
Posts Tagged: 'bruce+banner+%28the+hulk%29'

Nov. 27th, 2012




Ladies & Gentlemen, boys and girls and whatever you identify with, I have an announcement. Big, life changing announcement actually.

Well, not for you. I mean, your lives will basically be the same.

I, Tony Stark, will be marrying the hell out of Pepper Potts because I asked her and she said yes. And if any of you talk her out of it, I'll find where you live and blast metal outside your house while you try to bring home your date for the first time. You know the one, the hot architect or whatever.

But seriously. We're engaged.

Nov. 24th, 2012




Shit. Thursday was Thanksgiving? Where was I?

Nov. 2nd, 2012




Holy SHIT.

I don't know that it was Stitch, or the Nyquil or you people,but the dreams are kicking in. On the off chance, this means something, time to get my ass in gear.

...There a Ms. Rushman on this thing?

Ms. Rushman, if you're out there, we've gotta have a talk about some stuff I found.

[Avengers Lock]

I need Stark and I need him NOW. Any of you know where he is? ASAP is way too slow for the timeline we're working on here.

[/Avengers Lock]

Oct. 23rd, 2012




So who's dressing as what for the big day? (My Birthday) Lovegood, your costume is done, by the bye.

No giraffes this time, by the way. That thing tried to eat half my ceiling last time.

Oct. 17th, 2012





The HELL, man? Okay, so that was awesome but it was also fucking INSANE.

Something going on?

Oct. 11th, 2012



I fell asleep at the lab last night. No one woke me up, or told me it was time to go. I just fell asleep and got locked inside overnight.

My back really hurts. Lovely. That's what I get for sleeping in a chair, I guess. Oops.

Anyone know a good massage place?

Oct. 9th, 2012




For Halloween, I'm going as Iron Man.

Don't tell me I can't, because I paid millions of dollars to build this thing and I can do whatever the fuck I want with it, including extort candy. And by candy I mean alcohol. And by extort I mean go to my birthday party where I own the alcohol.

You see where I'm going with this. Come to my party because there's going to be alcohol there.

Sep. 22nd, 2012




I didn't do it.

Jul. 27th, 2012




Tony, did you do experiments on Dexter? Why isn't he responding to me?

Jul. 22nd, 2012




A note from your friendly local superguy:

With all these aftershocks, stay out of suspect buildings if at all possible. No idea how long this will last and trust me, it's not a fun time digging out.

If anyone's still got people they're not in touch with and are worried about, give all the details (last you heard from them, where they were at the time of the quakes, etc). I could use the help with searching for these folks if any able bodies out there are so inclined.


Goes without saying I need you guys helping, any magic voodoo powers or not.

Not sure how many we've got missing but time to start finding them.

Jul. 20th, 2012



[Avengers and friends]


I think we need to really fucking assemble.

Jul. 9th, 2012




[ Locked to the filter 'Those Who Are Dreaming of and/or Obtaining Superpowers ]

Hi. I'm Tony.

Listen, I'm hearing a lot of chatter. Shit is getting exceptionally real these days. Dreams are out of control, people are finding themselves able to do all kinds of stupid stuff that if you'd asked any of us six months ago was possible we would have laughed.

The times, they are a changing.

So I had an idea in between of all the sex I'm having. Most of our dreams are full of conflict. Death. Bad juju.

If you're comfortable talking about it, maybe not here but somewhere, I'd like to start trying to figuring out the connections. If we, this select few, are all turning into Superheroes than maybe someone else is turning into a Supervillian.

[ Locked to Bruce, Steve and Thor ]

Hey. Need to talk to you guys all private like. Soon.

[ Locked to Pepper ]

Hey. I'm trying to contact some of these other people who are dreaming the same stuff I am. Steve is for sure, and there may be others. I just wanted you to know.

Love you.

Jul. 5th, 2012




This is an extremely exciting time for science. I'm a little disappointed I didn't have anything to do with it. The Science Horse Dog could have helped.

Jun. 19th, 2012




This is all your fault, Tony.

Jun. 16th, 2012



Locked Against Pepper Potts

Okay, Valarnet. I'm having issues.

How the living hell do you bake a goddamned cake?

Jun. 6th, 2012




Citizens (Residents?) of Valarnet:

You guys are awesome.

I don't do well being contained, you might have noticed, and between the cakes, puddings, pies, visits, stuffed animals, strippers and etc, I managed to only be bored roughly 70% of the day in Irvine General, and for that I owe you.

Friday, June 15th, I bought out the Diamond Club at Anaheim. If you don't like baseball, just come drink the beer, which is also free. There's also going to be a surprise after the game which I'm particularly excited about. Trust me, you'll have a good time.

Consider this my thank you for a job well done.




Tony somehow forced me into making one of these accounts, I might as well use it. The name's Bruce, current.. I'm not really sure what my title is, but I'm the guy building the labs and doing all of the hiring for Stark Industries science department.

Jun. 4th, 2012




Ladies and Gentlemen.

Elvis has left the building.

Jun. 2nd, 2012




Gather round, Valarnet. I'm going to tell you a story about my buddy Bruce. (Not you, Wayne. Banner. To be clear, I am talking about Dr. Bruce Banner right now.)

See, we were at MIT together, Bruce and I. And one night there was this party, you know how college gets. We were trashed. I mean, I pride myself on holding my liquor along with enough for everyone else but we outdid ourselves. Meanwhile, Bruce sees this girl he's kind of had a thing for the whole quarter. She was in our Physics lab. So I push him over, like a good wingman should.

So Bruce walks over, and everything's going great. They flirt all night pretty much, and later that night I'm thinking 'sweet, buddy's gonna get lucky.'

Problem was the aforementioned trashed part. Bruce went in for a kiss, wound up barfing all over her.

What ever happened to her any way, Bruce? You guys kept touch, right?