
July 31st, 2020




Wedding 2.0 in a few hours.. This time family and friends could be there.


I can’t wait to marry you. Again.





I saw these and thought of you, so I grabbed them. Do you want to come pick them up or meet for waffles?




These new dreams are getting more interesting, it would seem. Alexander and I went to the Paris Shadow Market to try and get some information about this cult I supposedly started and of course it didn't go quite as planned, but we got some information which led us to take the Orient Express to Venice, which should have been a nice and relaxing trip, but of course we were disturbed by a multitude of demons attacking. I had to be saved by Alec and another warlock named Shinyun Jung, but watching Alec fighting demons, half dressed, that was extremely hot.

I'm going to assume things are not going to get easier once we reach Venice. Nothing ever is easy in these dreams after all.