
Posts Tagged: 'caleb+rivers'

May. 12th, 2016





The only good thing about waking up this early to finish studying is that I woke up from a good dream. It think it might be my last one for a while. Eugene and I have now gone back to the Kingdom of Corona after I saved him from death and I get to see my parents again with my lovely short brown hairdo. There was a weird bit of blurred time speeding up type stuff and I really hope I dream more about what happens now that I'm back, but it slowed down to let me watch Eugene proposing to me, the prep for the wedding, and then the actual ceremony.

I'm not surprised I got the typical Happily Ever After ending because it's cute and sweet and those two deserve it. I just want to know more - WHAT HAPPENS AFTER?!

Okay, I need to stop typing away on here and get back to finishing my studies. I can't wait for finals to be over and enjoy the summer!

May. 4th, 2016




Woooooow! There is a lot of crazy stuff going on right now. I am trying to avoid the scary dudes in the white armor, but my poor apartment might have gotten a few laser blasts to it.

However! There is one plus side. I saw this cute little droid wandering around outside my apartment and while I understand absolutely nothing that is coming out of her she won't leave me alone. I think I've made a new friend! I took a picture - it's behind the cut.
Cut to save Flist - viewable to everyone )

Apr. 24th, 2016




So the foster home for crazy kids could be a lot worse. There's 7 of us in total although one boy is getting out soon. We all have our weird diagnosis labels and apparently mine is schizophrenia. I mean, makes sense since I claim to hear voices and see people, but seriously - you can't fix this with a handy dandy medical label band-aid.

We take care of the places, go to classes, get a little time out side, there's locks everywhere - it's a lot of fun. Except for the rude girl that told everyone I see ghosts, thanks. But this place is haunted too because I'm hearing voices in the basement laundry room and my roommate claims she has a poltergeist following her and eventually goes a bit crazy and gets taken out of the house by paramedics.

I woke up after taking a sleeping pill after the incident and saw her sitting back on her bed. Fine and dandy until I move my hand it passes through her. Are they killing us now if we toe out of line?!

I also decided it would be a good idea to search for the custodian that creeped me out - check, he's dead - and then Derek (one of the guys there) told me to look up necromancer. Just what my teenager self needed to do. I guess I can't keep sticking my head in the sand on this one.

Apr. 20th, 2016




Suspension of disbelief is needed for about two minutes.

So; does anyone on this crack pot place know or is a brain surgeon who will not ask strange questions beyond 'how much can you pay me'?

Apr. 19th, 2016




I'm back to dreaming now, apparently. I've been to three weird worlds in my dream, each one weirder than the last. I've met three people in them and all of them have wound up dead. Except for this little boy. I think his name is Walter. I saw him the first time in the forest with the weird humming bird bat things. He said he was looking for his mother and he kept trying to hide from me. He showed up again at the water prison too right before Andrew DeSalvo drowned.

So now I'm in a new world made up entirely of buildings. One of my Dream neighbors is here for some reason. It was the weirdest thing. He fell off one of the buildings and landed right in front of me. Then he stood up and brushed it off like nothing. I was kind of glad to see him at first, at least I knew the guy. But apparently Dream Me forgot the guy is a giant jackass. He waved a gun in my face, said something about how our apartment building was on some kind of vortex and that he'd been falling through holes for weeks and then just left me to fight these...monkey monsters. Seriously, they look and sound like huge monkeys. And they look like they have an extra head between their legs. Like an actual head. Fucking hurts when they attack too.

Apr. 13th, 2016




Has anyone else seen something so bad in their dreams that even when you woke up, you couldn't get that horrible image out of your mind?

Apr. 8th, 2016




Dream!me hates to sleep because of his dreams. I can relate. But it’s starting to feel like Inception with this dreams within dreams bull shit. Has that happened to anyone else?

Apr. 7th, 2016




I must have been reading too many horror movie scripts lately because I had an awful nightmare last night. I woke up mid-scream and scared the bejesus out of my poor roommate.

It was totally perfect horror movie scenario. Tiny child version of myself growing up and being told not to go in the basement. Pathetic babysitter manages to cajole baby me into going going downstairs, which shouldn't happen because apparently baby me sees ghosts of some sort. There's a couple okay ghosts, but there's also a dead man whose ghost is hidden still hanging from his noose. Unfortunately the big bad ghost that I didn't want to see did decide to show up. And she is the creepiest thing on the face of this planet. Blackened skin that is still sizzling from the fire she must have died in. Her skull is intact, but the skin that's supposed to be her face is barely there and then she went for me.

Which is when I woke up. I'm totally chalking this up to my crazy imagination and some bad thai food.

