
August 5th, 2020




Nothing like waking up with a black eye to know that my day is going to be a pain in the ass. If I get one more fight club or "being a knock-out is not supposed to be a literal term" crack today, I'm gonna be doing the knocking out.


Slept in today so I didn't get the chance to swing by before work. But you and Chris doing alright?




It's not the money that's making me irritable about this. It's the fact that in order to find out if i want to listen and support your podcast I have to agree to support it financially before listening to the first half of the episode catalog because you moved them to Patreon.




The real reason I don't do other social media than here? Other than not having time to update regularly for followers because I keep myself to busy to even sleep of course - I get way too easily entranced watching celebrity twitter meltdowns.




Trying to wrangle two five year olds and a small dog in a park while also not getting run over by free range children is intense.

Like this should be an extreme sport or something.

I legitimately feel like I need a nap-time of my own now that the terrible twosome and fluffy the maniac are napping, but oh, what is that, work calling.

I was not prepared for this level of exhaustion today.




I woke up this morning to the page from the grimoire, like Elijah promised.

I really did not think Elijah was going to keep his word but he did. I know he’s the one they call the honorable one but in my dreams I’m just used to everyone lying to me. He came back with a spell, a spell of unknotting. He said it would require more control than I thought. It took several tries but eventually I did it. I don’t understand why I’m being taught to control magic that I’m going to lose.




Okay, so I figured out something I can do to kill some time before classes start again. Anyone want to get together and play football or baseball? I was thinking that I probably shouldn't let myself get rusty and I've already let two months go by so I need to get out and make the most of August. So, any takers?