
July 19th, 2020




History YouTube can be a dangerous place as it gives me ideas on places where to travel. Both a good thing but with so many options... it can be dangerous in the best way possible.




You know, I got a full eight hours last night and I still woke up fucking exhausted this morning, just because D in my dreams decided to keep me up all night with some sort of horrific adult sex ed class. I'm never going to sleep without nightmares again.

I almost forgot what a massive pain in my ass these dreams are.




"Shut up, Miller, no one's forcing you to watch." Unity Day at its finest, it would seem.

Seems dream me is totally jealous of seeing Clarke and Finn together. She knows how to make bullets too. Or, at least, tearing them open to check the gunpowder.

Also, Finn was defending the grounder. Dream me nearly blew a hand off. Which is where Jasper comes in with a drink and the mention of being a chemist. Some of the bullets were degraded by what he was going off on.

Dream Bellamy needs bullets. Supposedly because Finn's being an idiot. Which means we're following Clarke and Finn, without them knowing that we're following. Well, Finn didn't know at any rate.

Seems Finn made some kind of deal with the grounder that had stabbed him and we'd tortured. So, NOT YAY. There's also horses.

Clarke and this grounder princess or whoever she is end up in some kind of discussion. For peace. Jasper noticed grounders in the trees setting him off, so he shoots first.

If we were trying to stop a war, it didn't work. Not when we're running for our lives back to camp now. Finn's pretty pissed that we didn't trust him. Just... geeze.




Grabbed Monty's moonshine during a major storm, to sterilize medical equipment. Seems like it was a hell of a storm too.

Went to get wires, dream version of my big brother comes in with the grounder who saved me, but he's out for blood. The dream version of my brother, not the grounder.

Big brother is TOTALLY being a dick about the grounder. He's not listening to me and tries to have Miller send me away.

The storm was pretty bad and knocked our asses on the ground.

Won't let Bellamy harm the grounder, Clarke lets him. Which means now I have to watch my big brother torture the grounder all because of Clarke.

So now it's the dream version of Bellamy and Raven torturing the grounder.

Dream me is tired of seeing him get tortured, so she slices open her own arm because she knows that this grounder won't let her die. The grounder actually shows her the antidote. Which means dream me was right.

So, yay for more dream injuries. At least it's already patched up, but still.

There is TOTALLY something up between my dream self and the grounder. Dream me is TOTALLY enamored with the grounder. Also, stupid Miller.




My dreams thought it appropriate to gift me with some floppy disks that, as I understand it, contain some pretty advanced robotics programming - even by today's standards.

I would be pleased with this gift, except for one, small problem: I haven't actually owned a computer with a floppy disk drive since I was eighteen.




More dreams. For starters, took me back to being a little kid playing soccer. The day I met my dream best friend, Vanessa. We both had the same necklace. I definitely don't agree with out pizza choice. Double cheese pepperoni with pineapple and anchovy.

Then there was more back to what seemed to be the present. I don't like this girl Morgan. She's talking about Michael as if he's hers, when I know Vanessa is clearly crushing on him. And when I mentioned Vanessa was going out with him al of a sudden he's such a horrible guy. She just kept making snide remarks. I don't know why Vanessa is so damn nice. She's clearly a bitch. My sister's in my dreams but she's not my sister at all. I don't even know her. I can time travel, my best friend can turn invisible but I just can't believe someone can see into the future?

Oh! And it's pretty cool. I found the watch that I wear in my dreams.




My dreams are not in order. It makes figuring out the patterns, the past and the present, very complicated.

I've already dreamt of my sisters death, and yet now I dream of our fights. It's not surprising she wins, she always wins. Although I do hope it's the last limb that I lose. Attaching things is getting... frustrating.