Apr. 4th, 2016




Someone implemented an anonymous feedback system at Stark Tower. So far so good. We've gotten some constructive criticisms, and I appreciate that.

One note asked if he/she/it could put a garden up on the roof. Sounds great, right? Though, I have no idea to whom to give the go-ahead. Maybe just posting a note here saying "Go for it" is good enough?






Okay, not mine since Maximus is his own horse, but he's my buddy in the dreams.


Um....can I bring Maximus to the ranch?




I have to say that I'm becoming quite skilled at juggling about ten coffees every single morning. I'm not going to complain though because people would kill for my internship and I'm very lucky, but my dry cleaning bill is insane this month. If I spill coffee on one more shirt of mine I may just scream wherever I may be at the moment, which will make me look like a crazy person.

Anyway, hi, I'm Chloe and I was told about this network at the coffee shop (Surprise surprise), so I'm curious to see what I can use it for. I'm currently interning at Warner Brothers studios, so if you like movies then I am your girl.

Mar. 15th, 2016




You know, high school was bad enough when I had to live it here. Now it's like I'm stuck in the last two years of high school and never getting out. No. Not even the last two years. It's been the month of November 2011 for way too long. How is that even possible? How can that much crap happen in a month? I'm pretty sure more things have happened in that month then there are days.

Also, I'm beginning to think no one in that stupid town can be trusted.

Mar. 9th, 2016




Looks like I have received an "ability" from these dreams.

How do I return it?

Mar. 6th, 2016




Have you ever woken up and wanted to punch yourself because your dream self just gave Satan the keys to the candy store and then peaced the fuck out on the soon to erupt insanity?

My dream self has just set up the world to burn.

My dream self is an idiot.

Feb. 23rd, 2016




I thought I would only hear my mother's voice again in my dreams. I'm not sure how I feel about hearing it from birds.

I'm not hearing them anymore. I'm not sure how I feel about that either.

Are all the birds gone?

Feb. 21st, 2016




Okay seriously this is getting ridiculous. What sort of sick freak knocks someone out and leaves a threatening note in their teeth!? Ugh! I had to do personal oral surgery this morning and that was not easy or fun.

Feb. 20th, 2016





Something is wrong with it and it will hurt you. If you end up getting hurt and need someone to heal you, please feel free to contact me.

Feb. 15th, 2016




Did anyone else have their Valentine's Day ruined by the sky bleeding?

As if that wasn't enough I got new dreams on top of it. Apparently I have some sort of curse on me where I'm meant to die, and I also talk to this dead chick's ghost because that's normal.

Does anyone have advice for getting rid a of tombstone in their apartment?

Feb. 13th, 2016




I realized that I haven't posted about my dreams lately, but I definitely had some more. So, after arriving in the kingdom Flynn and I had this super romantic evening on a boat in the water watching the lanterns float into the sky. I may be obsessed with painting this right now because it was such an amazing sight and I don't have warm fuzzy feelings towards a dude in my dreams. nope. Unfortunately that was as good as it got for the moment because I gave him his crown and satchel back, but then we spotted the two goons he had stolen it with. He went to go give it back to him and then disappeared. He took the crown and ran!

My mother saved me and I went back to the tower. While there I finally manage to put together that I am the lost princess! Yeah, that's right, I am a PRINCESS. That revelation leads up to a giant fight between my mother and I. The last thing I dreamt about was my mother hitting me and chaining me up to hold me hostage and hearing Flynn call for me from outside the tower.

What. The. Hell.

Jan. 19th, 2016




Okay, so this is gonna sound completely crazy, but stay with me. I was going to post this earlier, but I had to go to class and now I've just been putting this off. I swear I'm not crazy!

ALRIGHT. I had more dreams. Big deal, you're thinking, but you're totally wrong. So Flynn Rider and I ran off and got into a bit of a situation and he ended up getting injured. So, I decided to just show off my magical healing powers and once we were out of the situation we explained things. I told him about the hair and how it works and he told me about his past and that his real name is Eugene (side note: this is hilarious because I'm from Eugene, OR). So, then my mother shows up and warns me that he only wants his crown and blah blah. But of course I don't truly listen to her and I continue along with Flynn as we make our way to the kingdom (!!!).

Okay, now that we're caught up on here. I was singing the little healing song like usual just to test it out and didn't expect anything. WELL SURPRISE, my hair started glowing and I basically tripped over myself and busted my ass on the kitchen floor. So, of course I needed to see if this was just a fluke and I cut my hand a little bit and did it again. MY HAIR IS ACTUALLY HEALING.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I have glowing magical healing hair!

