
Posts Tagged: 'alma+wade'

Oct. 7th, 2012




Putting out an APB on a One Armed Man yesterday has been the highlight of my year so far.




Awful confessions of the night: I can't stop listening to Tom Cruise as Stacee Jaxx on the Rock of Ages soundtrack. Cannot. Stop.

Tell me your awful confessions.

Oct. 4th, 2012




I do not understand why fans of mine send me their underthings. As someone who does not wear them, there is little point! Perhaps they are trying to send some sort of signal? A distress sign? I jest. I know they mean for them to be seen as a sign that they want to have sensual interludes with me, but alas, I am only one man. I cannot get to everyone.

Though I do try, and I like to think that means I am a man of character. Hello! I am Zevran, but you may call me Zev.

Oct. 2nd, 2012



Maybe you people were right.

Not that I'm going back to the anger management group, but I got Crip the guy I attacked's email, sent him an apology and a Starbucks card. I mean, when you think about, probably the least I could do considering he was bleeding when I got kicked out, right? He's the only one in this who gets an apology though. Well, I mean, unless somebody here was seriously offended by me, but that's starting to look really insincere, and I'm not buying you coffee. The shrink heading it up gets nothing though. Lots of cramping my style from her end, so I can't even feel bad about that.


I don't feel bad about it from her perspective anyway, let's put it that way. Hated her from the start, and I'm happy to move on, but I'm relatively pissed off about having to start the process all over again. The whole twenty questions routine with me having to come up with answers to all of the questions they inevitably ask, not even to be invasive or suggestive, but to try to READ into my brain and all. I'm already someone's damn science experiment, so I reaaally don't appreciate feeling like one of those again, you know? Read more... )

You try explaining all of that to someone new, when my last one really only knew that I was pissed about my arm and not being useful to Ollie ...people anymore. It's not exactly happy dancing unicorn thought inducing, and veers toward the ulcer category.

Anyway. I'm sorry I'm a ragey asshole, valarnet. That's the whole point of this, I guess.

...You try explaining all of that to a shrink...

Sep. 28th, 2012




Guess who got asked to leave anger management group today?

It wasn't the first time people have given me dirty looks when I've been in there, but when I dared refer to my wheelchair using neighbor as "Crip", since I don't care enough to learn the names of the people shafted into this pathetic thing, I kind of made the anger management problem we're all here in the group for flare up again.

So I got punched and a broken nose and the therapist informed me I was disturbing her calm, or whatever it was, she said along those lines, I was tuning her out because the whole thing was bullshit seriously, and I got removed from the group and apparently it's recommended I do private sessions until I'm "ready" to deal with my problems.

It's almost like she read my mind and gave me what I wanted. I'm not actually GOING to work with her, since I said I'd try group therapy and lasted three weeks, which is a lot longer than I agreed to anyway, so really...

I can live with this option. My anger's plenty controled anyway. I just hide it when I'm somewhere that pisses me off, you know?

Sep. 27th, 2012




Aww, no more fun texts from surprise friends? Sadface!

Sep. 24th, 2012



[!Fail privacy lock to Portia, viewable to all]

No, I did not disappear. I ran away for the weekend to Vegas with Bill. It was the perfect way to spend a weekend but that is not surprising, he is a complete dream. It was pretty amazing.

And no we did not spent our entire weekend in bed. Why do people automatically assume that when you say you went away with the person you are dating? Not that I would objected, why would I? Bill is amazing... He is gorgeous, good at everything he does, treats me right and he is mine.

We did get the entire Vegas experience in though; we got dressed up, went to the casinos, gambled some (I did not even lose all my money), and said why not and got married. You know all the things people assume you did when you said you went to Vegas.

Sep. 23rd, 2012




being sick sucks but at least i'm better now

DJANGO i want to talk to you but my phone's being all weird so hi

Sep. 21st, 2012



[Failed private to self, visible to all]

Right, note to self:


I mean, not texting whilst topless, texting photos of topless self.




Has anyone ever dreamt of a place so disgusting that they've been overcome with a need for an incredibly hot shower the moment they woke up?

