
Posts Tagged: 'aino+minako+%28sailor+venus%29'

Jan. 22nd, 2020




Anyone else hear that Planters killed Mr. Peanut? I haven't seen the commercial yet, but I just saw the twitter post on it. The best part of it was other corporate twitters responses to it. I wonder what made them decide to kill off an iconic mascot like that.

Jan. 17th, 2020




Well I think that’s the last time I take a cab anywhere around here. I called this afternoon to arrange a pickup for tonight and was told to call back an hour prior to what time I wanted to be picked up. Which is all well and fine until you take into account the state I was in at that point with hunger. And the fact that the company kept giving me the run around about it. And finally told me they would try to get someone there to pick me up. Try to. And three hours after the time I’d wanted to be picked up they did manage to get there. And the driver bitched the entire way home about how he was missing out on fares that would have been more lucrative.

Jan. 13th, 2020




I do love coming home to casting emails. Gold star for Cathy Parr!

It seems the only person involved that I have no knowledge of outside of our meeting at call backs is our Aragon actress, but that's part of the fun, getting to know new people. What will be interesting and new though will be seeing how the script works out as it seems there are essentially four (well five but there's no access to the Broadway revisions) main scripts for Six and we'll just read through each one in the next two days and the final script with be Frankensteined from that based on the principle cast and what fits each of us best.

Taking the unexpected nature of live theatre where anything can happen to new levels.

Jan. 4th, 2020




On one hand it’s really sweet that one of my mom’s friends sent Kurt a late Christmas. If was definitely not what any of us were expecting in that Amazon box since apparently Daddy and I are both waiting on orders to come in, but Kurt would look really cute in that little outfit.

On the other hand I am super annoyed at my mom because she is still sharing information about him with people I don’t know over the internet despite my repeatedly asking her to stop. And now giving them my address! To make it even worse when I tried to talk to her about it she didn’t understand why I was making such a big deal out of her giving my address to one of her Facebook friends who she’s gotten to know really well since the woman first commented on one of her pictures SIX MONTHS AGO!

She’s never met this woman in person but she’s giving her my home address and Kurt’s sizes. And won’t see why this could possibly bother me.

Got an opening?

I think she needs to be cut out of Kurt’s life for awhile. And mine. Until she can respect my boundaries. I don’t want her picking Kurt up or getting any information about him. Please?

Dec. 12th, 2019




Opening night is next Saturday, and I am so pumped for it! I've given out my free tickets already, but if you'd like to come see me as Ella Woods, I'd love to see all of you there. You can get them from the Chapman University website, or at the Uni itself. The show starts 8 pm!

Nov. 8th, 2019




Are stores in more of a hurry to start pushing Christmas at us than normal, or is that just me? I went to see if they had anything good still left on Clearance from Halloween (no, I'm not hoarding costume pieces despite being able to disguise myself as anything I want. What are you talking about?), and the whole section was already Santa and reindeer. I asked someone that worked there if they had just moved what was left, and apparently they donated it all yesterday? It's only been a week...

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I really can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday this year than starting rehearsing the part of Elle Woods! I am still in disbelief I got the lead role, and rehearsals today were absolutely amazing. I'm exhausted in the absolute best of ways!

Oct. 14th, 2019




I woke up this morning with a mandrake leaf in my mouth. Let me tell you, that is not a fun experience. I'm pretty sure I very nearly died. Aside from the choking hazard, this is vile tasting.

And, according to my dreams, I'm probably going to have to keep it there for at least an entire month. Sorry, luv.

Oct. 2nd, 2019




So. Whatever that was I felt this morning not only woke me up, I transformed into Sailor V out of instinct and ran into the main area of the house. Where Alice's dad was. I didn't know what to say when he asked why I was dressed so weird, but he decided to roll with it. I guess people outside the network really don't pay much attention to the weird stuff that happens here, do they?

That being said, is everybody okay?