Jan. 12th, 2016




In my dreams I saw my ex-boyfriend with another girl. It didn't feel like I was jealous. I was with another guy, too. It felt like we were both okay with the situation. It was... Strange. I guess I'm moving on in my dreams. It feels weird.

Jan. 10th, 2016




...Well then, think I had one of those Dreams people have been going on about.

Jan. 9th, 2016




Well I woke up to a bunch of masks in my room.

Happy Birthday to me.

Jan. 3rd, 2016




I'm going to be that Scrooge that says they're so happy the holidays are over because I just don't care for the holidays. I'm the one that will take all the shifts just so I can keep myself busy. At least I got to hang out at my favorite Chinese restaurant and they treat me like part of their family now.

Although, I must say my dreams must have known how much of a Scrooge I am because they gave me lots to dream about. Can you imagine squeezing 6 preteen boys into one hole in the ground? Sounds roomy right? Well, throw in 3 more visitors and it's just a riot. I fully understand why everyone is always out and about in Neverland, especially when there are pretty mermaids to see in the lagoon.




Disclaimer: I've been given permission to post this, so, no ass-kicking should be in store for me.

It might be old news by now, or boring news because it's not as exciting as dream talk, but this is pretty much a GPOY when Emma told me we were adding to our already somewhat dysfunctional and loving family:

cut for gif )

Early July will be upon us soon, and I've been reading a lot of Buzzfeed parenting lols to prepare myself.

Anyway, I guess I could talk about 'the dreams' but no one wants to hear about Lumière the actual talking candle.

Dec. 15th, 2015





I woke up this morning to get ready for my final and there was a small green creature staring at me. I was just about to scream and scramble, but then I realized it's my chameleon, Pascal, from my dreams! I can't believe he's here and he's just as cute as I remember.

He's currently in my backpack because I didn't have time to do anything else with him and I don't want to leave him alone in my apartment. So, now I have to ask, does anyone know how to take care of a chameleon??

Also, hair update: Definitely growing. It's a lot longer then it was at the beginning of the month and I'm a little scared to cut it.




Hi! My name is Sakura and I just moved here with my dad! 米^-^米 I am new and heard here was good to meet new people and i would like that very much. .。゚+..。゚(〃▽〃)+.。゚+..。゚ It is nice very to make your akway a kea meet you. Thank you!


Dec. 14th, 2015




Well I had to kidnap my own girlfriend to get her to admit she was being stalked and threatened again. Apparently said stalker also ran my mom’s car off the road and for some reason I cared.

The more I dream the less sense it all makes. I feel like it should be the reverse.

Dec. 11th, 2015




The things you people do for surfing. A fine line between dedication and insanity? Snow pictures are the best though.

Hey, anyone want a winter photoshoot?

Dec. 2nd, 2015




Attention Stark Employees and Friends:

The Stark Tower Winter Extravaganza will take place on December 11, from 6 to midnight. [Location details of a swanky hotel.]

Come eat, drink and be merry.

Nov. 29th, 2015



[Filtered Away from Damon Salvatore]

Lots of crazy stuff is going on in my dreams. Stefan has amnesia cause of a witch. Matt is losing time cause he's got a traveler in his head. Katherine is human and gone. I had to finally tell everyone about Bonnie even though she didn't want me to. We had a memorial for her, which was really hard. And Tyler came back during the memorial.

We really get no rest in Mystic Falls.

Nov. 14th, 2015




I guess after I'm done boggling about the entire mess of dreamland, I can actually appreciate learning more of what actually went on during the monster war that took place a thousand years before current dream events. Ever since I started dreaming I kept writing down everything I could remember - history, legends, spells, charts and whatever else - and I've got several notebooks filled. In case there's ever a need to look back for reference.

Anyway, things got to the 'OH SHIT' point to where casting the Giga Slave was the last option. Except I got blown up before I finished, the team and I got separated, and when we re-grouped we found a graveyard of extinct dragons (also part of the reason why this entire goddamn mess even started), and discovered the last Dark Star weapon. Cue a present-time dragon massacre, I got the weapon out of its barrier then proceeded to get the weapon stolen from me, and I woke up with a pounding headache.

My involvement in all this can be attributed to my sister, the first human approached to deal with this mess, declined, and dumped the responsibility on me. In both worlds you're an asshole, sis.

ON AN UNRELATED NOTE, The Reeces Peanutbutter Cup Burger. I...don't know if I'd eat that. Drunk? Maybe. Sober? Uhhh. Depends how hungry I am. I mean, I've had bacon chocolate chip cookies before, that was some good stuff. But actual beef stuffed with peanutbutter and chocolate? Errr.