Omega might just be the worst place I've dreamt of yet.

Sep. 19th, 2012




Most of us are familiar with unusual dreams. If you believe they are real, is there anything you would avoid now?

I know that if I become pregnant, I will die. and so will everyone else So the counter to that is obvious.

Sep. 18th, 2012




I woke up naked in a box...

What was I doing in a box?!

Sep. 16th, 2012




Good afternoon, Valarnet! It's a beautiful day to go to the park and have a picnic, I think. Of course, I just think it's beautiful outside, so that makes it a good day for anything! What are you guys up to on Sunday? Are you being lazy like me or are you doin' stuff?

Sep. 12th, 2012




I know what you're thinking - "Navi, it's freakin' September, it's way too late to grow any veggies in my garden!". (Then again, it's probably way more likely you're not thinking that, and you probably want a sandwich or something. Either way!) But nay! Nay, I say, now is a great time to grow some yummy crunchy things! Lettuce and kale and swiss chard are all perfect to plant right now, and we've got all of them in stock at the nursery.

Great, now I want a sandwich. I'M SORRY IF I MADE YOU ALL HUNGRY.

Sep. 10th, 2012




Alice..I'm so sorry.

Sep. 3rd, 2012




I need more friends that are girls. Oh hey, Rory, we should hang out.

Filtered to Roy )

Sep. 2nd, 2012




My sister really did it, and now it's time to turn the tables. Alleria also needs to get laid. In her case, a woman. Her standards are pretty high.

As she mentioned in her own post we run around in skimpy costumes and shoot arrows at each other.

She also does her own stunts, and is quite flexible.




A gauntlet has been thrown down between the Windrunner sisters, so now I'm going to have to post this. It's probably going to offend a few people, who can simply scroll past this and go along their day.

My sister, Sylvanas, desperately needs to get laid. She likes men, as far as I'm aware.

You might have seen her on Arrow of Truth, that show where both her and I run around in ridiculous costumes, shooting arrows at eachother and generally being badassed.

She does her own stunts, so that should impress anyone who wants to give her a whirl.

Aug. 18th, 2012




You know, I wasn't going to post but I'm still pissed off after last night, so it's going up here anyway. Cope. You people missed reading Bullshit Roy Can Do Without even if you haven't admitted it to yourselves. So. Today's topic. People Who Think They Can Tell Me What To Do Just Because They're Older.

Uh no. Unless you're a cop, or I'm working for you, I'm not actually obligated to listen or to give a fuck about what you're saying. Sometimes I do give one. When it's important or you're my friend and I actually care enough to ask for your advice or you give it to me and I decide to listen to you. But the listening part? That's completely my choice here. I do not have to sit there and take it, I do not HAVE to allow you to micromanage my life, and you treat me like a little kid, and I'm REALLY not required to deal with it.

There's no law that says I have to take being disrespected and that I'm not allowed to disrespect you right back in your face no matter who's there watching if you pull that shit. There's no law that says I owe you any fucking thing if you treat me like that and I don't HAVE to take it, and right now? I'm not gonna.

In other words? I'll respect you when you respect me and not before. Two way fucking street, People. Deal with it.

Aug. 14th, 2012




Huh. It's been a while since I've had an actual dream, let alone a nightmare.

Aug. 13th, 2012




I miss my zen garden.




Can you feel it? Life. Death. So much power. It burns.

Aug. 3rd, 2012




They better let me out of this bed soon. I'm running out of angry birds to play.

And I want a steak. 5 of them, in fact.

2 more days, they say. It might as well be 2 months.

Aug. 1st, 2012



complete fucking illogic here.

...someone want to explain the point of PT for someone who doesn't HAVE an arm again? I already told the fucking stupid cow that I'm not GETTING a prosthetic and as soon as the incision's healed, they can just send me home. I'm NOT going down there today, she can't make me, and if she tries I've got a whole lot of projectiles within my reach.

You BET I'm adjusting well.

KATNISS! How's it going?

