
July 20th, 2020




Tell me texting any of my exes is a bad idea.

The ones who aren't dream exes anyway. Not that I'd text them anyway they're the Katherine Pryde Low Self-Esteem Pity Party group. I've had better judgement awake than asleep, mostly.

Except the one who turned out gay, he's fine. Of course if he was around this network would be nothing but bad jokes and puns.

Might actually be an improvement.




Dreams are back, which, you know, is always fun.

So we jumped away from the First Order and thought we were safe. But before we can form a plan for what's next, who finds us? Yep. The First Order. We don't even know HOW they can track us through hyperspace but not much time to think about it as we're being attacked. And JUST when you thought it couldn't get any worse - they managed to blow up the command bridge and nearly the entire command structure gets blown out into space - including General Leia.

Only...she survives. Like, the Force or something must have saved her, because she flies herself to a hatch and we bring her in. WHO SURVIVES SPACE???

Then dream me finds the tracker bracelet Leia had that matches the one Rey has and I figure, I'm out, I need to find Rey and peace out of this galaxy for good. But I get stopped by a mechanic named Rose who is totally fangirling over me for some reason who tases me for trying to take an escape pod.

Woke up this morning unable to feel my teeth for about an hour.




My dreams seem to center around cases for myself and the team I work with. It's surreal, l;like some of the cases might have happened before moving here. This newest one dealt with gunshot victim and the only witness is Olinsky's daughter. That has never happened, but Olinsky is one of my father's best friend.

I'm not sure if this just me missing home after seeing them at my wedding...most likely not, though.




...Who had tiktokers try to curse the moon for July's weirdness?




I gotta say my birthday party on Saturday was well worth the hangover yesterday. Good food, good drinks, and good company is really all you need to have a celebration. I also can't complain about the massage and facial earlier in the day, I have never felt so relaxed in a long time.

Think I might need to do a monthly massage now, haha.




Okay, so, like, I'm totally done with being bored this summer.

Party at my place. Friday night. Parents aren't home anyway this week, usually so lame, but I'm gonna take it for what it is this time.

Who's in? Parent's house is in Hollywood, mansion, amazing pool.