Sep. 28th, 2019




We just found out what musical we're going to be doing at Uni this year, and it's based on one of my favorite movies! I am definitely going to be trying out for the main character, so everyone please wish me luck? Mom will finally get to see me as a law student, even if it's on stage. Elle Woods! I mean, if I get the part. I shouldn't get ahead of myself before auditions even start. But still, Legally Blonde the Musical! I'm super excited.

Sep. 23rd, 2019




We wrapped up filming on Byron's Trinity days today, and my bear costar's handler came up to me at the end of the day and asked if I was still interested in taking her home with me, since we'd bonded so much during filming. She actually has reached the point where she'll eat right out of my hand, which is absolutely adorable to me and apparently terrifying to everyone who sees it. He didn't think she'd be as good on any future films because of it. We worked it out for me to have all the proper paperwork, and since my house is pretty far from any neighbors it worked out for me to bring her home today.

This is Winie.

Sep. 1st, 2019




I joked when I came out to my parents, give it a few months and I'll be asked why I don't have a boyfriend OR girlfriend. Because Mom's a housewife and I'm her biggest hobby.

Guess who just got asked "Have you met any cute boys or cute girls yet this year?" You get three guesses, and the first two don't count. She even suggest I cook for them... and do what? Impress them by being the first person to blow up a stove by trying to boil water? I don't have TIME to date. I've got a job, I'm doing a double major, I've got tryouts for the next musical our uni does before long... What free time do I have for anyone? No matter how cute? I mean if someone cute falls into my lap, they fall into my lap. But I've got stuff to accomplish and that's kind of more important right now? Until then, my free time is devoted to practicing, sports, and trying to play through my Steam library.

Aug. 28th, 2019




This is potentially an unpopular musical opinion, but I'm sitting here watching Grease 2 on tv, and I always thought it was kind of underrated. I don't know, Cool Rider is kind of catchy, and the leads were both really hot... I can understand it not being as iconic as the original, but I never thought it deserved to be as universally hated as it seems to be.

Aug. 18th, 2019



Drunk text meant for Korra and instead broadcast to the network

There si agod and I'm sleping with her

(ooc: some of the comments are a little risque for work)

Aug. 14th, 2019




So, it's been awhile since I had a Dream. You would think that time would have made me forget what a dumbass my 13 year old dreamself is, right? But no. No it has not.

After the last fiascos, my talking cat has banned me from listening to idol music. Despite this, I went and snuck out to go to a concert. How did I sneak out at 13? I don't know. Why am I taking orders from a cat? That's just the nature of cats, I'm not gonna question it. And he does have a point. The boy band I went to go see, The Dark Guys, does belong to the same record company as the singers that turned out to be monsters in my other dreams. But does 13 year old me admit he has a point? Nope, because 13 year old me does not learn her lessons.
Not filtered, just cut for length )

Jul. 27th, 2019




"Did you know your roots are showing?"

That's an interesting question. I mean, I've only been bleaching my hair since middle school. Given I'm college age now, you would think this means I know how hair color works. But thank you, kind stranger, for taking it upon yourself to comment on my appearance and tell me something that is clearly obvious only to you. I never would have known there was half an inch of black hair connected to my scalp had you not pointed it out to me. It couldn't be that I was waiting on doing something about it for a reason. Say, deciding to wait until just before school started back so it would be looking at it's best for my first day of classes.

Since you were so helpful to me, should I repay the favor? I mean the fact you're about thirty pounds overweight, balding, have a large zit right between your eyes, and your shirt is buttoned completely wrong are all completely things you'd never know without me pointing them out. I mean, that's just being helpful isn't it? You wouldn't know if I don't point it out to you.

But that's not the way I was raised, and I believe in giving someone a second chance before destroying them completely. So you're welcome for telling you about the shirt.

Jul. 19th, 2019




I am getting super annoyed with spam bots blowing my phone up. No matter how many numbers I block, there's still just as many each day as there was the last. Part of me wants to just keep my phone on silent to avoid them, but what if it's my parents, my boss, Alice, people I actually want to talk to?

And why do they have to blow my phone up when I'm trying to sleep? I have a month left of vacation before I go back to working towards two degrees. I'm not blowing your phones up in the middle of...