Jul. 29th, 2012





Jul. 26th, 2012




You know the drugs they're giving you are too good when you wake up from a dream about tentacled alien plant things and just laugh about it.

Jul. 25th, 2012




My life is over.

Jul. 23rd, 2012




Me and my new fuzzy friend are making dinner together! It's being very nice and patiently just sitting there, minding its own business on the kitchen counter. I think it likes how cool the surface is. It didn't like the kitchen table nearly as much.

Simon will probably say we can't keep it, but it's not my fault! I didn't even bring it home, I swear.



(Posted from Roy's Phone)

therre was an earthquake, or something? A wall fell on me lol. my shoulder really hurtss. They said something or other but I don't remember. I think its broken though. can't move my arm so yeah. thats also why this looks like shit. I guedss the toiurney got cancelled, huh? they said i hurt my arm and some specialists came to look at it and they put me in a private room. Barton was here for a while saturday and said one of my friends saved me by getting the rubble off. And im not suppossed to worry about money for this. I am really out of it,ha ha. Hope everybodys ok. They want to have one last docter come in to look and then are gonna find a way to fix it. Lot of work for just a cast or maybe like pins. as long as I can shoot when i get out though, right?

Everybody else? Conner, Michelle, Cas, Wrex? Clint, did yoy find Eowyn? What about the kids? are they okay?

Let me know, guys.

Have to go. A really cute nurse is here for vitals.

Jul. 20th, 2012




There was a meteor strike about two miles from the Ranch house. Most of the buildings have collapsed and I'm on my phone. I'm reading that there has been a serious earthquake as well, can anyone confirm?

Jul. 9th, 2012




[ Locked to the filter 'Those Who Are Dreaming of and/or Obtaining Superpowers ]

Hi. I'm Tony.

Listen, I'm hearing a lot of chatter. Shit is getting exceptionally real these days. Dreams are out of control, people are finding themselves able to do all kinds of stupid stuff that if you'd asked any of us six months ago was possible we would have laughed.

The times, they are a changing.

So I had an idea in between of all the sex I'm having. Most of our dreams are full of conflict. Death. Bad juju.

If you're comfortable talking about it, maybe not here but somewhere, I'd like to start trying to figuring out the connections. If we, this select few, are all turning into Superheroes than maybe someone else is turning into a Supervillian.

[ Locked to Bruce, Steve and Thor ]

Hey. Need to talk to you guys all private like. Soon.

[ Locked to Pepper ]

Hey. I'm trying to contact some of these other people who are dreaming the same stuff I am. Steve is for sure, and there may be others. I just wanted you to know.

Love you.

Jul. 5th, 2012




Finally gotten my schedule back to something approaching normal, I think. Break was good for me in the long term though, I think. Perspective, and all that.

Makes it easier to let go

How was everyone's Explosion Day then? Good, I take it? Everyone still have all their fingers and toes and faces and such?

Jul. 4th, 2012



Higgs-boson guys!


Per Professor Solus, an easy to understand definition: "Higgs field fills all of space. Higgs boson, also known as "God particle", is a theoretical particle makes up Higgs field. Basically, existence of Higgs boson explains why objects have mass."

Now with picture! From a tweet.

Beautiful four-electron event display from #Higgs searches with #ATLAS

Read more... )

Jul. 2nd, 2012



Fourth of July Spectactular

This Wednesday at 8pm my pyrotechnics company is putting together a wonderful show. I've had a large hand in designing and preparing this display, so I hope everyone likes it.

Admission is free and food and beverages are reasonably priced, but feel free to bring your own. However, note that alcoholic beverages will be prohibited.

And there will be dragons.

Park Address

((OOC: Event is closest to this one in design but I've handwaived the exact location a bit to allow maximum attendance for those interested..))

Jul. 1st, 2012




Well THAT wasn't the way I thought my super awesome revenge plan was going to go.

...I actually think it was better.

Oliver Queen.

I beat Oliver Fucking Jonas Fucking Queen!

It was a smaller scale event. No public or anything, just a bunch of anachronistic and extremely cocky weirdos with arrows, a field somebody had set up, an event officiated by Barton and judged by an actual field marshal. And my score...My score was HIGHER.

