

This is Evgenia Medvedeva, she's 16! Incredible! And these are Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron who are just so beautiful together. The synchronicity, the ease with which they do it all and the care shown between them is just...beautiful!

Jan. 12th, 2016




I'm bored, amuse me!

Nov. 5th, 2015




So...I'm thinking of taking up pole dancing?

Thoughts Damian?

Oct. 17th, 2015




So I'm back from Australia and I might post a picture or two once I've uploaded them, but I saw this and couldn't help but post it! I would love to do this to my hair, but I'm pretty sure the ballet company would kill me if I came in like this! I'm also pretty sure I'd never get away with this in my Dreams either, not very...assassin-y lol

Oct. 15th, 2015




I'm a little late in announcing this. I did not get the part of Clara, but you are looking at this year's Sugar Plum Fairy!

Aug. 27th, 2015




She fell asleep by the pool so I couldn't resist. She's probably gonna kill me, but I don't care.

Sleeping Celaena )

Aug. 9th, 2015




I just got infinite lives on Farm Heroes for the next 24 hours...oh dear...If I'm not back after that time, send help! Lol!

Aug. 4th, 2015




So I'm house-sitting a friend's house this week and I was asked to keep up with some of their gardening. I mean, seriously? Don't people just pay people to do that for them? Anyway, I digress, I was taking the dead heads off the flowers and these adorable little buds came off too. They're just too cute not to share! I wish I could get a whole load of them and make some kind of floral tiara! I would so rock that look!

Read more... )

Jul. 3rd, 2015




So I was bored and trawling the web, as you do, and found this. I mean wow! I thought I was flexible and had good balance, but this is just crazy! Something to aspire to I guess.

Jun. 3rd, 2015




We've been running dress rehearsals and it's been wonderful. My costumes are so pretty but I especially like the one I wear after becoming a willi. It's all white and flowing. I look like some kind of beautiful ghost.




So this is mostly what I've been doing while those vampires, or whatever they were, have been running amok. I'm very proud! :D

May. 4th, 2015




Hello, everyone!! My name's Ariel! I bet you get new people on here all the time, don't you? Hello other new people like me!!!

I see some people talking about their dreams on here! That's really neat. Is this supposed to be a shared dream journal? I don't think you'd want to read bout my silly old dreams, but that's such a nice idea! Analyzing dreams can be really fun! Unless they're scary dreams. I hope no one's having any of those!

Sorry, I've only ever really used the internet for classes. I'm a little new at this. Am I doing this right??




Today the world lost a great talent. Maya Plisetskaya was an inspiration to many dancers out there, including myself. She was incredible and danced up until the age of 65! I can only hope to aspire to the greatness of this lady. I found this video which shows only an iota of her full capability. Please watch this video and appreciate a great talent that left us today.

RIP Maya Plisetskaya 1925-2015

Apr. 20th, 2015




Great news! The audition went so well I got a callback! Tomorrow I audition again with a smaller group of girls. My fingers are permanently crossed. Well, maybe not permanently.

Mar. 9th, 2015




The first shipment of shoes came in! My own designs, in several sizes, colors, shapes, patterns, and they're SO BEAUTIFUL. I might cry. I might actually cry.

Jan. 6th, 2015




I am bored at work. Now that the kids are back in school, the music store is quiet, so entertain me.

What is the most obnoxious song that gets stuck in your head? I need a playlist here so I can drive my boss crazy. XD

Dec. 1st, 2014




I'm afraid that I am in a bit of a quandary this morning, and thus, feel the need to put the question to the community at large:

Did everyone wake up to both unseasonable snow and a wolf in their beds, or am I alone in this situation?

Pictorial evidence of said wolf in said bed )

The wolf answers to the name Diefenbaker, although "answer" may be overstating his responsiveness a bit. If this wolf is, indeed, the wolf from the particularly vivid dreams that have been plaguing me of late made manifest, I must admit I am quite perplexed.

Nov. 7th, 2014




Anyone want to go to the movies?

Oct. 18th, 2014




So, what's the popular consensus? Onesies...yea or nay?

Private messages

Anna! Izzy! Lucy! Check it out! I totally want one of these! You guys should totally get one and we'll have a Halloween movie sleep-over party! Of course, the Dinosaur one's mine ;) What do you think!

Oct. 14th, 2014




I need to learn how to swim. Does anyone know of a good swim school? Or where I can find a private tutor or something?

Sep. 28th, 2014




This is my theme song for today. Still in my pajamas at 1.

Sep. 23rd, 2014





The latest notes from management. The owner loves me. I think it pisses the night manager off. I might enjoy pissing him off.

So far its slow tonight. Visitors welcome.

Sep. 3rd, 2014



[Filtered to friends of Izzy and Clary]

So Clary and I have birthdays pretty close together and we decided to celebrate them in a joint party! Where we'll also be showing off our new tattoos ;)

So we're holding a BBQ at mine! (Okay, mine, Alec and Jace's place)

We decided on Sunday because I'm working Saturday so we expect to see you all there!

Sunday 7th September! Come help us celebrate!

Aug. 9th, 2014



[Filter Fail: Supposed to be Friends-Only, but PUBLIC]

Elsa and I are throwing an 'end of the summer, celebrate school starting' kind of party. Complete with snow and ice, and sledding! You're all invited to come over. August 23. Bring food and drinks to share!

Aug. 1st, 2014




Am I the only person who didn't realise you can go whale watching here? They run trips from Newport Beach and it looks amazing.

I've decided I have to go! Another thing off the bucket list :D

Jun. 1st, 2014




This may sound
I don't know if you
I know how the snow started
Does anyone know how to defeat a giant snow monster?

I need help getting back into my house.

May. 28th, 2014




I need some help with shopping.

May. 13th, 2014




I'm starting to build up a collection of oven burns. They're making a kind of cool pattern on my arm. You'd think I'd be learning by now to be more careful but apparently not.

I could use a rune to stop getting burned but they're like battle scars

May. 1st, 2014




I have watermelon sorbet, and you're jealous.

Apr. 30th, 2014




I'd forgotten how good it feels to be on the stage, again. And doing Shakespeare, no less! There really is nothing like the live theatre. Not that I don't love film acting, as well, but there's something about being in front of an audience that gives me a thrill.

And it helps that my dear friend is in it, with me. Exciting times!

Mar. 31st, 2014




I'm starting to feel a bit more like a functional human I think. The world isn't spinning anymore in any case.

Mar. 27th, 2014




When I'm stressed, I dance. Which, I think, Alucard's in favor of. I think I'm taking a break from training for a couple days, I'm just too worn out.