...You know what, is anyone here good at hacking? So we could figure out who owns these spam bots and give them the same wakeup calls?

Jul. 14th, 2019




No wallowing. No wallowing. I'm not going to. It's not what he'd have wanted. For any of us to do. I just have to act like everything's okay right now. I just have to...act. Keep August 2nd clear if you want to see Rock of Ages on opening night at [Theater Name]! We'll be running through mid-October so if you don't get a ticket for our opening weekend you'll have plenty of time to come and see the show!

[Private to Marguerite Blakeney]

I really can't thank you enough for all of your help in putting me in touch with your choreographer friend. Working with her made it so much more comfortable for me and easier to learn the routine and the suggestions she made really improved it so I honestly can't wait until opening night to see how everybody responds to it. Mostly that creep though if I'm being completely honest.

[Private to Minako and Logan]

I already arranged for tickets to be held for both of you and Daddy they'll be waiting at the box office whichever night you want to come.

Jul. 8th, 2019




So I have a question for all the dreamers out there. Okay wow that sounded like some really crappy thing a radio DJ would say but hey go with the flow.

How do you generally deal with stuff from the dreams turning up here? Like actual things? Things that were not there before you went to sleep?

Jun. 13th, 2019




So, this being pride month? I finally came out to my parents. Subtle has never been my middle name, so standing there in the kitchen like a neon light while I went to drop off some things we borrowed was the very most me way to do it. It took Mom a few minutes to get what my shirt said, and dad even longer. She pretty much had to spell it out for him while I stood there nervous.

We had a long talk about what it meant, was I sure, was that Skeeter article from way back when right (ew Mom, no. Alice has always been family and Logan practically is now as well), and just generalized worry for me. But in the end, they understood and accepted me. And I am so so relieved. I've been keeping this a secret from them for so long. And they love me just as I am.

Not sure how the short skirted super hero talk will go, but that's for another time. Like. Maybe when I'm 30?

And I know I'm lucky and that's not how every one's parents have reacted. Still react even now in 2019. But I am so happy I told them, and I only wish I didn't hide it for so long.

Jun. 8th, 2019




Well I’ve always said that the only way I’ll do a biopic is playing either Lord Byron or Oscar Wilde since I am an enormous fan of both of these men. Both for their work and the fact that they lived their lives exactly they wanted, which is something I aspire to myself as anyone who’s met me can tell you is true. We’re going to start shooting the movie in a couple of months here in California and I’ll be playing the one and only Lord Byron. I do wonder what they’re going to do when it comes to the bear though because that's one of my conditions on the project - the bit with the bear has to be there.

Jun. 6th, 2019




I am never going to get used to having an alarm at the house. I’ve set it off every night this week coming in from rehearsal. And without knowing what time I’ll be home I can’t ask for the alarm not to be turned on. Especially since I know I’d probably forget to arm it myself when I came in.

Jun. 3rd, 2019




If I ever suggest using probability magic someone please slap some sense into me because clearly I’ll have lost my mind after seeing how effective it is in my Dreams. I never want to dream my death ever again. Especially not over and over showing what’s going to happen if we follow this path over that one. But we don’t find a way that didn’t lead to us all dying - going to Fillory and killing the Beast. But in order to do it we have to learn battle magic and since it’s not taught at Brakebills and there are no books on it in the library, we resort to the spells that the hedge witches use. Which is even more dangerous than regular battle magic would be. What could possibly go wrong with that?

In order to master it we have to get rid of our emotions because they could distract us and we put them in these bottles to store until after we’re done, which drinking them is quite possibly the best high I’ve ever had here or there and it led to me sleeping with Margo and Quentin Q another one of our friends whose girlfriend was not at all happy the next morning at finding the three of us in bed together.

When I woke up the bottle I used was on the bed between me and Felix. I'm pretty sure I want to hold onto this particular gift even less than I did the books.