Can't let it get to me. I have too many more points to rack up if I want to rank by the end of the calendar year and the best way to keep winning is to focus on ME, and not him, but all the same....

I did it. I actually seriously did it.

It doesn't feel the way I thought it would. That little burst of petty need to see him trampled at my feet is gone. I did it not because I COULD, but cause I wanted to.

On top of all the bad things going on, sometimes a few amazing ones happen too.

Jun. 28th, 2012



An Inquiry

Is a teenage boy supposed to cry when one makes an observation about the size of his penis?

Jun. 20th, 2012




In last night's dream, I shot a bunch of thugs from on top of a roof and then Oliver was by my side, saying how good I was and did I want to be his sidekick. He was dressed like Robin Hood again, which was pretty fucking hilarious, actually. And then he called me Speedy. I thought my name was Red Arrow in these dreams. I thought MIA was Speedy.

I am...so confused right now.

Jun. 13th, 2012




I am afraid I had to burn a book today.

Jun. 11th, 2012




Not that I'm not pissed about being drugged against my will because street drugs, even the mild ones, really fuck with you and I'm not going there, but I've got to say I've slept better the past two nights than I have since all of this crept in.

That's not a thank you, just an observation.

Clearly I need to scrape up the cash to get on actual medication.

Jun. 10th, 2012




I don't even want to talk about yesterday, other than to say I'm really, really sorry if you got a text from me at four in the morning today, asking you...Well. I don't even want to know what all I asked, given what I saw on the stuff from those of you who replied.

Holy shit, so this is why they tell you not to do drugs in school.




I think I need a hobby of some sort. Preferably of the stress-reducing kind.

Otherwise, I think I may actually end up throwing one of my students out a window next year.

Jun. 7th, 2012




I can see that my post of yesterday got a lot of attention. I uh. Never meant for that to happen the way it did. I was referring to bombs that are, well, metaphorical in nature. I've talked to a couple of people about this very personal dangerous problem, gotten some things I need to deal with it, and am determined to obtain the rest later on, and, well, I know now how to handle it.

Let me repeat that this isn't about anything that has anything to do with anyone other than my own life and the mess it is. I want to say that I'm...Uh, I regret causing the calvary to get called out over it, and it won't happen again.

Also, Clint? I can't make practice for a while unless you want to come out to me in my off hours or something. Wrex, Ollie? Thanks for putting up with me and my insanity and the chaos I continue to wreck in your lives.

...I think I need to go on tranqs before something like this happens again. Any of the medical people willing to write me up a script?

Jun. 6th, 2012



Return of the Hypothetical Questions.

Say you've got a dangerous weapon. Could be chemical, organic. Whatever. And it's going to go off sooner or later and hurt everything. You'd naturally destroy the thing before it hurts anybody or can get near them again, particularly when its only purpose is to wreck a path of chaos, right?

May. 31st, 2012




Today officially sucks.

I can't find my favorite earrings, my dog is going crazy after being penned up all night, my cats are all pissed at me, and the only thing in the mail was bills.

The lawnmower is broken and I can't get my weed-whacker to work, then I cut myself while trying to fix the damn thing.

I want a do-over.

May. 29th, 2012



The disarming and oddly compelling urge to share everything on the internet.


May. 25th, 2012




I am safe. I will not say where, but I am sorry if any harm has come to any who helped me.

May. 17th, 2012




"It's the way of men to make monsters, and it's the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

May. 16th, 2012




What kind of therapist takes away a girl's art supplies? This is crap. This whole thing is crap. I can only get online under strict supervision for half an hour every other day, I've got no art supplies, and they think music therapy is going to help me. No, it's not. It's pissing me off. You know what else? Don't put your phone where the crazies can pickpocket it.

May. 15th, 2012




I may or may not be the antichrist

I dreamed I was giving birth, and theymy father took away my baby.

May. 9th, 2012



The price of parts is getting ridiculous. I don't know how they're getting away with this shit.