
October 5th, 2020




More dreams within a dream. I'm starting to earn my place with the carnival. They call me a Roustabout. I do whatever odd jobs need to be done, and at night when the jobs and chores are finished till morning, I get to sleep on the ground under one of the trucks. Jonesy sent me to the baggage trailer, apparently it's supposed to be some kind of wild goose chase initiation thing, because it's not supposed to exist. But I found it, and I went inside. The first trunk I opened had the hat and coat one of the men in my dream-in-a-dream was wearing. There was also a picture of my ma in a cigar box and I kept it. Samson tried to take it, but I wouldn't let him have it. Found out she was Henry Scutter's girl, and when Ruthie showed me a picture of him, I recognised him from my dreams. The hat and the coat in the trunk where I found the picture belonged to him.

I took Samson to where the baggage trailer was, but it wasn't there. I have no explanation for that, because I know I was in there. I'd been inside it. But he insisted there was no baggage trailer, that Jonesy was messing with me by sending me to clean it out. Later, Sophie's mom came to me and said "You're the one" and then she passed out. She's in some kind of trance, she can't move or talk or anything, and Sophie thought I'd taken her from their trailer, but I didn't touch her. And I don't know what she meant when she said I'm the one. I'm the...what?

My dream life is getting more intense, and more confusing. I don't think I like it.




Liz, you brat. You totally jinxed me. I had another dream. Our ten year high school reunion. Fun times.




Why am I dreaming about turning 8 years old, and waking up feeling like I actually lived it.




After a great weekend in Louisiana and running errands all morning.

Fangtasia will soon be under new management! Just a few odds and ends here and there, I will own the bar.

Clearly there will be positions open, new bartender, management, servers.

Anyone looking for a job, come see me!




Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry now have a three pack. Also added to the seasonal cereal: Reeses puff Bats and my cereal fix is almost satisfied. Almost. Gonna need a bigger cereal closet soon. Cerealously.

Looks like I'm minus one roommate/handyman.




Gotta love that California air! Especially at night, but it's the best damn thing I've ever come home to. Other than a pair of punks that are AVOIDING ME! Okay, they're not. They're just going to make me live in this manor all on my lonesome.




I had the strangest thing happen to me earlier. I went to get something to eat after my last class and I was on the phone with my brother while I was eating, just minding my own business. I hang up the phone and almost immediately this girl, who had been sitting nearby, comes over and tells me that I have really perfect teeth. I know I have pretty good teeth, but I've never had a random person come over and tell me that before. So I thanked her and told her I had to go and left.

Has anyone ever had anyone randomly compliment their teeth before?




Anybody who thinks the harbor is the worst smelling place on earth has clearly never been around a creek at lowtide. I forgot how disgusting that smell tastes.