May. 28th, 2019




Well it turns out that I can still be surprised by my clients and their requests. They want a costume party/BBQ for the Fourth of July. And while I normally hate the idea of costumes except for Halloween from what we’ve talked about so far I can’t say I actually hate this one.

May. 26th, 2019




Sort of forgot this network existed. Decided to take up archery. Apparently I'm "naturally gifted". I think it might just be a Dream thing...is that cheating? Should I bother doing this?

May. 23rd, 2019




No. Absolutely not. I refuse to spend anymore time than absolutely necessary with the Rock of Ages choreographer. I signed on to play Sherrie in the show not to have someone trying to grope me while "correcting my position for the move." I get that it's easier to do it by moving me physically but if my hips aren't right - there is absolutely no reason for your hands to be on my boobs. And there is never a reason for you to be practically cupping them.

And now I'm supposed to agree to "private sessions" to get the number that Sherrie does at the club perfect? No that's not happening. In fact if I can find a way to - I'll find someone else to help me get more relaxed and less wooden when dancing on a pole. And if I can't find anyone else? I'll bribe someone to come to the sessions with me if I have to. Even if they're just going to be sitting off to the side watching.

May. 14th, 2019




His name is Chicken

cut for image )

May. 10th, 2019




Oh for Christ's sake people learn to read contracts before you sign them. Read not skim. I did not go to the trouble of filling the thing out WITH YOU to make sure everything you wanted for your event was in there and telling you four times that the deposit was nonrefundable and that I needed 72 hours notice for a cancellation. 72. Not 24. Not 36. 72. Minimum. Because I have to contact everyone that I hired and signed contracts with for your event and cancel them.

And I paid those deposits out of the deposit you gave me. Also even with you cancelling? I've put in a number of hours organizing this that I could have spent on other clients. Clients that didn't call on a Friday night to cancel their Saturday party. At 9 on Friday night actually. As I'm getting ready to go out myself. So thanks for being an inconsiderate asshole and ruining my night by not following the contract and calling earlier.

And even after I reminded you of the contract you signed and emailed it to you again so that you could read it over again and see I wasn't, as you put it, "bullshitting to keep the money", you still want a refund of your deposit in full? No. I don't work for free any more than you do. Go ahead and have your lawyers contact me. I'll show them the contract that you signed with me stating that you understood my policies.

I took the flask back. I have a feeling I'm going to need it the next few days.

Next buy's on me darling. I needed it after that call.

I'll leave their papers in your desk just in case their lawyers do show up so you can give them a paper copy. If they call - just send it on over to my phone. This is one customer you don't need to protect from me with their idiocy. They've more than earned anything I say to them.

May. 5th, 2019




While I will never not hate that woman in my dreams I do have to say she has pretty good taste in gifts. Even if they are meant to just get rid of me so she can get her claws in my date - Justine. She gave me a condo in Hawaii and a plane ticket though. I do wonder though since I woke up to find the deed to the condo on the bed beside me, is it mine here?

May. 4th, 2019




When I first woke up and saw the porgs everywhere around our house, I thought that Daddy had just gone overboard for my birthday. And then I realized that they were alive and hopped on here to see where everybody else was talking about them being around their houses too. Which means that for once Orange County decided to give us something cute and not lethal as a surprise for us and I love it!

Mina and I decided to keep one of ours and named him Porky Porg. Kurt loves him already - and really loved the frosting on my birthday cake earlier today until it was time to get the frosting off of him.




This... is not the way I meant to be spending my best friend's birthday, with a space penguin infestation. How many of these things ARE there?

You, wearing my Columbia hat? You're cute, you can stay. But you over there with my transformation pen? You've overstayed your welcome. Give that back before I kick your feathery butt!

Apr. 25th, 2019




Well looks like I'll be in the hotel for the foreseeable future - the insurance agents finally were able to get out to look over my house at a time that worked for me and the landlord both, because I don't trust him poking through my things without me there and wanted to hear what was said myself. The house is going to need repairs before anyone can live there again, and if I understood all of what got said not just due to the earthquakes so looks like even when the repairs are finished I'll be house hunting which honestly I probably should have done before now I just kept putting it off.

