
September 5th, 2020




Well, that's interesting. Looks like my dream self works for a man named Nathan Ford. Wasn't there someone who mentioned him a bit ago?

Either way, it's a bit messed up. My dream self has an interesting way to live.




Felt like I got a memory dump after the last dreams. Sephiroth dropped a meteor on the city, but we managed to stop him and had... help in keeping the damage to a minimum.

Life went on after that, I guess.

Until people started getting sick. It naturally had something to do with everything that had happened to the planet during our fight with Sephiroth.

What happened after that was strange, like a part of Sephiroth had survived and was trying to come back through the people who were sick.

Honestly I keep getting stuck on that instead of the saving the world thing. Almost like saving the world wasn't actually the end.



Network -- Jefferson

Personal Entry )




Gym's finally reopened after the remodel. I'm really excited about it. It feels so much more open and spacious and hopefully inviting to new clients. I'm running a special on new memberships, first month free, months two and three 50% off. Come down and check us out at [Location]. Grand opening celebrations this weekend, with food and games and prizes to be won.




Hey. Pretty awesome. Woke up to the EMF meter from my dreams. The one I made. As long as it continues to not make any noise...I’m good.

Okay so another dream. Sammy and I were investigating something that sounded like the Hook Man urban legend. I get to go find the unmarked grave and dig it up to salt and burn the body while my brother gets to keep an eye on the cute girl. I think I got the crap end of the deal here.

We saved the girl, vanquished the spirit and another case solved. Still not any closer to finding our dad.




...Well that black box brought nothing good in my dreams. I released information - Division secrets - to the public and chaos. I released footage of a United States government ordered assassinations of a public leader. All to locate the remaining black boxes. I definitely didn’t think about consequences of these actions in these dreams but Nikita says that’s because Division teaches you to ignore those consequences. Division framed a CIA agent for what I released. Now we’re on our way to Chile to rescue the guy.

My plan was to release the footage so that Percy had no choice but to call the Engineer in. The Engineer is the one that built and encrypted these boxes. It worked just not in the best way.

Nikita does not like working with a partner. I don’t like playing by their rules. Our rescue mission goes to tell. Division shows up to murder us but we get saved by getting taken into custody by the US Army. Our day keeps getting better and better. 30,000 feet in the air and Division cleaners waiting for us on the ground. So the only way to avoid the cleaners was to jump out.

At least there were no injuries this time. Looks like I’m off to London to search for the Guardian of the next box.