Nov. 10th, 2015




Hello, OC! This where all y'all been hiding? Finally got a computer worth a salt, so here I am. Call me Trip!

So. This dream thing f'real? 'Cause the stuff I've glanced over is nuts.

Nov. 6th, 2015




For anyone else celebrating today.

Nov. 5th, 2015




My best friend Hanna told me about this site. I'm surprised there was social media she didn't know about, but whatever. There's a ton of it, and I'm not exactly up to date on it all either, so I can't say much. I'm told I should be to promote my art, but self promotion can be kinda hard sometimes.

Since it's the internet I'm just gonna leave this Cat link here. Cats are still taking over the net right? I took that photo of a neighbors cat. I'm interested in photography and writing and all kinds of stuff. Also traveling, my family did quite a bit of it before I moved out here to go to college.

Nov. 3rd, 2015




I can't keep going like th

How do people deal with neighbors who are constantly loud and make jokes of it when requested to not be so loud because the walls are thin?

Nov. 2nd, 2015




So I'm Neena and I'm new to this sort of group. I just got a smartphone and this is apparently one of the sites it recommends.

I'm a bartender. The best thing about where I work is we don't do anything for the holidays. No stupid costumes, no candy on the bar, and the old drunks don't think they're clever when they ask for 'tricks'. Everybody just wants to get wasted and go back to their lives.




Having to find a way to explain why I woke up with a broken leg to my mom was not a good way to spend yesterday. Ugh. This just got a lot more annoying.

[Anna and Caroline]
Looks like I'll be missing both Vegas and Disneyland :(

Nov. 1st, 2015




I went to my first ever college party last night and it was a lot of fun. However, I had these dreams of memories of being a baby, but I would never remember that of my real life. But there was also dreams of a woman who looks a bit like my mother here and growing up with her.

Weird thing is that I live in a tower with her. But I did see some amazing lanterns in the sky.

Blah. Confusing. Also, does anyone want to model for me for my drawing class? It doesn't require being nude, unless you are into that.

Oct. 25th, 2015



Filtered Away From PLL Characters

I have been hearing about these dreams for over a month now. Now that I finally got them they consist of living inside a high school and then Hanna's a basement?

If anything I guess I'm glad I was never part of the foster system in this Rosewood town.

Oct. 21st, 2015




I'm pretty sure I lost a day studying. I didn't even realize I was starving until a bit ago and tried experimental pancakes. I couldn't find mixers so I used the blender and there's pancake on the ceiling. My brain is officially fried. Send help, or pancakes.

[Filtered to Caleb?]
I meant to say this sooner dude but ah, sorry. About the Ranch. I really suck at first impressions.

Oct. 16th, 2015




I'll give the first person to bring me a case of Red Bull $500.

Not a fan of sleep right now.

Oct. 9th, 2015




It's time to close Pinterest and walk away.

Just walk away.




It's almost Halloween.

Will there be an Institute party this year?

I also need a costume.

Oct. 8th, 2015




A couple of my friends told me that I had to get on this.

Anyway, what's up, Valar Net? I'm a Emily Fields. I'm a student at UC Irvine. I'm currently studying social work. I also like swimming.

Oct. 7th, 2015




I haven't had a chance yet, but I'm dying to go see The Martian. Has anyone been already?

Oct. 5th, 2015




Well, I don't know who, but my stalker was drowned by someone in my dreams last night. They're getting more morbid by the second.

Sep. 22nd, 2015




I can't believe there's a social media platform I'm only now learning about. Most of them involve following or friending or whatever, which cool. And probably why? This seems more... well I don't know what it seems like yet.

Anyway, hi internet people. I'm Hanna. Not quite sure what to make of this yet but I'm willing to learn. I start at UC Irvine on Thursday if there's anyone who goes there? Maybe?

Sep. 18th, 2015




OFfiece partiees. AM i rigt? Right?


Sep. 14th, 2015




So I guess after the world wasn't destroyed, and everyone in my dreamworld who died was miraculously resurrected (except for the douchecanoe responsible for the 'let's make you destroy the world' drama), killing two demonlords means this demonically created barrier keeping our specific continent away from the rest of the world is down. Every kingdom wants to send explorers out (probably to conquer, let's be real), and I'm just interested in going for magical studies.

Then a golden dragon decides to attack the port city the day everyone's launching off, a tsunami is accidentally created HOW DO I KEEP DOING THIS and everything's destroyed. To avoid blame I convinced my people to help me steal a ship and sail off.

And starve.

It seemed like a good idea, I guess. But the tsunami really was an accident.

On the bright side, there's pumpkin spice everything practically available, so it's time to indulge in 'basic bitch' tendencies.