The only bad part in all of this is the sheer amount of clothing and shoes I lost thanks to that beast and it's followers. Not to mention the makeup palettes.

[Private to Liv]

I couldn't interest you in another shopping day by any chance could I?

[Private to Weiss]

How'd you fare in all of this lovely?

Apr. 24th, 2019




How many vacations can I get away with taking in one year? I work for myself so I don't have to clear it with a boss and my assistant is more than capable of handling the phones and keeping things on track once the contract is signed and all the vendors have been hired. Doomsayers, dragons, all of that I can handle. An earthquake damaging the buildings around my office before we get to move in and my best friend's boyfriend almost dying ending up in the hospital in the same week is pushing my limits.

Apr. 16th, 2019




I’m absolutely and completely blaming/thanking Mina for this. I heard that they were doing a summer run of the show Rock of Ages out here and holding open auditions and thought it might be fun to go and try out. I really wasn’t expecting to get a call back because there were amazing women with a lot more experience than me performing on a stage but they want me to play Sherrie! I’m kind of equal parts terrified and excited because this is a lot bigger than playing a Heather on campus was. And I won’t get to spend half the performance in pajamas as a ghost.

I refuse to allow those people talking about the end of the world to ruin my excitement over this! Even if I am going to put off going out and celebrating until after those...things are gone. And the sky is a normal color again.

Apr. 10th, 2019




Does anyone want an old Nintendo? Grandpere found it in their attic when they were getting their summer house ready and sent it to Maman and I but I won't actually ever play it. They sent some games too and it still powers on to play them but I don't want it sitting in the house just taking up space.

Apr. 8th, 2019




Oh I’m so going to have to pay my brother back. And he knows it. He decided to send me a random gift which would generally be a nice thing. I thought so until I opened it. Do you want to know what I found in the box? A giant stuffed kangaroo. He knows how much I hate those damn things. They’re creepy as hell!

Anyone have suggestions of a gift I could send him in return? The more horrific and scarring the better.

Apr. 1st, 2019




Thank you unnamed janitor at the university. I wasn’t even thinking that the pool of water outside of the bathroom in the drama department was urine until you made a point of saying that it wasn’t. Now all I can think is thank God I wore boots today because I had to walk through it in order to get to my professor's’ office. And wondering where I can take these to get them cleaned just in case the janitor was wrong.




The day of fools, or, the day I can post the most outlandish tales from my dreams and no one would believe me.

So instead, how about three truths and a lie, and you can guess which one is the lie.

There's an alternate universe where we're all dinosaurs. One of my best friends is a dragon. Logan is good with babies. I've got a dual citizenship with the UK.

Mar. 25th, 2019




Alright, so I’m thinking that there has to be something to that whole phone addiction thing that people keep throwing around. I had the weirdest dream last night, and considering some of the other dreams I’ve had since moving here that is definitely saying something. But this one - was all about my phone. I was sitting in some doctor’s office looking room, just scrolling through some website on my phone when this random redhead woman comes stomping over to me, snatches it from me, throws it to the floor, and stomps on it. Breaking it in half. And that was when I woke myself up crying. Over my phone being broken in a dream. I would give it to my new assistant to hold onto but… how would I text my boyfriend randomly to spice up his work day?

Mar. 18th, 2019




Wasn't in my welcome packet but I decided to check this place out anyway. Seems its where all the cool kids are hanging out, or something.

Mar. 16th, 2019




Okay, I don't mind the weird fairytale like dream I just had. But seriously, being banished just because I didn't invite your daughter to my birthday party is a bit excessive. Especially since I'm only 6 years old.

But what I do mind is waking up to my damn hair being blue now!

Mar. 11th, 2019




Well… it’s always fun to find out that everyone thinks there’s something wrong with me in my Dreams. A glass broke out of nowhere while Margo and I were sitting in the common room of the Cottage, so of course everyone starts worrying, and they have to bring the Professor to look at me. She gives me a clean bill of health but in a surprising twist - she thinks something is going on with Margo’s life force being drained because a wine glass shatters when set next to her. They want to know if she’s been involved in any sort of unprotected rituals lately, and it seems that she has.

