
November 5th, 2020




These dreams are going to drive me to drink. The kid I tortured in the last one? Seemed like he slipped the cuffs and went on the run. Only he had help. Shane, the wild card in our group, took him out and killed him. Snapped his neck. And he turned. Without getting bit. I got no explanation for that. Shane led us on a wild goose chase to find the prisoner, knowing full well he was dead. Glenn and me, we were tracking the kid. When we found him, it didn't take long to figure it out. Shane was luring Rick out alone so he could kill him. We heard the gun shot, and that's when I woke up.

If Rick's dead, our group will fall apart. Hershel let us move into the farm house, but we're all doomed if Shane tries to take over.




Remind me never to break into a condemned asylum where the patients were used as experiments for a madman. Yeah, that was all kinds of not fun.




Hey, Derek. I know you're not the bad guy now. In the dreams, I mean. Cause obviously you're not the bad guy here in the real world.

I met the Alpha. He looks kind of scrawny to be causing so much trouble.

And I think I'm gonna miss the game. The game where I was first line. Yeah. That kinds of sucks.




Not really my thing, but figure might as well. If I don't then my niece and best friend might actually tease the shit out of me over it.

So, hello. I'm Frank Castle. Nice to meet you.




So I'm back from getting Inari and Emma settled in LA, signing the paperwork for the office space for Raith productions, all those responsible type things. Now to try to convince Kat and Enzo to give me back our bear and talk Harry into moving into the compound with me since I'm not used to living on my own get settled back in my house.


I have a question for you.




I didn't say anything on Halloween when I had the dream, because HALLOWEEN. But WHAT THE HELL DREAMS?!?

That was an intense dream and I hate it already. More than hate it. Like it's... no.




I'm glad that I could amuse my family so much while my phone was being an asshole today. I stand by my assessment of Siri being a bitch even if she did refuse to answer the question as to why she was acting that way.




The dream that I had last night is really messing with me. These dreams are doing that in general. Showing me at different ages. Last one was age 3. This one? Age 10. School and home life wasn't so bad, except for the occasional bullies. I think everyone has those, though.




Sometimes being a nurse is a thankless job. However, I get to come home to my husband and little girl. So, that makes my day so much better.