I’m stoned out of my mind but decide to go with her, anyway, to talk to the guy she suspects. When we get there we find that he’s made a golem of her, a Margolem. Who honestly is a lot of fun to do drugs with in the Dreams. Margo says she wants to destroy her, so we take her back to Brakebills with us and I end up kissing the Margolem, and that’s when I find out that she changed her mind about destroying it because Margo walks in the room. I think the Professor is wrong about me though - there’s something wrong with me.

[Private to Margo]
How you doing Bambi?

[Private to Felix]
Promise me if I start acting really not like myself you’ll find a solution, a way to fix me and whatever’s broken.

Mar. 3rd, 2019




There's this brilliant sport in my Dreams called Quiddich, where the general gist of it is that you fly around on broomsticks, attempt to dodge the bludgers, score with the quaffle, and attempt to catch the snitch. Dead simple. I'm a Chaser in the dreams - so one of the blokes who attempts to score with the quaffle.

Anyway, I was driving past the park today, and imagine my surprise when I saw a bunch of muggles running around throwing balls at one another with broomsticks between their legs. Apparently there is a muggle version of Quidditch. I had no idea this existed! My Dream self sure didn't know about Quidditch, though I suppose he doesn't spend much time with muggles. Though, you'd think that some of the muggle-borns would have mentioned it. Maybe they were just embarrassed since it doesn't hold a candle to wizard Quidditch.

Still fun though.

Feb. 25th, 2019




I should be doing homework for my classes. And instead? I'm watching a grown woman on youtube bathe in a gigantic bag of tea while she answers questions from her fans. What is even my life?

More important question, what is even her life?




So in my dreams apparently high school theater is so cut-throat that an understudy attempted to drug the lead so she could take over the role. I may have discovered Victoria was trying to drug Rachel's tea so I switched the cups when Victoria wasn't looking and oops she drugged herself. Serves her right for being a stuck up bitch and trying underhanded means of getting the lead role in The Tempest.

I'm now getting annoyed by these stupid dreams because they are literally just like my real life with like, a couple minor changes. No dragons or magic or anything like that. Just the same bullshit I lived through here. What's even the point of these stupid dreams if they're just the same as what I lived through here?

Feb. 21st, 2019




Second time this month I've had someone throw a brick through my window. I'm not sure why people think that'd scare me. It just pisses me off that I have to keep replacing my window.

Feb. 20th, 2019




So apparently the French Fencing Federation is now adding lightsabers to their list of accepted weapons in duels. I didn't realize lightsabers were that popular outside of the movies.

Feb. 16th, 2019




Okay so generally Daddy takes care of the repairs to this house but I don't think he'd be too happy about Mina and I leaving it until he gets back next week. Anyone on here know of a company that won't completely rip us off in getting our backdoor replaced by Monday?

Jan. 28th, 2019




RENT Live was every bit as amazing as I hoped it would be. I'm not crying, I swear. My eyes are just leaking.

Jan. 2nd, 2019




I’m going to give myself the next two months off. With the exception of a couple days in England with Margo and my boyfriend to visit his family for Christmas, I’ve been working non-stop since Halloween and I deserve a break so that I don’t go completely insane. Plus Gerald would probably like not being alone all day for a while. At least having someone to help him stay warm during the day.

I have every intention of taking advantage of my vacation to spoil you when you’re home to make up for all the crap lately that’s kept me too busy and distracted to do it right. And it just occurred to me...I’ve scheduled my vacation to cover Valentines Day. Imagine that. Completely by accident.

Any chance you’ll be ready to start March 1st? Answer emails for me and help get supplies when I need you too? I’m finding myself more and more in need of someone keeping me from telling these entitled shits how ridiculous they’re being in their last second demands. Or at least help me not say that so bluntly. I do still love my job and as annoying as the clients are at times I do need their money.